blob: 748f16cc41ab1e825a66876ced2b0336923ec55d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* dpkg-split - splitting and joining of multipart *.deb archives
* queue.c - queue management
* Copyright © 1995 Ian Jackson <>
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <compat.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dpkg/i18n.h>
#include <dpkg/dpkg.h>
#include <dpkg/dpkg-db.h>
#include <dpkg/dir.h>
#include <dpkg/buffer.h>
#include <dpkg/options.h>
#include "dpkg-split.h"
* The queue, by default located in /var/lib/dpkg/parts/, is a plain
* directory with one file per part.
* Each part is named “<md5sum>.<maxpartlen>.<thispartn>.<maxpartn>”,
* with all numbers in hex.
static bool
decompose_filename(const char *filename, struct partqueue *pq)
const char *p;
char *q;
if (strspn(filename, "0123456789abcdef") != MD5HASHLEN ||
filename[MD5HASHLEN] != '.')
return false;
q = nfmalloc(MD5HASHLEN + 1);
memcpy(q, filename, MD5HASHLEN);
q[MD5HASHLEN] = '\0';
pq->info.md5sum= q;
p = filename + MD5HASHLEN + 1;
pq->info.maxpartlen = strtoimax(p, &q, 16);
if (q == p || *q++ != '.')
return false;
p = q;
pq->info.thispartn = (int)strtol(p, &q, 16);
if (q == p || *q++ != '.')
return false;
p = q;
pq->info.maxpartn = (int)strtol(p, &q, 16);
if (q == p || *q)
return false;
return true;
void scandepot(void) {
DIR *depot;
struct dirent *de;
depot = opendir(opt_depotdir);
if (!depot)
ohshite(_("unable to read depot directory `%.250s'"), opt_depotdir);
while ((de= readdir(depot))) {
struct partqueue *pq;
char *p;
if (de->d_name[0] == '.') continue;
pq= nfmalloc(sizeof(struct partqueue));
pq->info.fmtversion= pq->info.package= pq->info.version= NULL;
pq->info.arch = NULL;
pq->info.orglength= pq->info.thispartoffset= pq->info.thispartlen= 0;
pq->info.headerlen= 0;
p = nfmalloc(strlen(opt_depotdir) + 1 + strlen(de->d_name) + 1);
sprintf(p, "%s/%s", opt_depotdir, de->d_name);
pq->info.filename= p;
if (!decompose_filename(de->d_name,pq)) {
pq->info.md5sum= NULL;
pq->info.maxpartlen= pq->info.thispartn= pq->info.maxpartn= 0;
pq->nextinqueue= queue;
queue= pq;
static bool
partmatches(struct partinfo *pi, struct partinfo *refi)
return (pi->md5sum &&
!strcmp(pi->md5sum,refi->md5sum) &&
pi->maxpartn == refi->maxpartn &&
pi->maxpartlen == refi->maxpartlen);
do_auto(const char *const *argv)
const char *partfile;
struct partinfo *refi, **partlist, *otherthispart;
struct partqueue *pq;
unsigned int i;
int j;
FILE *part;
if (!opt_outputfile)
badusage(_("--auto requires the use of the --output option"));
if (!(partfile= *argv++) || *argv)
badusage(_("--auto requires exactly one part file argument"));
refi= nfmalloc(sizeof(struct partqueue));
part= fopen(partfile,"r");
if (!part) ohshite(_("unable to read part file `%.250s'"),partfile);
if (!read_info(part,partfile,refi)) {
if (!opt_npquiet)
printf(_("File `%.250s' is not part of a multipart archive.\n"),partfile);
m_output(stdout, _("<standard output>"));
return 1;
partlist= nfmalloc(sizeof(struct partinfo*)*refi->maxpartn);
for (i = 0; i < refi->maxpartn; i++)
partlist[i] = NULL;
for (pq= queue; pq; pq= pq->nextinqueue) {
struct partinfo *npi, *pi = &pq->info;
if (!partmatches(pi,refi)) continue;
npi= nfmalloc(sizeof(struct partinfo));
/* If we already have a copy of this version we ignore it and prefer the
* new one, but we still want to delete the one in the depot, so we
* save its partinfo (with the filename) for later. This also prevents
* us from accidentally deleting the source file. */
otherthispart= partlist[refi->thispartn-1];
partlist[refi->thispartn-1]= refi;
for (j=refi->maxpartn-1; j>=0 && partlist[j]; j--);
if (j>=0) {
