blob: 19a882715bb0e89143c189c8fb0e16b3f657a444 [file] [log] [blame]
* dnode.c - DEC OSF/1, Digital UNIX, Tru64 UNIX node functions for lsof
* Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana
* 47907. All rights reserved.
* Written by Victor A. Abell
* This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
* and Telegraph Company or the Regents of the University of California.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
* any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
* to the following restrictions:
* 1. Neither the authors nor Purdue University are responsible for any
* consequences of the use of this software.
* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
* explicit claim or by omission. Credit to the authors and Purdue
* University must appear in documentation and sources.
* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
#ifndef lint
static char copyright[] =
"@(#) Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation.\nAll rights reserved.\n";
static char *rcsid = "$Id: dnode.c,v 1.23 2006/03/27 20:40:59 abe Exp $";
#include "lsof.h"
* Local definitions
#if ADVFSV>=500
* AdvFS (MSFS) definitions for AdvFS version 5.0 and above.
struct fs_stat { /* file system stat(2) info structure
* for AdvFS 5.0 and above */
unsigned int num; /* node number */
unsigned int d1;
mode_t d2;
uid_t d3;
gid_t d4;
dev_t rdev; /* character or block device number */
off_t size; /* file size */
# if defined(__arch32__)
unsigned int d5;
# endif /* defined(__arch32__) */
time_t d6;
int d7;
time_t d8;
int d9;
time_t d10;
int d11;
unsigned int d12[5];
unsigned short nlink; /* link count */
struct fsContext { /* file system context for AdvFS 5.0
* and above */
short d1[2];
unsigned int d2[2];
long d3;
int d4[2];
lock_data_t d5;
long d6;
simple_lock_data_t d7;
unsigned int d8[2];
long d9;
struct fs_stat st; /* file stats */
struct advfsnode { /* AdvFS (MSFS) node definition for
* AdvFS 5.0 and above */
unsigned long d1;
struct fsContext *a_con; /* context pointer */
#endif /* ADVFSV>=500 */
#if DUV>=50000
typedef struct cnode { /* CFS node structure definition for
* Tru64 UNIX 5.0 and above */
udecl_simple_lock_data(, d1)
unsigned int d2;
time_t d3;
unsigned long d4[3];
# if DUV<50100
int d5[2];
off_t d6;
# endif /* DUV<50100 */
unsigned long d7;
vattr_t c_attr; /* 96:Cached vnode attributes */
} cnode_t;
#endif /* DUV>=50000 */
struct l_lock { /* local lock info */
struct eflock set; /* lock data */
struct l_lock *next;
struct l_flinfo { /* local file lock info */
struct vnode *vp; /* identity of locked vnode */
struct l_lock *lp; /* lock information */
struct l_flinfo *next;
#define L_FLINFO_HSZ 256 /* local file lock information hash
* table size (must be a power of 2) */
#define L_FLINFO_HASH(va) (((int)((long)(va) * 31415L) >> 5) & (L_FLINFO_HSZ - 1))
* Local static variables
static struct l_flinfo **Flinfo = (struct l_flinfo **)NULL;
/* local file lock hash buckets */
static int FlinfoSt = 0; /* Flinfo[] load status */
* Local function prototypes
_PROTOTYPE(static char isvlocked,(struct vnode *vp));
_PROTOTYPE(static int load_flinfo,(void));
_PROTOTYPE(static int readvnode,(KA_T va, struct vnode *v));
_PROTOTYPE(static void get_proc_sz,(struct procnode *pn));
* clr_flinfo() - clear local file lock table information
struct l_lock *lf, *lfn;
int i;
struct l_flinfo *fi, *fin;
if (!Flinfo && !FlinfoSt)
for (i = 0; i < L_FLINFO_HSZ; i++) {
if (!(fi = Flinfo[i]))
do {
if ((lf = fi->lp)) {
do {
lfn = lf->next;
(void) free((FREE_P *)lf);
} while ((lf = lfn));
fin = fi->next;
(void) free((FREE_P *)fi);
} while ((fi = fin));
Flinfo[i] = (struct l_flinfo *)NULL;
FlinfoSt = 0;
* get_proc_sz() - get size of /proc file system file
static void
struct procnode *pn; /* pointer to procnode */
struct vm_map m;
struct proc *p;
KA_T pa;
int px;
struct task t;
* Search for procnode's process by PID.
for (p = Ps, px = 0; px < Psn; p++, px++) {
if (p->p_pid == pn->prc_pid)
if (px >= Psn)
* Get the task structure address, then read the task structure. Set
* the procnode's file size from the memory map information in the task
* structure.
