| #ifndef SPI_ADIS16240_H_ |
| #define SPI_ADIS16240_H_ |
| |
| #define ADIS16240_STARTUP_DELAY 220 /* ms */ |
| |
| /* Flash memory write count */ |
| #define ADIS16240_FLASH_CNT 0x00 |
| |
| /* Output, power supply */ |
| #define ADIS16240_SUPPLY_OUT 0x02 |
| |
| /* Output, x-axis accelerometer */ |
| #define ADIS16240_XACCL_OUT 0x04 |
| |
| /* Output, y-axis accelerometer */ |
| #define ADIS16240_YACCL_OUT 0x06 |
| |
| /* Output, z-axis accelerometer */ |
| #define ADIS16240_ZACCL_OUT 0x08 |
| |
| /* Output, auxiliary ADC input */ |
| #define ADIS16240_AUX_ADC 0x0A |
| |
| /* Output, temperature */ |
| #define ADIS16240_TEMP_OUT 0x0C |
| |
| /* Output, x-axis acceleration peak */ |
| #define ADIS16240_XPEAK_OUT 0x0E |
| |
| /* Output, y-axis acceleration peak */ |
| #define ADIS16240_YPEAK_OUT 0x10 |
| |
| /* Output, z-axis acceleration peak */ |
| #define ADIS16240_ZPEAK_OUT 0x12 |
| |
| /* Output, sum-of-squares acceleration peak */ |
| #define ADIS16240_XYZPEAK_OUT 0x14 |
| |
| /* Output, Capture Buffer 1, X and Y acceleration */ |
| #define ADIS16240_CAPT_BUF1 0x16 |
| |
| /* Output, Capture Buffer 2, Z acceleration */ |
| #define ADIS16240_CAPT_BUF2 0x18 |
| |
| /* Diagnostic, error flags */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT 0x1A |
| |
| /* Diagnostic, event counter */ |
| #define ADIS16240_EVNT_CNTR 0x1C |
| |
| /* Diagnostic, check sum value from firmware test */ |
| #define ADIS16240_CHK_SUM 0x1E |
| |
| /* Calibration, x-axis acceleration offset adjustment */ |
| #define ADIS16240_XACCL_OFF 0x20 |
| |
| /* Calibration, y-axis acceleration offset adjustment */ |
| #define ADIS16240_YACCL_OFF 0x22 |
| |
| /* Calibration, z-axis acceleration offset adjustment */ |
| #define ADIS16240_ZACCL_OFF 0x24 |
| |
| /* Clock, hour and minute */ |
| #define ADIS16240_CLK_TIME 0x2E |
| |
| /* Clock, month and day */ |
| #define ADIS16240_CLK_DATE 0x30 |
| |
| /* Clock, year */ |
| #define ADIS16240_CLK_YEAR 0x32 |
| |
| /* Wake-up setting, hour and minute */ |
| #define ADIS16240_WAKE_TIME 0x34 |
| |
| /* Wake-up setting, month and day */ |
| #define ADIS16240_WAKE_DATE 0x36 |
| |
| /* Alarm 1 amplitude threshold */ |
| #define ADIS16240_ALM_MAG1 0x38 |
| |
| /* Alarm 2 amplitude threshold */ |
| #define ADIS16240_ALM_MAG2 0x3A |
| |
| /* Alarm control */ |
| #define ADIS16240_ALM_CTRL 0x3C |
| |
| /* Capture, external trigger control */ |
| #define ADIS16240_XTRIG_CTRL 0x3E |
| |
| /* Capture, address pointer */ |
| #define ADIS16240_CAPT_PNTR 0x40 |
| |
| /* Capture, configuration and control */ |
| #define ADIS16240_CAPT_CTRL 0x42 |
| |
| /* General-purpose digital input/output control */ |
| #define ADIS16240_GPIO_CTRL 0x44 |
| |
| /* Miscellaneous control */ |
| #define ADIS16240_MSC_CTRL 0x46 |
| |
| /* Internal sample period (rate) control */ |
| #define ADIS16240_SMPL_PRD 0x48 |
| |
| /* System command */ |
| #define ADIS16240_GLOB_CMD 0x4A |
| |
| /* MSC_CTRL */ |
| |
| /* Enables sum-of-squares output (XYZPEAK_OUT) */ |
| #define ADIS16240_MSC_CTRL_XYZPEAK_OUT_EN BIT(15) |
| |
| /* Enables peak tracking output (XPEAK_OUT, YPEAK_OUT, and ZPEAK_OUT) */ |
| #define ADIS16240_MSC_CTRL_X_Y_ZPEAK_OUT_EN BIT(14) |
| |
| /* Self-test enable: 1 = apply electrostatic force, 0 = disabled */ |
| #define ADIS16240_MSC_CTRL_SELF_TEST_EN BIT(8) |
| |
| /* Data-ready enable: 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled */ |
| #define ADIS16240_MSC_CTRL_DATA_RDY_EN BIT(2) |
| |
| /* Data-ready polarity: 1 = active high, 0 = active low */ |
| #define ADIS16240_MSC_CTRL_ACTIVE_HIGH BIT(1) |
| |
| /* Data-ready line selection: 1 = DIO2, 0 = DIO1 */ |
| #define ADIS16240_MSC_CTRL_DATA_RDY_DIO2 BIT(0) |
| |
| /* DIAG_STAT */ |
| |
| /* Alarm 2 status: 1 = alarm active, 0 = alarm inactive */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_ALARM2 BIT(9) |
| |
| /* Alarm 1 status: 1 = alarm active, 0 = alarm inactive */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_ALARM1 BIT(8) |
| |
| /* Capture buffer full: 1 = capture buffer is full */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_CPT_BUF_FUL BIT(7) |
| |
| /* Flash test, checksum flag: 1 = mismatch, 0 = match */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_CHKSUM BIT(6) |
| |
| /* Power-on, self-test flag: 1 = failure, 0 = pass */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_PWRON_FAIL_BIT 5 |
| |
| /* Power-on self-test: 1 = in-progress, 0 = complete */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_PWRON_BUSY BIT(4) |
| |
| /* SPI communications failure */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_SPI_FAIL_BIT 3 |
| |
| /* Flash update failure */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_FLASH_UPT_BIT 2 |
| |
| /* Power supply above 3.625 V */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_POWER_HIGH_BIT 1 |
| |
| /* Power supply below 3.15 V */ |
| #define ADIS16240_DIAG_STAT_POWER_LOW_BIT 0 |
| |
| /* GLOB_CMD */ |
| |
| #define ADIS16240_GLOB_CMD_RESUME BIT(8) |
| #define ADIS16240_GLOB_CMD_SW_RESET BIT(7) |
| #define ADIS16240_GLOB_CMD_STANDBY BIT(2) |
| |
| #define ADIS16240_ERROR_ACTIVE BIT(14) |
| |
| /* At the moment triggers are only used for ring buffer |
| * filling. This may change! |
| */ |
| |
| #define ADIS16240_SCAN_ACC_X 0 |
| #define ADIS16240_SCAN_ACC_Y 1 |
| #define ADIS16240_SCAN_ACC_Z 2 |
| #define ADIS16240_SCAN_SUPPLY 3 |
| #define ADIS16240_SCAN_AUX_ADC 4 |
| #define ADIS16240_SCAN_TEMP 5 |
| |
| #endif /* SPI_ADIS16240_H_ */ |