blob: de75335a19c16fab4858cf90ea1dccbf93472809 [file] [log] [blame]
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-14 07:11+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-10-06 03:48+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: SZERVÁC Attila <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian\n"
"Language: hu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Hungarian\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: HUNGARY\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
#: dselect/
msgid "Search for ? "
msgstr "Keresés:"
#: dselect/
msgid "Error: "
msgstr "Hiba:"
#: dselect/
msgid "Help: "
msgstr "Súgó:"
#: dselect/
msgid "Press ? for help menu, . for next topic, <space> to exit help."
msgstr "A ? súgó menüjét adja, a . lép, a <space> kilép a súgóból."
#: dselect/
msgid "Help information is available under the following topics:"
msgstr "Az alábbiakról érhető el súgó:"
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Press a key from the list above, <space> or `q' to exit help,\n"
" or `.' (full stop) to read each help page in turn. "
msgstr ""
"Üss le egy billentyűt a fentiekből, <space> vagy `q' a kilépés,\n"
" a `.' egymás után olvassa a súgó lapjait."
#: dselect/
msgid "error reading keyboard in help"
msgstr "hiba a billentyűzet olvasásakor a súgóban"
#: dselect/
msgid "ioctl(TIOCGWINSZ) failed"
msgstr "ioctl(TIOCGWINSZ) sikertelen"
#: dselect/
msgid "doupdate in SIGWINCH handler failed"
msgstr "doupdate a SIGWINCH kezelőben sikertelen"
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to restore old SIGWINCH sigact"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to restore old signal mask"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to get old signal mask"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to get old SIGWINCH sigact"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to block SIGWINCH"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to set new SIGWINCH sigact"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to allocate colour pair"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to create title window"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to create whatinfo window"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to create baselist pad"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to create heading pad"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to create thisstate pad"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to create info pad"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to create query window"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Keybindings"
msgstr "billentyűk"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid " -- %d%%, press "
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "%s for more"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "%s to go back"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "[not bound]"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "[unk: %d]"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Scroll onwards through help/information"
msgstr "Görgetés előre"
#: dselect/
msgid "Scroll backwards through help/information"
msgstr "Görgetés vissza"
#: dselect/
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "Fel"
#: dselect/
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "Le"
#: dselect/
msgid "Go to top of list"
msgstr "A lista elejére"
#: dselect/
msgid "Go to end of list"
msgstr "A lista végére"
#: dselect/
msgid "Request help (cycle through help screens)"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Cycle through information displays"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Redraw display"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Scroll onwards through list by 1 line"
msgstr "Előre 1 sorral"
#: dselect/
msgid "Scroll backwards through list by 1 line"
msgstr "Vissza egy sorral"
#: dselect/
msgid "Scroll onwards through help/information by 1 line"
msgstr "Előre 1 sorral a súgóban"
#: dselect/
msgid "Scroll backwards through help/information by 1 line"
msgstr "Vissza 1 sorral a súgóban"
#: dselect/
msgid "Scroll onwards through list"
msgstr "Előre a listákon"
#: dselect/
msgid "Scroll backwards through list"
msgstr "Hátra a listákon"
#: dselect/
msgid "Mark package(s) for installation"
msgstr "Csomag(ok) kijelölése telepítésre"
#: dselect/
msgid "Mark package(s) for deinstallation"
msgstr "Csomag(ok) kijelölése eltávolításra"
#: dselect/
msgid "Mark package(s) for deinstall and purge"
msgstr "Csomag(ok) kijelölése eltávolításra és törlésre"
#: dselect/
msgid "Make highlight more specific"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Make highlight less specific"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Search for a package whose name contains a string"
msgstr "Keresés a csomagok neveiben"
#: dselect/
msgid "Repeat last search."
msgstr "Utolsó keresés ismétlése."