# if DUV<30000
if (!(pa = (KA_T)p->task))
# else /* DUV>=30000 */
if (!(pa = Pa[px]))
pa = (KA_T)((char *)pa - sizeof(t));
# endif /* DUV<30000 */
if (kread(pa, (char *)&t, sizeof(t)))
if (! || kread((KA_T), (char *)&m, sizeof(m)))
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)m.vm_size;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
* isvlocked() - is vnode locked?
static char
struct vnode *vp; /* vnode's kernel address */
struct l_flinfo *fp;
int i, l;
struct l_lock *lp;
if (!Flinfo || !FlinfoSt) {
if (!load_flinfo())
return(' ');
* Hash the vnode address and see if there's a local file lock information
* structure for it.
i = L_FLINFO_HASH(vp);
for (fp = Flinfo[i]; fp; fp = fp->next) {
if (fp->vp == vp)
if (!fp)
return(' ');
* Search the vnode's lock list for one held by this process.
for (lp = fp->lp; lp; lp = lp->next) {
if (lp->set.l_rsys || lp->set.l_pid != (pid_t)Lp->pid)
if (lp->set.l_whence == 0 && lp->set.l_start == 0
&& ((lp->set.l_len == 0x8000000000000000)
|| (lp->set.l_len == 0x7fffffffffffffff)))
l = 1;
l = 0;
if (lp->set.l_type == F_WRLCK)
return(l ? 'W' : 'w');
else if (lp->set.l_type == F_RDLCK)
return(l ? 'R' : 'r');
return(' ');
return(' ');
* load_flinfo() - load local file lock information
static int
struct flino fi;
struct filock fl;
KA_T fif, fip, flf, flp;
int i;
struct l_flinfo *lfi;
struct l_lock *ll;
KA_T v;
if (Flinfo && FlinfoSt)
* Get kernel fids chain pointer.
if (get_Nl_value("fids", Drive_Nl, &v) < 0 || !v
|| kread((KA_T)v, (char *)&fip, sizeof(fip)))
* Define local hash buckets, if necessary.
if (!Flinfo) {
if (!(Flinfo = (struct l_flinfo **)calloc(sizeof(struct flinfo *),
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: can't allocate %d byte local lock hash buckets\n",
Pn, L_FLINFO_HSZ * sizeof(struct l_flinfo *));
* Follow the fids chain.
if (!(fif = fip))
* Follow the filock chain for this fid entry.
* Duplicate it via the lock file lock information hash buckets.
do {
if (kread(fip, (char *)&fi, sizeof(fi)))
if (!(flf = (KA_T)fi.fl_flck))
* Allocate a local file lock information structure for this fid.
if (!(lfi = (struct l_flinfo *)malloc(sizeof(struct l_flinfo)))) {
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: no space for local vnode lock info struct\n", Pn);
lfi->vp = fi.vp;
lfi->lp = (struct l_lock *)NULL;
lfi->next = (struct l_flinfo *)NULL;
* Follow the flino's filock chain, duplicating it locally.
flp = flf;
do {
if (kread(flp, (char *)&fl, sizeof(fl)))
* Allocate a local lock information structure and link it
* to the chain for its vnode.
if (!(ll = (struct l_lock *)malloc(sizeof(struct l_lock)))) {
(void) fprintf(stderr,
"%s: no space for local lock struct\n", Pn);
ll->next = lfi->lp;
lfi->lp = ll;
ll->set = fl.set;
} while ((flp = (KA_T) && flp != flf);
* Link the file lock information structure to its hash bucket.
i = L_FLINFO_HASH(lfi->vp);
lfi->next = Flinfo[i];
Flinfo[i] = lfi;
} while ((fip = (KA_T) && fip != fif);
FlinfoSt = 1;
* process_node() - process vnode
KA_T va; /* vnode kernel space address */
struct advfsnode *a = (struct advfsnode *)NULL;
struct cdnode *c = (struct cdnode *)NULL;
dev_t dev, rdev;
unsigned char devs = 0;
unsigned char rdevs = 0;
struct inode *i = (struct inode *)NULL;
struct mfsnode *m = (struct mfsnode *)NULL;
struct procnode *p = (struct procnode *)NULL;
struct procfsid *pfi;
struct rnode *r = (struct rnode *)NULL;
struct spec_node *s = (struct spec_node *)NULL;
struct spec_node sn;
struct s5inode *s5 = (struct s5inode *)NULL;
char *ty;
enum vtype type;
unsigned long ul;
static struct vnode *v = (struct vnode *)NULL;
struct l_vfs *vfs;
#if DUV>=30000
struct fifonode *f = (struct fifonode *)NULL;
struct fifonode fn;
static struct vnode *fv = (struct vnode *)NULL;
#endif /* DUV>=30000 */
#if DUV>=50000
cnode_t *cn = (cnode_t *)NULL;
struct fsContext fsc;
int fscs = 0;
#endif /* DUV>=50000 */
* Read the vnode.
