blob: 52007813e3d45784f63408e5e40c507f47a60d09 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright © 2008-2010 Raphaël Hertzog <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
package Dpkg::Compression::Process;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.00";
use Dpkg::Compression;
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::IPC;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Dpkg::Compression::Process - run compression/decompression processes
This module provides an object oriented interface to run and manage
compression/decompression processes.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item my $proc = Dpkg::Compression::Process->new(%opts)
Create a new instance of the object. Supported options are "compression"
and "compression_level" (see corresponding set_* functions).
sub new {
my ($this, %args) = @_;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
$self->set_compression($args{"compression"} || compression_get_default());
$self->set_compression_level($args{"compression_level"} ||
return $self;
=item $proc->set_compression($comp)
Select the compression method to use. It errors out if the method is not
supported according to C<compression_is_supported> (of
sub set_compression {
my ($self, $method) = @_;
error(_g("%s is not a supported compression method"), $method)
unless compression_is_supported($method);
$self->{"compression"} = $method;
=item $proc->set_compression_level($level)
Select the compression level to use. It errors out if the level is not
valid according to C<compression_is_valid_level> (of
sub set_compression_level {
my ($self, $level) = @_;
error(_g("%s is not a compression level"), $level)
unless compression_is_valid_level($level);
$self->{"compression_level"} = $level;
=item my @exec = $proc->get_compress_cmdline()
=item my @exec = $proc->get_uncompress_cmdline()
Returns a list ready to be passed to C<exec>, its first element is the
program name (either for compression or decompression) and the following
elements are parameters for the program.
When executed the program acts as a filter between its standard input
and its standard output.
sub get_compress_cmdline {
my ($self) = @_;
my @prog = (@{compression_get_property($self->{"compression"}, "comp_prog")});
my $level = "-" . $self->{"compression_level"};
$level = "--" . $self->{"compression_level"}
if $self->{"compression_level"} !~ m/^[1-9]$/;
push @prog, $level;
return @prog;
sub get_uncompress_cmdline {
my ($self) = @_;
return (@{compression_get_property($self->{"compression"}, "decomp_prog")});
sub _sanity_check {
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
# Check for proper cleaning before new start
error(_g("Dpkg::Compression::Process can only start one subprocess at a time"))
if $self->{"pid"};
# Check options
my $to = my $from = 0;
foreach (qw(file handle string pipe)) {
$to++ if $opts{"to_$_"};
$from++ if $opts{"from_$_"};
internerr("exactly one to_* parameter is needed") if $to != 1;
internerr("exactly one from_* parameter is needed") if $from != 1;
return %opts;
=item $proc->compress(%opts)
Starts a compressor program. You must indicate where it will read its
uncompressed data from and where it will write its compressed data to.
This is accomplished by passing one parameter C<to_*> and one parameter
C<from_*> as accepted by B<Dpkg::IPC::spawn>.
You must call C<wait_end_process> after having called this method to
properly close the sub-process (and verify that it exited without error).
sub compress {
my $self = shift;
my %opts = $self->_sanity_check(@_);
my @prog = $self->get_compress_cmdline();
$opts{"exec"} = \@prog;
$self->{"cmdline"} = "@prog";
$self->{"pid"} = spawn(%opts);
delete $self->{"pid"} if $opts{"to_string"}; # wait_child already done
=item $proc->uncompress(%opts)
Starts a decompressor program. You must indicate where it will read its
compressed data from and where it will write its uncompressed data to.
This is accomplished by passing one parameter C<to_*> and one parameter
C<from_*> as accepted by B<Dpkg::IPC::spawn>.
You must call C<wait_end_process> after having called this method to
properly close the sub-process (and verify that it exited without error).
sub uncompress {
my $self = shift;
my %opts = $self->_sanity_check(@_);
my @prog = $self->get_uncompress_cmdline();
$opts{"exec"} = \@prog;
$self->{"cmdline"} = "@prog";
$self->{"pid"} = spawn(%opts);
delete $self->{"pid"} if $opts{"to_string"}; # wait_child already done
=item $proc->wait_end_process(%opts)
Call B<Dpkg::IPC::wait_child> to wait until the sub-process has exited
and verify its return code. Any given option will be forwarded to
the C<wait_child> function. Most notably you can use the "nocheck" option
to verify the return code yourself instead of letting C<wait_child> do
it for you.
sub wait_end_process {
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
$opts{"cmdline"} ||= $self->{"cmdline"};
wait_child($self->{"pid"}, %opts) if $self->{'pid'};
delete $self->{"pid"};
delete $self->{"cmdline"};
=head1 AUTHOR
Raphaël Hertzog <>.