blob: 81130a70e962a8b916fc0b15c100e18e3de66d8c [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- perl -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
my $no_examples = 4;
my $no_err_examples = 1;
my $no_tests = $no_examples * 5
+ $no_err_examples * 2
+ 26 # countme
+ 13 # fields
+ 1 # regressions
+ 22;
require Test::More;
import Test::More tests => $no_tests;
use_ok('Dpkg::Vendor', qw(get_current_vendor));
my $srcdir = $ENV{srcdir} || '.';
my $datadir = $srcdir . '/t/600_Dpkg_Changelog';
my $vendor = get_current_vendor();
foreach my $file ("$datadir/countme", "$datadir/shadow", "$datadir/fields",
"$datadir/regressions") {
my $changes = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->new(verbose => 0);
open(CLOG, "<", "$file") || die "Can't open $file\n";
my $content = join("", <CLOG>);
cmp_ok($content, 'eq', "$changes", "string output of Dpkg::Changelog on $file");
my $errors = $changes->get_parse_errors();
my $basename = basename( $file );
is($errors, '', "Parse example changelog $file without errors" );
my @data = @$changes;
ok(@data, "data is not empty");
my $str;
if ($file eq "$datadir/countme") {
# test range options
cmp_ok( @data, '==', 7, "no options -> count" );
my $all_versions = join( '/', map { $_->get_version() } @data);
sub check_options {
my ($changes, $data, $options, $count, $versions,
$check_name) = @_;
my @cnt = $changes->get_range($options);
cmp_ok( @cnt, '==', $count, "$check_name -> count" );
if ($count == @$data) {
is_deeply( \@cnt, $data, "$check_name -> returns all" );
} else {
is( join( "/", map { $_->get_version() } @cnt),
$versions, "$check_name -> versions" );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 3 }, 3, '2:2.0-1/1:2.0~rc2-3/1:2.0~rc2-2',
'positive count' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => -3 }, 3,
'negative count' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 1 }, 1, '2:2.0-1',
'count 1' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 1, default_all => 1 }, 1, '2:2.0-1',
'count 1 (d_a 1)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => -1 }, 1, '1.5-1',
'count -1' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 3, offset => 2 }, 3,
'positve count + positive offset' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => -3, offset => 4 }, 3,
'negative count + positive offset' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 4, offset => 5 }, 2,
'positve count + positive offset (>max)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => -4, offset => 2 }, 2,
'negative count + positive offset (<0)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 3, offset => -4 }, 3,
'positve count + negative offset' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => -3, offset => -3 }, 3,
'negative count + negative offset' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 5, offset => -2 }, 2,
'positve count + negative offset (>max)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => -5, offset => -4 }, 3,
'negative count + negative offset (<0)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 7 }, 7, '',
'count 7 (max)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => -7 }, 7, '',
'count -7 (-max)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => 10 }, 7, '',
'count 10 (>max)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ count => -10 }, 7, '',
'count -10 (<-max)' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ from => '1:2.0~rc2-1sarge3' }, 4,
'from => "1:2.0~rc2-1sarge3"' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ since => '1:2.0~rc2-1sarge3' }, 3,
'since => "1:2.0~rc2-1sarge3"' );
$SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub {};
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ since => 0 }, 7, '',
'since => 0 returns all');
delete $SIG{'__WARN__'};
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ to => '1:2.0~rc2-1sarge2' }, 3,
'to => "1:2.0~rc2-1sarge2"' );
check_options( $changes, \@data,
{ until => '1:2.0~rc2-1sarge2' }, 2,
'until => "1:2.0~rc2-1sarge2"' );
#TODO: test combinations
if ($file eq "$datadir/fields") {
my $str = $changes->dpkg({ all => 1 });
my $expected = 'Source: fields
Version: 2.0-0etch1
Distribution: stable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Frank Lichtenheld <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:49:19 +0100
Closes: 1000000 1111111 2222222
fields (2.0-0etch1) stable; urgency=low
* Upload to stable (Closes: #1111111, #2222222)
* Fix more stuff. (LP: #54321, #2424242)
fields (2.0-1) unstable frozen; urgency=medium
[ Frank Lichtenheld ]
* Upload to unstable (Closes: #1111111, #2222222)
* Fix stuff. (LP: #12345, #424242)
[ Raphaël Hertzog ]
* New upstream release.