if (!va) {
enter_nm("no vnode address");
if (!v) {
* Allocate space for the Digital UNIX vnode.
if (!(v = (struct vnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct vnode)-1+Vnmxp))) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for vnode buffer\n", Pn);
#if DUV>=30000
if (!(fv = (struct vnode *)malloc(sizeof(struct vnode)-1+Vnmxp))) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: no space for fvnode buffer\n", Pn);
#endif /* DUV>=30000 */
if (readvnode(va, v)) {
#if defined(HASNCACHE)
Lf->na = va;
# if defined(HASNCVPID)
Lf->id = (unsigned long)v->v_id;
# endif /* defined(HASNCVPID) */
#endif /* defined(HASNCACHE) */
#if defined(HASFSTRUCT)
Lf->fsv |= FSV_NI;
Lf->fna = va;
#endif /* defined(HASFSTRUCT) */
* Get the mount structure and determine the vnode type.
if (!v->v_mount)
vfs = (struct l_vfs *)NULL;
vfs = readvfs((KA_T)v->v_mount);
if (vfs) {
switch (vfs->type) {
#if defined(MOUNT_NFS3)
case MOUNT_NFS3:
#endif /* defined(MOUNT_NFS3) */
Ntype = N_NFS;
if (Ntype == N_REGLR) {
switch (v->v_type) {
case VFIFO:
Ntype = N_FIFO;
* Determine the lock type.
if (FILEPTR && (FILEPTR->f_flag & FSHLOCK))
Lf->lock = 'R';
else if (FILEPTR && (FILEPTR->f_flag & FEXLOCK))
Lf->lock = 'W';
Lf->lock = isvlocked((struct vnode *)va);
* Define the specific Digital UNIX node pointer.
#if DUV>=30000
if (Ntype == N_FIFO) {
if (v->v_fifonode
&& !kread((KA_T)v->v_fifonode, (char *)&fn, sizeof(fn)))
f = &fn;
#endif /* DUV>=30000 */
switch (v->v_tag) {
case VT_CDFS:
c = (struct cdnode *)v->v_data;
#if DUV>=50000
case VT_CFS:
cn = (cnode_t *)v->v_data;
#endif /* DUV>=50000 */
case VT_MFS:
m = (struct mfsnode *)v->v_data;
case VT_NFS:
r = (struct rnode *)v->v_data;
case VT_NON:
#if DUV<20000
if (v->v_specinfo
&& !kread((KA_T)v->v_specinfo, (char *)&sn, sizeof(sn)))
s = &sn;
#else /* DUV>=20000 */
# if DUV>=30000
if (!f)
# endif /* DUV>=30000 */
#endif /* DUV<20000 */
s = (struct spec_node *)v->v_data;
case VT_PRFS:
p = (struct procnode *)v->v_data;
case VT_S5FS:
s5 = (struct s5inode *)v->v_data;
case VT_MSFS:
a = (struct advfsnode *)v->v_data;
#if ADVFSV>=500
if (a->a_con
&& !kread((KA_T)a->a_con, (char *)&fsc, sizeof(fsc)))
fscs = 1;
#endif /* ADVFSV>=500 */
case VT_UFS:
i = (struct inode *)v->v_data;
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "unknown node type, v_tag=%d",
* Get device and type for printing.