#: dselect/
msgid "Swap sort order priority/section"
msgstr "Rendezés elsőbbség vagy szakasz alapján"
#: dselect/
msgid "Quit, confirming, and checking dependencies"
msgstr "Kilépés, megerősítés és függőségek ellenőrzése"
#: dselect/
msgid "Quit, confirming without check"
msgstr "Kilépés, megerősítés ellenőrzés nélkül"
#: dselect/
msgid "Quit, rejecting conflict/dependency suggestions"
msgstr "Kilépés, ütközés/függőségi javaslatok elvetése"
#: dselect/
msgid "Abort - quit without making changes"
msgstr "Elvetés - kilépés változások nélkül"
#: dselect/
msgid "Revert to old state for all packages"
msgstr "Csomagok régi állapotának visszaállítása"
#: dselect/
msgid "Revert to suggested state for all packages"
msgstr "Csomagok javasolt állapotának visszaállítása"
#: dselect/
msgid "Revert to directly requested state for all packages"
msgstr "Csomagok közvetlenül kért állapotának visszaállítása"
#: dselect/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Revert to currently installed state for all packages"
msgstr "Csomagok közvetlenül kért állapotának visszaállítása"
#: dselect/
msgid "Select currently-highlighted access method"
msgstr "Most kiemelt hozzáférési mód kiválasztása"
#: dselect/
msgid "Quit without changing selected access method"
msgstr "Kilépés a választott hozzáférési mód változtatása nélkül"
#: dselect/
msgid "Keystrokes"
msgstr "Billentyűk"
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Motion keys: Next/Previous, Top/End, Up/Down, Backwards/Forwards:\n"
" j, Down-arrow k, Up-arrow move highlight\n"
" N, Page-down, Space P, Page-up, Backspace scroll list by 1 page\n"
" ^n ^p scroll list by 1 line\n"
" t, Home e, End jump to top/end of list\n"
" u d scroll info by 1 page\n"
" ^u ^d scroll info by 1 line\n"
" B, Left-arrow F, Right-arrow pan display by 1/3 screen\n"
" ^b ^f pan display by 1 character\n"
"Mark packages for later processing:\n"
" +, Insert install or upgrade =, H hold in present state\n"
" -, Delete remove :, G unhold: upgrade or leave "
" _ remove & purge config\n"
" Miscellaneous:\n"
"Quit, exit, overwrite (note capitals!): ?, F1 request help (also "
" Return Confirm, quit (check dependencies) i, I toggle/cycle info "
" Q Confirm, quit (override dep.s) o, O cycle through sort "
" X, Esc eXit, abandoning any changes made v, V change status display "
" R Revert to state before this list ^l redraw display\n"
" U set all to sUggested state / search (Return to "
" D set all to Directly requested state n, \\ repeat last search\n"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Introduction to package selections"
msgstr "Bevezetés a csomagválasztásba"
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Welcome to dselect's main package listing.\n"
"You will be presented with a list of packages which are installed or "
"for installation. You can navigate around the list using the cursor keys,\n"
"mark packages for installation (using `+') or deinstallation (using `-').\n"
"Packages can be marked either singly or in groups; initially you will see "
"the line `All packages' is selected. `+', `-' and so on will affect all "
"packages described by the highlighted line.\n"
"Some of your choices will cause conflicts or dependency problems; you will "
"given a sub-list of the relevant packages, so that you can solve the "
"You should read the list of keys and the explanations of the display.\n"
"Much on-line help is available, please make use of it - press `?' at\n"
"any time for help.\n"
"When you have finished selecting packages, press <enter> to confirm "
"or `X' to quit without saving changes. A final check on conflicts and\n"
"dependencies will be done - here too you may see a sublist.\n"
"Press <space> to leave help and enter the list now.\n"
msgstr ""
"Üdv a dselect fő csomaglistájában.\n"
"Miután továbbléptél egy listát látsz a telepített vagy telepítésre elérhető\n"
"csomagokról. Itt a kurzor billentyűkkel mozoghatsz,\n"
"megjelölhetsz csomagokat telepítésre (a + billentyűvel) vagy törlésre (-).\n"
"A csomagok kijelölhetők egyedül vagy csoportban; például először a\n"
"`Minden csomag' soron fogsz állni. A `+', `-' és a többi a kiemelt sor\n"
"összes csomagjára hatással lesz.\n"
"Egyes választások ütközésekhez vagy függőségi gondokhoz vezetnek;\n"
"ekkor megkapod az érintett csomagok al-listáját, így ezek megoldhatók.\n"
"Megkapod a billentyűk listáját és a pontos magyarázatot.\n"