- implements a
- implements b
* Update S-V.
fields (2.0~b1-1) unstable; urgency=low,xc-userfield=foobar
* Beta
fields (1.0) experimental; urgency=high,xb-userfield2=foobar
* First upload (Closes: #1000000)
Xb-Userfield2: foobar
Xc-Userfield: foobar
if ($vendor eq 'Ubuntu') {
$expected =~ s/^(Closes:.*)/$1\nLaunchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 12345 54321 424242 2424242/m;
cmp_ok($str,'eq',$expected,"fields handling");
$str = $changes->dpkg({ offset => 1, count => 2 });
$expected = 'Source: fields
Version: 2.0-1
Distribution: unstable frozen
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Frank Lichtenheld <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2008 15:49:19 +0100
Closes: 1111111 2222222
fields (2.0-1) unstable frozen; urgency=medium
[ Frank Lichtenheld ]
* Upload to unstable (Closes: #1111111, #2222222)
* Fix stuff. (LP: #12345, #424242)
[ Raphaël Hertzog ]
* New upstream release.
- implements a
- implements b
* Update S-V.
fields (2.0~b1-1) unstable; urgency=low,xc-userfield=foobar
* Beta
Xc-Userfield: foobar
if ($vendor eq 'Ubuntu') {
$expected =~ s/^(Closes:.*)/$1\nLaunchpad-Bugs-Fixed: 12345 424242/m;
cmp_ok($str,'eq',$expected,"fields handling 2");
$str = $changes->rfc822({ offset => 2, count => 2 });
$expected = 'Source: fields
Version: 2.0~b1-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Frank Lichtenheld <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2008 15:49:19 +0100
fields (2.0~b1-1) unstable; urgency=low,xc-userfield=foobar
* Beta
Xc-Userfield: foobar
Source: fields
Version: 1.0
Distribution: experimental
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Frank Lichtenheld <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2008 15:49:19 +0100
Closes: 1000000
fields (1.0) experimental; urgency=high,xb-userfield2=foobar
* First upload (Closes: #1000000)
Xb-Userfield2: foobar
cmp_ok($str, 'eq', $expected, "fields handling 3");
# Test Dpkg::Changelog::Entry methods
is($data[1]->get_version(), "2.0-1", "get_version");
is($data[1]->get_source(), "fields", "get_source");
is(scalar $data[1]->get_distributions(), "unstable", "get_distribution");
is(join("|", $data[1]->get_distributions()), "unstable|frozen",
"Urgency: high\nCloses: 1000000\nXb-Userfield2: foobar\n",
is($data[1]->get_maintainer(), 'Frank Lichtenheld <>',
is($data[1]->get_timestamp(), 'Sun, 12 Jan 2008 15:49:19 +0100',
my @items = $data[1]->get_change_items();
is($items[0], " [ Frank Lichtenheld ]\n", "change items 1");
is($items[4], " * New upstream release.
- implements a
- implements b
", "change items 2");
is($items[5], " * Update S-V.\n", "change items 3");
if ($file eq "$datadir/regressions") {
my $f = $changes->dpkg();
is("$f->{Version}", "0", "version 0 correctly parsed");
skip("avoid spurious warning with only one entry", 2)
if @data == 1;
my $oldest_version = $data[-1]->{Version};
$str = $changes->dpkg({ since => $oldest_version });
$str = $changes->rfc822();
ok( 1 );
$str = $changes->rfc822({ since => $oldest_version });
ok( 1 );
foreach my $test (( [ "$datadir/misplaced-tz", 6 ])) {
my $file = shift @$test;
my $changes = Dpkg::Changelog::Debian->new(verbose => 0);
my @errors = $changes->get_parse_errors();
ok(@errors, 'errors occured');
is_deeply( [ map { $_->[1] } @errors ], $test, 'check line numbers' );