type = v->v_type;
if (a) {
if (vfs && vfs->dev) {
dev = vfs->dev;
devs = 1;
if ((type == VCHR) || (type == VBLK)) {
#if ADVFSV>=500
if (fscs) {
rdev =;
rdevs = 1;
#else /* ADVFSV<500 */
rdev = a->a_rdev;
rdevs = 1;
#endif /* ADVFSV>=500 */
} else if (c) {
dev = c->cd_dev;
devs = 1;
#if DUV>=50000
else if (cn) {
if (vfs && vfs->dev) {
dev = vfs->dev;
devs = 1;
if ((type == VCHR) || (type == VBLK)) {
if (cn->c_attr.va_mask & AT_RDEV) {
rdev = cn->c_attr.va_rdev;
rdevs = 1;
#endif /* DUV>=50000 */
else if (i) {
if (i->i_dev) {
dev = i->i_dev;
devs = 1;
} else if (vfs && vfs->dev) {
dev = vfs->dev;
devs = 1;
if ((type == VCHR) || (type == VBLK)) {
rdev = i->i_din.di_db[0];
rdevs = 1;
} else if (r) {
dev = r->r_attr.va_fsid;
devs = 1;
if ((type == VCHR) || (type == VBLK)) {
rdev = r->r_attr.va_rdev;
rdevs = 1;
} else if (s) {
if (vfs && vfs->dev)
dev = vfs->dev;
dev = DevDev;
devs = 1;
rdev = s->sn_vattr.va_rdev;
rdevs = 1;
if (!lkupdev(&dev, &rdev, 0, 0) && HaveCloneMaj)
rdev = makedev(CloneMaj, GET_MAJ_DEV(rdev));
} else if (s5) {
dev = s5->i_dev;
devs = 1;
} else if (f) {
if (vfs && vfs->dev) {
dev = vfs->dev;
devs = 1;
* Obtain the inode number.
if (a) {
#if ADVFSV>=500
if (fscs) {
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE);
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
#else /* ADVFSV<500 */
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE)a->a_number;
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
#endif /* ADVFSV>=500 */
#if defined(HASTAGTOPATH)
* Record the Digital UNIX 4.0 or greater, ADVFS 4.0 or greater
* ADVFS sequence number for later use with tag_to_path().
Lf->advfs_seq = a->a_seq;
Lf->advfs_seq_stat = 1;
#endif /* defined(HASTAGTOPATH) */
} else if (c) {
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE)c->cd_number;
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
#if DUV>=50000
else if (cn) {
if (cn->c_attr.va_mask & AT_NODEID) {
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE)cn->c_attr.va_fileid;
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
#endif /* DUV>=50000 */
else if (i) {
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE)i->i_number;
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
} else if (p) {
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE)((type == VDIR) ? PR_ROOTINO
: p->prc_pid + PR_INOBIAS);
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
} else if (r) {
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE)r->r_attr.va_fileid;
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
} else if (s5) {
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE)s5->i_number;
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
#if DUV>=30000
else if (f) {
Lf->inode = (INODETYPE)f->fn_fileid;
Lf->inp_ty = 1;
#endif /* DUV>=30000 */
* Obtain the file size.
if (Foffset) {
Lf->off_def = 1;
#if DUV>=30000
if (Ntype == N_FIFO && f)
Lf->off = (unsigned long)
(Lf->access == 'r') ? f->fn_rptr : f->fn_wptr;
#endif /* DUV>=30000 */
} else {
switch (Ntype) {
case N_FIFO:
#if DUV>=30000
if (f) {
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)f->fn_size;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
} else if (!Fsize)
Lf->off_def = 1;
#else /* DUV<30000 */
if (!Fsize)
Lf->off_def = 1;
#endif /* DUV>=30000 */
case N_NFS:
if (r) {
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)r->r_attr.va_qsize;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
case N_REGLR:
if (type == VREG || type == VDIR) {
if (a) {
#if ADVFSV>=500
if (fscs) {
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE);
Lf->sz_def = 1;
#else /* ADVFSV<500 */
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)a->a_size;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
#endif /* ADVFSV>=500 */
} else if (c) {
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)c->cd_size;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
#if DUV>=50000
else if (cn) {
if (cn->c_attr.va_mask & AT_SIZE) {
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)cn->c_attr.va_qsize;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
#endif /* DUV>=50000 */
else if (i) {
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)i->i_din.di_qsize;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
} else if (m) {
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)m->mfs_size;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
} else if (p) {
if (type != VDIR)
} else if (s5) {
Lf->sz = (SZOFFTYPE)s5->i_size;
Lf->sz_def = 1;
} else if ((type == VBLK) || (type == VCHR) && !Fsize)
Lf->off_def = 1;
if (Fnlink) {
switch(Ntype) {
case N_FIFO: /* no link count */
case N_NFS:
Lf->nlink = (long)r->r_attr.va_nlink;
Lf->nlink_def = 1;
case N_REGLR:
# if ADVFSV>=400
if (a) {
#if ADVFSV>=500
if (fscs) {
Lf->nlink = (long);
Lf->nlink_def = 1;
#else /* ADVFSV<500 */
Lf->nlink = (long)a->a_nlink;
Lf->nlink_def = 1;
#endif /* ADVFSV>=500 */
# endif /* ADVFSV>=400 */
if (c) {
Lf->nlink = (long)c->cd_nlink;
Lf->nlink_def = 1;
#if DUV>=50000
else if (cn) {
if (cn->c_attr.va_mask & AT_NLINK) {
Lf->nlink = (long)cn->c_attr.va_nlink;
Lf->nlink_def = 1;
#endif /* DUV>=50000 */
else if (i) {
Lf->nlink = (long)i->i_din.di_nlink;
Lf->nlink_def = 1;
} else if (s5) {
Lf->nlink = (long)s5->i_nlink;
Lf->nlink_def = 1;
if (Nlink && Lf->nlink_def && (Lf->nlink < Nlink))
Lf->sf |= SELNLINK;
* Record an NFS file selection.
