blob: 345493adabf03c7fc3b41e8a60e046bdc5c5fc1e [file] [log] [blame]
* dstore.c - Solaris global storage for lsof
* Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, Indiana
* 47907. All rights reserved.
* Written by Victor A. Abell
* This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
* and Telegraph Company or the Regents of the University of California.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on
* any computer system, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject
* to the following restrictions:
* 1. Neither the authors nor Purdue University are responsible for any
* consequences of the use of this software.
* 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
* explicit claim or by omission. Credit to the authors and Purdue
* University must appear in documentation and sources.
* 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 4. This notice may not be removed or altered.
#ifndef lint
static char copyright[] =
"@(#) Copyright 1994 Purdue Research Foundation.\nAll rights reserved.\n";
static char *rcsid = "$Id: dstore.c,v 1.23 2010/01/18 19:03:54 abe Exp $";
#include "lsof.h"
* Global storage definitions
#if defined(HAS_AFS)
# if defined(HASAOPT)
char *AFSApath = (char *)NULL; /* alternate AFS name list path
* (from -a) */
# endif /* defined(HASAOPT) */
dev_t AFSdev; /* AFS file system device number */
int AFSdevStat = 0; /* AFSdev status: 0 = unknown;
* 1 = known */
int AFSfstype = -1; /* AFS file system type index */
KA_T AFSVfsp = (KA_T)NULL; /* AFS vfs struct kernel address */
#endif /* defined(HAS_AFS) */
struct clone *Clone = NULL; /* clone list */
major_t CloneMaj; /* clone major device number */
* Drive_Nl -- table to drive the building of Nl[] via build_Nl()
* (See lsof.h and misc.c.)
struct drive_Nl Drive_Nl[] = {
{ "afsops", "afs_ops" },
{ "arFid", "afs_rootFid" },
{ "avops", "afs_vnodeops" },
{ "Avops", "Afs_vnodeops" },
{ "avol", "afs_volumes" },
{ "auvops", "auto_vnodeops" },
{ "ctfsadir", "ctfs_ops_adir" },
{ "ctfsbund", "ctfs_ops_bundle" },
{ "ctfscdir", "ctfs_ops_cdir" },
{ "ctfsctl", "ctfs_ops_ctl", },
{ "ctfsevt", "ctfs_ops_event", },
{ "ctfslate", "ctfs_ops_latest", },
{ "ctfsroot", "ctfs_ops_root", },
{ "ctfsstat", "ctfs_ops_stat", },
{ "ctfssym", "ctfs_ops_sym", },
{ "ctfstdir", "ctfs_ops_tdir", },
{ "ctfstmpl", "ctfs_ops_tmpl", },
{ "cvops", "cachefs_vnodeops" },
{ "clmaj", "clonemaj" },
{ "clmaj_alt", "clone_major" },
{ "fdops", "fdvnodeops" },
{ "fd_ops", "fd_vnodeops" },
{ "fvops", "fifo_vnodeops" },
{ "hvops", "hsfs_vnodeops" },
{ "lvops", "lo_vnodeops" },
{ "mntops", "mntvnodeops" },
{ "mvops", "mvfs_vnodeops" },
#if solaris<90000
{ X_NCACHE, "ncache" },
{ X_NCSIZE, "ncsize" },
#else /* solaris>=90000 */
{ X_NCACHE, "nc_hash" },
{ X_NCSIZE, "nc_hashsz" },
{ "hshav", "nc_hashavelen" },
#endif /* solaris<90000 */
