blob: 34b32ca1d6eeb6f3541d7075e1924f4421fac890 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __CRAMFS_H
#define __CRAMFS_H
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
#define CRAMFS_MAGIC 0x28cd3d45 /* some random number */
#define CRAMFS_SIGNATURE "Compressed ROMFS"
* Width of various bitfields in struct cramfs_inode.
* Primarily used to generate warnings in mkcramfs.
* Reasonably terse representation of the inode data.
struct cramfs_inode {
u32 mode:16, uid:16;
/* SIZE for device files is i_rdev */
u32 size:24, gid:8;
/* NAMELEN is the length of the file name, divided by 4 and
rounded up. (cramfs doesn't support hard links.) */
/* OFFSET: For symlinks and non-empty regular files, this
contains the offset (divided by 4) of the file data in
compressed form (starting with an array of block pointers;
see README). For non-empty directories it is the offset
(divided by 4) of the inode of the first file in that
directory. For anything else, offset is zero. */
u32 namelen:6, offset:26;
struct cramfs_info {
u32 crc;
u32 edition;
u32 blocks;
u32 files;
* Superblock information at the beginning of the FS.
struct cramfs_super {
u32 magic; /* 0x28cd3d45 - random number */
u32 size; /* Not used. mkcramfs currently
writes a constant 1<<16 here. */
u32 flags; /* 0 */
u32 future; /* 0 */
u8 signature[16]; /* "Compressed ROMFS" */
struct cramfs_info fsid;/* unique filesystem info */
u8 name[16]; /* user-defined name */
struct cramfs_inode root; /* Root inode data */
#define CRAMFS_FLAG_FSID_VERSION_2 0x00000001 /* fsid version #2 */
#define CRAMFS_FLAG_SORTED_DIRS 0x00000002 /* sorted dirs */
#define CRAMFS_FLAG_HOLES 0x00000100 /* support for holes */
#define CRAMFS_FLAG_WRONG_SIGNATURE 0x00000200 /* reserved */
#define CRAMFS_FLAG_SHIFTED_ROOT_OFFSET 0x00000400 /* shifted root fs */
* Valid values in super.flags. Currently we refuse to mount
* if (flags & ~CRAMFS_SUPPORTED_FLAGS). Maybe that should be
* changed to test super.future instead.
/* Uncompression interfaces to the underlying zlib */
int cramfs_uncompress_block(void *dst, int dstlen, void *src, int srclen);
int cramfs_uncompress_init(void);
int cramfs_uncompress_exit(void);