int fd_src, fd_dst;
int ap;
char *p, *q;
m_asprintf(&p, "%s/t.%lx", opt_depotdir, (long)getpid());
m_asprintf(&q, "%s/%s.%jx.%x.%x", opt_depotdir, refi->md5sum,
(intmax_t)refi->maxpartlen, refi->thispartn, refi->maxpartn);
fd_src = open(partfile, O_RDONLY);
if (fd_src < 0)
ohshite(_("unable to reopen part file `%.250s'"), partfile);
fd_dst = creat(p, 0644);
if (fd_dst < 0)
ohshite(_("unable to open new depot file `%.250s'"), p);
fd_fd_copy(fd_src, fd_dst, refi->filesize, _("extracting split part"));
if (fsync(fd_dst))
ohshite(_("unable to sync file '%s'"), p);
if (close(fd_dst))
ohshite(_("unable to close file '%s'"), p);
if (rename(p,q)) ohshite(_("unable to rename new depot file `%.250s' to `%.250s'"),p,q);
printf(_("Part %d of package %s filed (still want "),refi->thispartn,refi->package);
/* There are still some parts missing. */
for (i=0, ap=0; i<refi->maxpartn; i++)
if (!partlist[i])
printf("%s%d", !ap++ ? "" : i == (unsigned int)j ? _(" and ") : ", ", i + 1);
} else {
/* We have all the parts. */
reassemble(partlist, opt_outputfile);
/* OK, delete all the parts (except the new one, which we never copied). */
partlist[refi->thispartn-1]= otherthispart;
for (i=0; i<refi->maxpartn; i++)
if (partlist[i])
if (unlink(partlist[i]->filename))
ohshite(_("unable to delete used-up depot file `%.250s'"),partlist[i]->filename);
m_output(stderr, _("<standard error>"));
return 0;
do_queue(const char *const *argv)
struct partqueue *pq;
const char *head;
struct stat stab;
off_t bytes;
if (*argv)
badusage(_("--%s takes no arguments"), cipaction->olong);
head= N_("Junk files left around in the depot directory:\n");
for (pq= queue; pq; pq= pq->nextinqueue) {
if (pq->info.md5sum) continue;
fputs(gettext(head),stdout); head= "";
if (lstat(pq->info.filename,&stab))
ohshit(_("unable to stat `%.250s'"),pq->info.filename);
if (S_ISREG(stab.st_mode)) {
bytes= stab.st_size;
printf(_(" %s (%jd bytes)\n"), pq->info.filename, (intmax_t)bytes);
} else {
printf(_(" %s (not a plain file)\n"),pq->info.filename);
if (!*head) putchar('\n');
head= N_("Packages not yet reassembled:\n");
for (pq= queue; pq; pq= pq->nextinqueue) {
struct partinfo ti;
unsigned int i;
if (!pq->info.md5sum) continue;
fputs(gettext(head),stdout); head= "";
printf(_(" Package %s: part(s) "), ti.package);
bytes= 0;
for (i=0; i<ti.maxpartn; i++) {
struct partqueue *qq;
for (qq= pq;
qq && !(partmatches(&qq->info,&ti) && qq->info.thispartn == i+1);
qq= qq->nextinqueue);
if (qq) {
printf("%d ",i+1);
if (lstat(qq->info.filename,&stab))
ohshite(_("unable to stat `%.250s'"),qq->info.filename);
if (!S_ISREG(stab.st_mode))
ohshit(_("part file `%.250s' is not a plain file"),qq->info.filename);
bytes+= stab.st_size;
/* Don't find this package again. */
qq->info.md5sum = NULL;
printf(_("(total %jd bytes)\n"), (intmax_t)bytes);
m_output(stdout, _("<standard output>"));
return 0;
enum discardwhich { ds_junk, ds_package, ds_all };
static void discardsome(enum discardwhich which, const char *package) {
struct partqueue *pq;
for (pq= queue; pq; pq= pq->nextinqueue) {
switch (which) {
case ds_junk:
if (pq->info.md5sum) continue;
case ds_package:
if (!pq->info.md5sum || strcasecmp(pq->info.package,package)) continue;
case ds_all:
internerr("unknown discardwhich '%d'", which);
if (unlink(pq->info.filename))
ohshite(_("unable to discard `%.250s'"),pq->info.filename);
printf(_("Deleted %s.\n"),pq->info.filename);
do_discard(const char *const *argv)
const char *thisarg;
struct partqueue *pq;
if (*argv) {
for (pq= queue; pq; pq= pq->nextinqueue)
if (pq->info.md5sum)
while ((thisarg= *argv++)) discardsome(ds_package,thisarg);
} else {
return 0;