"Több Súgó is elérhető, használd bátran ezeket! - mindig üsd le a `?'-et\n"
"a segítségért.\n"
"A csomagkijelölés végeztével, üsd le az <enter>-t a változások "
"vagy az `X'-et a változások mentése nélküli kilépéshez. Az ütközések és\n"
"függőségek végső ellenőrzése megtörténik - ismét egy listát kapsz.\n"
"Üsd le a <szóköz> billentyűt a súgó elhagyásához és lépj be a listába most!\n"
#: dselect/
msgid "Introduction to read-only package list browser"
msgstr "Bevezetés a csak-olvasható csomag lista böngészésbe"
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Welcome to dselect's main package listing.\n"
"You will be presented with a list of packages which are installed or "
"for installation. Since you do not have the privilege necessary to update\n"
"package states, you are in a read-only mode. You can navigate around the\n"
"list using the cursor keys (please see the `Keystrokes' help screen), "
"the status of the packages and read information about them.\n"
"You should read the list of keys and the explanations of the display.\n"
"Much on-line help is available, please make use of it - press `?' at\n"
"any time for help.\n"
"When you have finished browsing, press `Q' or <enter> to quit.\n"
"Press <space> to leave help and enter the list now.\n"
msgstr ""
"Üdv a dselect fő csomaglistájában.\n"
"Miután továbbléptél egy listát látsz a telepített vagy telepítésre elérhető\n"
"csomagokról. Mivel most jogod a csomagállapotok frissítésére\n"
"csak-olvasható módban vagy. A listában\n"
"a kurzorbillentyűkkel mozoghatsz (lásd a `Billentyűk' súgót), megnézheted\n"
"a csomagok állapotát és információkat olvashatsz róluk.\n"
"Megkapod a billentyűk listáját és a pontos magyarázatot.\n"
"Több Súgó is elérhető, használd bátran ezeket! - mindig üsd le a `?'-et\n"
"a segítségért.\n"
"A böngészés végeztével, üsd le a `Q'-t <enter>-t a kilépéshez.\n"
"Üsd le a <szóköz> billentyűt a súgó elhagyásához és lépj be a listába most!\n"
#: dselect/
msgid "Introduction to conflict/dependency resolution sub-list"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Dependency/conflict resolution - introduction.\n"
"One or more of your choices have raised a conflict or dependency problem -\n"
"some packages should only be installed in conjunction with certain others, "
"some combinations of packages may not be installed together.\n"
"You will see a sub-list containing the packages involved. The bottom half "
"the display shows relevant conflicts and dependencies; use `i' to cycle "
"that, the package descriptions and the internal control information.\n"
"A set of `suggested' packages has been calculated, and the initial markings "
"this sub-list have been set to match those, so you can just hit Return to\n"
"accept the suggestions if you wish. You may abort the change(s) which "
"the problem(s), and go back to the main list, by pressing capital `X'.\n"
"You can also move around the list and change the markings so that they are "
"like what you want, and you can `reject' my suggestions by using the "
"`D' or `R' keys (see the keybindings help screen). You can use capital `Q' "
"force me to accept the situation currently displayed, in case you want to\n"
"override a recommendation or think that the program is mistaken.\n"
"Press <space> to leave help and enter the sub-list; remember: press `?' for "
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Display, part 1: package listing and status chars"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"The top half of the screen shows a list of packages. For each package you "
"four columns for its current status on the system and mark. In terse mode "
"`v' to toggle verbose display) these are single characters, from left to "
" Error flag: Space - no error (but package may be in broken state - see "
" `R' - serious error during installation, needs "
" Installed state: Space - not installed;\n"
" `*' - installed;\n"
" `-' - not installed but config files remain;\n"
" packages in these { `U' - unpacked but not yet configured;\n"
" states are not { `C' - half-configured (an error happened);\n"
" (quite) properly { `I' - half-installed (an error happened);\n"
" installed { `W',`t' - triggers are awaited resp. pending.\n"
" Old mark: what was requested for this package before presenting this list;\n"
" Mark: what is requested for this package:\n"