if (Ntype == N_NFS && Fnfs)
Lf->sf |= SELNFS;
* Save the device numbers and their states.
* Format the vnode type, and possibly the device name.
Lf->dev = dev;
Lf->dev_def = devs;
Lf->rdev = rdev;
Lf->rdev_def = rdevs;
switch (type) {
case VNON:
ty ="VNON";
case VREG:
case VDIR:
ty = (type == VREG) ? "VREG" : "VDIR";
case VBLK:
ty = "VBLK";
Ntype = N_BLK;
case VCHR:
ty = "VCHR";
Ntype = N_CHR;
case VLNK:
ty = "VLNK";
#if defined(VSOCK)
case VSOCK:
ty = "SOCK";
#endif /* defined(VSOCK) */
case VBAD:
ty = "VBAD";
case VFIFO:
ty = "FIFO";
#if DUV>=30000
if ((!devs || !dev) && f) {
vfs = (struct l_vfs *)NULL;
devs = Lf->dev_def = 0;
ul = (unsigned long)v->v_fifonode;
enter_dev_ch(print_kptr((KA_T)(ul&0xffffffff),(char *)NULL,0));
#endif /* DUV>=30000 */
(void) snpf(Lf->type, sizeof(Lf->type), "%04o", (type & 0xfff));
ty = (char *)NULL;
if (ty)
(void) snpf(Lf->type, sizeof(Lf->type), "%s", ty);
Lf->ntype = Ntype;
* Save the file system names.
if (vfs) {
if (vfs->dir && *vfs->dir)
Lf->fsdir = vfs->dir;
if (vfs->fsname && *vfs->fsname)
Lf->fsdev = vfs->fsname;
#if defined(HASFSINO)
if (vfs->fs_ino)
Lf->fs_ino = vfs->fs_ino;
#endif /* defined(HASFSINO) */
* Handle some special cases:
* ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY) files;
* FIFOs (Digital UNIX V3.0 and higher);
* memory node files;
* /proc files.
if (type == VBAD)
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "(revoked)");
if (m) {
devs = Lf->dev_def = Lf->rdev_def = rdevs = 0;
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "%#x", m->mfs_baseoff);
(void) enter_dev_ch("memory");
} else if (p) {
devs = Lf->dev_def = Lf->rdev_def = rdevs = 0;
if (type != VDIR)
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "/proc/%d", p->prc_pid);
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "/proc");
#if defined(HASBLKDEV)
* If this is a VBLK file and it's missing an inode number, try to
* supply one.
if ((Lf->inp_ty == 0) && (type == VBLK))
#endif /* defined(HASBLKDEV) */
* If this is a VCHR file and it's missing an inode number, try to
* supply one.
if ((Lf->inp_ty == 0) && (type == VCHR))
* Test for specified file.
if (p) {
if (Procsrch) {
Procfind = 1;
Lf->sf |= SELNM;
} else {
for (pfi = Procfsid; pfi; pfi = pfi->next) {
if ((pfi->pid && pfi->pid == p->prc_pid)
#if defined(HASPINODEN)
|| (Lf->inp_ty == 1 && pfi->inode == Lf->inode)
#endif /* defined(HASPINODEN) */
) {
pfi->f = 1;
Lf->sf |= SELNM;
} else {
if (Sfile && is_file_named((char *)NULL, (type == VCHR) ? 1 : 0))
Lf->sf |= SELNM;
* Enter name characters.
if (Namech[0])
* readvnode() - read vnode
static int
readvnode(va, v)
KA_T va; /* vnode kernel space address */
struct vnode *v; /* vnode buffer pointer */
if (kread((KA_T)va, (char *)v, sizeof(struct vnode) - 1 + Vnmxp)) {
(void) snpf(Namech, Namechl, "can't read vnode at %s",
print_kptr(va, (char *)NULL, 0));