#if defined(NCACHE_NEGVN)
#endif /* defined(NCACHE_NEGVN) */
{ "nvops", "nfs_vnodeops" },
{ "n3vops", "nfs3_vnodeops" },
{ "n4vops", "nfs4_vnodeops" },
{ "nmvops", "nm_vnodeops" },
{ "nproc", "nproc" },
{ "pdvops", "pcfs_dvnodeops" },
{ "pfvops", "pcfs_fvnodeops" },
{ "portvops", "port_vnodeops" },
{ "pract", "practive" },
{ "prvops", "prvnodeops" },
{ "sam1vops", "samfs_vnodeops" },
{ "sam2vops", "samfs_client_vnodeops" },
{ "sam3vops", "samfs_vnodeopsp" },
{ "sam4vops", "samfs_client_vnodeopsp" },
{ "sdevops", "sdev_vnodeops" },
{ "sgvops", "segvn_ops" },
{ "shvops", "sharefs_ops_data" },
{ "sckvops", "sock_vnodeops" },
{ "socketvops", "socket_vnodeops" },
{ "spvops", "spec_vnodeops" },
{ "sncavops", "socknca_vnodeops" },
{ "stpivops", "socktpi_vnodeops" },
{ "tvops", "tmp_vnodeops" },
{ "uvops", "ufs_vnodeops" },
{ "vvfops", "fdd_vnops" },
{ "vvfcops", "fdd_chain_vnops" },
{ "vvfclops", "vx_fcl_vnodeops_p" },
{ "vvops", "vx_vnodeops" },
{ "vvops_p", "vx_vnodeops_p" },
#if solaris>=20500
{ "devops", "dv_vnodeops" },
{ "doorops", "door_vnodeops" },
{ "kbase", "_kernelbase" },
#endif /* solaris>=20500 */
#if solaris>=20501
{ "kasp", "kas" },
#endif /* solaris>=20501 */
#if solaris>=110000
{ "devipnetops","devipnet_vnodeops" },
{ "devnetops", "devnet_vnodeops" },
{ "devptsops", "devpts_vnodeops" },
{ "devvtops", "devvt_vnodeops" },
#endif /* solaris>=110000 */
{ "zfsdops", "zfs_dvnodeops" },
{ "zfseops", "zfs_evnodeops" },
{ "zfsfops", "zfs_fvnodeops" },
{ "zfsshops", "zfs_sharevnodeops" },
{ "zfssymops", "zfs_symvnodeops" },
{ "zfsxdops", "zfs_xdvnodeops" },
{ "", "" },
char **Fsinfo = NULL; /* file system information */
int Fsinfomax = 0; /* maximum file system type */
int HasALLKMEM = 0; /* has ALLKMEM device */
int HaveCloneMaj = 0; /* clone major device number has
* been identified and is in
* CloneMaj */
kvm_t *Kd = NULL; /* kvm descriptor */
struct l_vfs *Lvfs = NULL; /* local vfs structure table */
struct netclone *Netclone = NULL; /* net clone devices from
* /devices/pseudo */
#if defined(HASFSTRUCT)
* Pff_tab[] - table for printing file flags
struct pff_tab Pff_tab[] = {
{ (long)FREAD, FF_READ },
{ (long)FWRITE, FF_WRITE },
{ (long)FSYNC, FF_SYNC },
# if defined(FREVOKED)
# endif /* defined(FREVOKED) */
{ (long)FDSYNC, FF_DSYNC },
{ (long)FRSYNC, FF_RSYNC },
# if defined(FOFFMAX)
# endif /* defined(FFOFFMAX) */
{ (long)FASYNC, FF_ASYNC },
{ (long)0, NULL }
* Pof_tab[] - table for print process open file flags
struct pff_tab Pof_tab[] = {
# if defined(UF_EXCLOSE)
# endif /* defined(UF_EXCLOSE) */
# if defined(FD_CLOEXEC)
# endif /* defined(FD_CLOEXEC) */
# if defined(UF_FDLOCK)
# endif /* defined(UF_FDLOCK) */
{ (long)0, NULL }
#endif /* defined(HASFSTRUCT) */
struct pseudo *Pseudo = NULL; /* non-clone devices from
* /devices/pseudo */
int Unof; /* u_nofiles value */