" `*': marked for installation or upgrade;\n"
" `-': marked for removal, but any configuration files will remain;\n"
" `=': on hold: package will not be processed at all;\n"
" `_': marked for purge completely - even remove configuration;\n"
" `n': package is new and has yet to be marked for install/remove/&c.\n"
"Also displayed are each package's Priority, Section, name, installed and\n"
"available version numbers (shift-V to display/hide) and summary "
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Display, part 2: list highlight; information display"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"* Highlight: One line in the package list will be highlighted. It "
" which package(s) will be affected by presses of `+', `-' and `_'.\n"
"* The dividing line in the middle of the screen shows a brief explanation "
" the status of the currently-highlighted package, or a description of "
" group is highlighted if a group line is. If you don't understand the\n"
" meaning of some of the status characters displayed, go to the relevant\n"
" package and look at this divider line, or use the `v' key for a verbose\n"
" display (press `v' again to go back to the terse display).\n"
"* The bottom of the screen shows more information about the\n"
" currently-highlighted package (if there is only one).\n"
" It can show an extended description of the package, the internal package\n"
" control details (either for the installed or available version of the\n"
" package), or information about conflicts and dependencies involving the\n"
" current package (in conflict/dependency resolution sublists).\n"
" Use the `i' key to cycle through the displays, and `I' to hide the\n"
" information display or expand it to use almost all of the screen.\n"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Introduction to method selection display"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"dselect and dpkg can do automatic installation, loading the package files to "
"installed from one of a number of different possible places.\n"
"This list allows you to select one of these installation methods.\n"
"Move the highlight to the method you wish to use, and hit Enter. You will "
"be prompted for the information required to do the installation.\n"
"As you move the highlight a description of each method, where available, is\n"
"displayed in the bottom half of the screen.\n"
"If you wish to quit without changing anything use the `x' key while in the "
"of installation methods.\n"
"A full list of keystrokes is available by pressing `k' now, or from the "
"menu reachable by pressing `?'.\n"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Keystrokes for method selection"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Motion keys: Next/Previous, Top/End, Up/Down, Backwards/Forwards:\n"
" j, Down-arrow k, Up-arrow move highlight\n"
" N, Page-down, Space P, Page-up, Backspace scroll list by 1 page\n"
" ^n ^p scroll list by 1 line\n"
" t, Home e, End jump to top/end of list\n"
" u d scroll info by 1 page\n"
" ^u ^d scroll info by 1 line\n"
" B, Left-arrow F, Right-arrow pan display by 1/3 screen\n"
" ^b ^f pan display by 1 character\n"
"(These are the same motion keys as in the package list display.)\n"
" Return, Enter select this method and go to its configuration dialogue\n"
" x, X exit without changing or setting up the installation "
" ?, Help, F1 request help\n"
" ^l redraw display\n"
" / search (just return to cancel)\n"
" \\ repeat last search\n"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Type dselect --help for help."
msgstr "A dselect --help adja a súgót"
#: dselect/
msgid "a"
msgstr "e"
# - sas
#: dselect/
msgid "[A]ccess"
msgstr "[E]lérés"
#: dselect/
msgid "Choose the access method to use."
msgstr "Válassz elérési módot"
#: dselect/
msgid "u"
msgstr "f"
#: dselect/
msgid "[U]pdate"
msgstr "[F]rissítés"
#: dselect/
msgid "Update list of available packages, if possible."
msgstr "Frissíti az elérhető csomagok listáját, ha lehetséges."
#: dselect/
msgid "s"
msgstr "v"
#: dselect/
msgid "[S]elect"
msgstr "[V]álasztás"
#: dselect/
msgid "Request which packages you want on your system."
msgstr "Csomagok választása"
#: dselect/
msgid "i"
msgstr "t"
#: dselect/
msgid "[I]nstall"
msgstr "[T]elepítés"
#: dselect/
msgid "Install and upgrade wanted packages."
msgstr "Kért csomagok telepítése, frissítése."
#: dselect/
msgid "c"
msgstr "b"
#: dselect/
msgid "[C]onfig"
msgstr "[B]eállítás"
#: dselect/
msgid "Configure any packages that are unconfigured."
msgstr "Beállítatlan csomagok beállítása."
#: dselect/
msgid "r"
msgstr "l"
#: dselect/
msgid "[R]emove"
msgstr "[L]eszedés"
#: dselect/
msgid "Remove unwanted software."
msgstr "Nem kívánt szoftverek eltávolítása."
#: dselect/
msgid "q"
msgstr "k"
#: dselect/
msgid "[Q]uit"
msgstr "[K]ilépés"
#: dselect/
msgid "Quit dselect."
msgstr "Kilépés a dselect programból."
#: dselect/
msgid "menu"
msgstr "menü"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "Debian `%s' package handling frontend version %s.\n"
msgstr "Debian `%s' csomagkezelő felület %s verzió.\n"
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Ian Jackson.\n"
"Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Wichert Akkerman.\n"
msgstr ""
"Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Ian Jackson.\n"
"Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Wichert Akkerman.\n"
#: dselect/
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or\n"
"later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ez egy Szabad Szoftver; l. a GNU General Public License 2-es vagy nagyobb\n"
"változatát a másolási feltételekért. NINCS garancia.\n"
"L. a %s --licence opciót a szerzői jogi és licenc részletekért.\n"
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "<standard output>"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Usage: %s [<option> ...] [<action> ...]\n"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid ""
" --admindir <directory> Use <directory> instead of %s.\n"
" --expert Turn on expert mode.\n"
" --debug <file> | -D<file> Turn on debugging, sending output to <file>.\n"
" --colour | --color screenpart:[foreground],[background][:attr[+attr+..]]\n"
" Configure screen colours.\n"
msgstr ""
" --admindir <könyvtár> <directory> használata %s helyett.\n"
" --expert Szakértő mód.\n"
" --debug <file> | -D<file> Hibakeresés, kimenet küldése ide: <fájl>.\n"
" --colour | --color képernyőrész:[előtér],[háttér][:attr[+attr+..]]\n"
" Képernyőszínek beállítása.\n"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid ""
" --help Show this help message.\n"
" --version Show the version.\n"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid ""
" access update select install config remove quit\n"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "Screenparts:\n"
msgstr "Képernyőrészek:\n"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "Colours:\n"
msgstr "Színek:\n"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "Attributes:\n"
msgstr "Attribútumok:\n"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "couldn't open debug file `%.255s'\n"
msgstr "sikertelen `%.255s' hibajavító fájl megnyitás\n"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid %s `%s'\n"
msgstr "Érvénytelen %s `%s'\n"
#: dselect/
msgid "screen part"
msgstr "képernyőrész"
#: dselect/
msgid "Null colour specification\n"
msgstr "nincs szín megadva\n"
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "colour"
msgstr "szín"
#: dselect/
msgid "colour attribute"
msgstr "színattribútum"
#: dselect/
msgid "Terminal does not appear to support cursor addressing.\n"
msgstr "Úgy fest, a terminál nem támogatja a kurzorcímzést.\n"
#: dselect/
msgid "Terminal does not appear to support highlighting.\n"
msgstr "Úgy fest, a terminál nem támogatja a kiemelést.\n"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Set your TERM variable correctly, use a better terminal,\n"
"or make do with the per-package management tool %s.\n"
msgstr ""
"Javítsd a TERM változót, használj jobb terminált,\n"
"vagy dolgozz e problémát elkerülő csomagkezelővel: %s.\n"
#: dselect/
msgid "terminal lacks necessary features, giving up"
msgstr "a terminál nem bír a szükséges képességekkel, feladom"
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Move around with ^P and ^N, cursor keys, initial letters, or digits;\n"
"Press <enter> to confirm selection. ^L redraws screen.\n"
msgstr ""
"Mozogj ezekkel: ^P és ^N, kurzor billentyűk, kezdőbetűk vagy számok;\n"
"Üss <enter>-t a választás megerősítéséhez. A ^L frissíti a képernyőt.\n"
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Read-only access: only preview of selections is available!"
msgstr ""
"Csak-olvasható hozzáférésed van: csak a választások előnézete érhető el!"
#: dselect/
msgid "failed to getch in main menu"
msgstr "a főmenü elérése meghiúsult"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unknown action string `%.50s'"
msgstr "ismeretlen `%.50s' művelet sztring"
#: dselect/
msgid "dselect - list of access methods"
msgstr "dselect - elérési módok listája"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "Access method `%s'."
msgstr "`%s' elérési mód."
#: dselect/
msgid "Abbrev."
msgstr "Röv."
#: dselect/ dselect/ dselect/
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Leírás"
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "doupdate failed"
msgstr "frissítés sikertelen"
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "failed to unblock SIGWINCH"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "failed to re-block SIGWINCH"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "getch failed"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Explanation"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "No explanation available."
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"Press <enter> to continue."
msgstr ""
"Üss <enter> -t a folytatáshoz."
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "Press <enter> to continue.\n"
msgstr "Üss <enter> -t a folytatáshoz.\n"
#: dselect/
msgid "<standard error>"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "error reading acknowledgement of program failure message"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "update available list script"
msgstr "elérhetők listáját frissítő parancsfájl"
#: dselect/
msgid "installation script"
msgstr "telepítő parancsfájl"
#: dselect/
msgid "query/setup script"
msgstr "lekérdező/beállító parancsfájl"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "syntax error in method options file `%.250s' -- %s"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "error reading options file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to read `%.250s' directory for reading methods"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "method `%.250s' has name that is too long (%d > %d characters)"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to access method script `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to read method options file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "non-digit where digit wanted"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "EOF in index string"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "index string too long"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "newline before option name start"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "EOF before option name start"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "nonalpha where option name start wanted"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "non-alphanum in option name"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "EOF in option name"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "newline before summary"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "EOF before summary"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "EOF in summary - missing newline"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open option description file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to stat option description file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "failed to read option description file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "error during read of option description file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "error during read of method options file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open current option file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open new option file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to write new option to `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to close new option file `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "unable to install new option as `%.250s'"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "new package"
msgstr "új csomag"
#: dselect/
msgid "install"
msgstr "telepítés"
#: dselect/
msgid "hold"
msgstr "megtartás"
#: dselect/
msgid "remove"
msgstr "eltávolítás"
#: dselect/
msgid "purge"
msgstr "törlés"
#. TRANSLATORS: The space is a trick to work around gettext which uses
#. * the empty string to store information about the translation. DO NOT
#. * CHANGE THAT IN A TRANSLATION! The code really relies on that being
#. * a single space.
#: dselect/
msgid " "
msgstr " "
#: dselect/
#: dselect/
msgid "not installed"
msgstr "nem telepített"
#: dselect/
msgid "removed (configs remain)"
msgstr "eltávolított (a beállítás maradt)"
#: dselect/
msgid "half installed"
msgstr "félig telepített"
#: dselect/
msgid "unpacked (not set up)"
msgstr "kicsomagolt (nincs beállítva)"
#: dselect/
msgid "half configured (config failed)"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "awaiting trigger processing"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "triggered"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "installed"
msgstr "telepített"
#: dselect/
msgid "Required"
msgstr "kötelező - REQ"
#: dselect/
msgid "Important"
msgstr "fontos - IMP"
#: dselect/
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "szokásos - STD"
#: dselect/
msgid "Optional"
msgstr "tetszőleges - OPT"
#: dselect/
msgid "Extra"
msgstr "extra - XTR"
#: dselect/
msgid "!Bug!"
msgstr "!Hiba! - HIB"
#: dselect/
msgid "Unclassified"
msgstr "nem-besorolt"
#: dselect/
msgid "suggests"
msgstr "javaslatként adja ezt:"
#: dselect/
msgid "recommends"
msgstr "ajánlásként adja ezt:"
#: dselect/
msgid "depends on"
msgstr "függ ettől:"
#: dselect/
msgid "pre-depends on"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "breaks"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "conflicts with"
msgstr "ütközik ezzel:"
#: dselect/
msgid "provides"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "replaces"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "enhances"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "Req"
msgstr "Req"
#: dselect/
msgid "Imp"
msgstr "Imp"
#: dselect/
msgid "Std"
msgstr "Std"
#: dselect/
msgid "Opt"
msgstr "Opt"
#: dselect/
msgid "Xtr"
msgstr "Xtr"
#: dselect/
msgid "bUG"
msgstr "bUG"
#: dselect/
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "Broken"
msgstr "Törött"
#: dselect/
msgid "New"
msgstr "Új"
#: dselect/
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Friss"
#: dselect/
msgid "Obsolete/local"
msgstr "Elavult vagy helyi"
#: dselect/
msgid "Up-to-date"
msgstr "Naprakész"
#: dselect/
msgid "Available"
msgstr "Elérhető"
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "Removed"
msgstr "Eltávolított"
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid "Brokenly installed packages"
msgstr "Törötten telepített csomagok"
#: dselect/
msgid "Newly available packages"
msgstr "Legújabb csomagok"
#: dselect/
msgid "Updated packages (newer version is available)"
msgstr "Frissíthető csomagok (újabb változat elérhető)"
#: dselect/
msgid "Obsolete and local packages present on system"
msgstr "Elavult és helyi csomagok a rendszeren"
#: dselect/
msgid "Up to date installed packages"
msgstr "Naprakész telepített csomagok"
#: dselect/
msgid "Available packages (not currently installed)"
msgstr "Elérhető csomagok (most nincsenek telepítve)"
#: dselect/
msgid "Removed and no longer available packages"
msgstr "Visszavont és többé nem elérhető csomagok"
#: dselect/
msgid "Installed packages"
msgstr "Telepített csomagok"
#: dselect/
msgid "Removed packages (configuration still present)"
msgstr "Eltávolított csomagok (a beállítások még megvannak)"
#: dselect/
msgid "Purged packages and those never installed"
msgstr "Törölt és soha nem telepített csomagok"
#: dselect/
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Telepített"
#: dselect/
msgid "Purged"
msgstr "Törölt"
#: dselect/
msgid "dselect - recursive package listing"
msgstr "dselect - rekurzív csomaglista"
#: dselect/
msgid "dselect - inspection of package states"
msgstr "dselect - csomagállapotok vizsgálata"
#: dselect/
msgid "dselect - main package listing"
msgstr "dselect - fő csomaglista"
#: dselect/
msgid " (by section)"
msgstr " (szakasz szerint)"
#: dselect/
msgid " (avail., section)"
msgstr " (elérh., szakasz)"
#: dselect/
msgid " (status, section)"
msgstr " (állapot, szakasz)"
#: dselect/
msgid " (by priority)"
msgstr " (elsőbbség szerint)"
#: dselect/
msgid " (avail., priority)"
msgstr " (elérh., elsőbbség)"
#: dselect/
msgid " (status, priority)"
msgstr " (állapot, elsőbbség)"
#: dselect/ dselect/
msgid " (alphabetically)"
msgstr " (abc-ben)"
#: dselect/
msgid " (by availability)"
msgstr " (elérhetőség szerint)"
#: dselect/
msgid " (by status)"
msgstr " (állapot szerint)"
#: dselect/
msgid " mark:+/=/- terse:v help:?"
msgstr " jelölés:+/=/- rövid:v súgó:?"
#: dselect/
msgid " mark:+/=/- verbose:v help:?"
msgstr " jelölés:+/=/- hosszú:v súgó:?"
#: dselect/
msgid " terse:v help:?"
msgstr " rövid:v súgó:?"
#: dselect/
msgid " verbose:v help:?"
msgstr " hosszú:v súgó:?"
#: dselect/
msgid ""
"The line you have highlighted represents many packages; if you ask to "
"install, remove, hold, etc. it you will affect all the packages which match "
"the criterion shown.\n"
"If you move the highlight to a line for a particular package you will see "
"information about that package displayed here.\n"
"You can use `o' and `O' to change the sort order and give yourself the "
"opportunity to mark packages in different kinds of groups."
msgstr ""
"A sor, amire állsz sok csomagot képvisel; ha telepítesz, eltávolítasz, stb., "
"az minden mutatott kívánalomnak megfelelő csomagra hat.\n"
"Más a helyzet, ha egy bizonyos csomag sorára állsz, ilyenkor az adott "
"csomagra látod a lehető legtöbb információt, például a leírását is.\n"
"Az `o' vagy `O' billentyűvel a rendezést is válthatod."
#: dselect/
msgid "Interrelationships"
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
#, fuzzy
msgid "No description available."
msgstr "nincs róla leírás"
#: dselect/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Installed control file information"
msgstr "telepített ellenőrző adatok ehhez:"
#: dselect/
#, fuzzy
msgid "Available control file information"
msgstr "ellenőrző fájl elérhető verziója ehhez:"
#: dselect/
msgid "There are no packages."
msgstr ""
#: dselect/
msgid "invalid search option given"
msgstr "érvénytelen keresési lehetőség"
#: dselect/
msgid "error in regular expression"
msgstr "hiba a szabályos kifejezésben"
#: dselect/
msgid " does not appear to be available\n"
msgstr " nem tűnik elérhetőnek\n"
#: dselect/
msgid " or "
msgstr " vagy"
#: dselect/
msgid "All"
msgstr "Minden"
#: dselect/
msgid "All packages"
msgstr "Minden csomag"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "%s packages without a section"
msgstr "%s csomagok melyek nincsenek egy szakaszban"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "%s packages in section %s"
msgstr "%s csomagok az alábbi szakaszban: %s"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "%s %s packages"
msgstr "%s %s csomagok"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "%s %s packages without a section"
msgstr "%s %s csomagok melyek nincsenek egy szakaszban"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "%s %s packages in section %s"
msgstr "%s %s csomagok az alábbi szakaszban: %s"
#: dselect/
#, c-format
msgid "%-*s %s%s%s; %s (was: %s). %s"
msgstr "%-*s %s%s%s; %s (volt: %s). %s"
#: dselect/
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Hiba"
#: dselect/
msgid "Installed?"
msgstr "Telepítve van?"
#: dselect/
msgid "Old mark"
msgstr "Régi jelölés"
#: dselect/
msgid "Marked for"
msgstr "Kijelölés erre:"
#: dselect/
msgid "EIOM"
msgstr "EIOM"
#: dselect/
msgid "Section"
msgstr "Szakasz"
#: dselect/
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Elsőbbség"
#: dselect/
msgid "Package"
msgstr "Csomag"
#: dselect/
msgid "Inst.ver"
msgstr "Telep.ver"
#: dselect/
msgid "Avail.ver"
msgstr "Elérh.ver"
#~ msgid "returned error exit status %d.\n"
#~ msgstr "a visszaadott hibaérték: %d.\n"
#~ msgid "was interrupted.\n"
#~ msgstr "megszakítva.\n"
#~ msgid "was terminated by a signal: %s.\n"
#~ msgstr "leállítva az alábbi szignállal: %s.\n"
#~ msgid "failed config"
#~ msgstr "hibával beállított"
#~ msgid "Recommended"
#~ msgstr "ajánlott - REC"
#~ msgid "Contrib"
#~ msgstr "contrib"
#~ msgid "Rec"
#~ msgstr "Rec"
#~ msgid "Ctb"
#~ msgstr "Ctb"
#~ msgid "<null>"
#~ msgstr "<null>"
#~ msgid "description of "
#~ msgstr "csomagleírás:"
#~ msgid "description"
#~ msgstr "leírás"
#~ msgid "currently installed control info"
#~ msgstr "most telepített ellenőrző adatok"
#~ msgid "available version of control info for "
#~ msgstr "ellenőrző adatok elérhető verziója ehhez:"