blob: 53dde7c53809f3459df98480e33cb1a50bde3ab5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
/* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 UNISYS CORPORATION
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
* version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* NON INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
#include <linux/types.h>
/* Identifies mouse and keyboard activity which is specified by the firmware to
* the host using the cmsimpleinput protocol. @ingroup coretypes
enum ultra_inputaction {
inputaction_none = 0,
inputaction_xy_motion = 1, /* only motion; arg1=x, arg2=y */
inputaction_mouse_button_down = 2, /* arg1: 1=left,2=center,3=right */
inputaction_mouse_button_up = 3, /* arg1: 1=left,2=center,3=right */
inputaction_mouse_button_click = 4, /* arg1: 1=left,2=center,3=right */
inputaction_mouse_button_dclick = 5, /* arg1: 1=left,2=center,
* 3=right
inputaction_wheel_rotate_away = 6, /* arg1: wheel rotation away from
* user
inputaction_wheel_rotate_toward = 7, /* arg1: wheel rotation toward
* user
inputaction_set_max_xy = 8, /* set screen maxXY; arg1=x, arg2=y */
inputaction_key_down = 64, /* arg1: scancode, as follows:
* If arg1 <= 0xff, it's a 1-byte
* scancode and arg1 is that scancode.
* If arg1 > 0xff, it's a 2-byte
* scanecode, with the 1st byte in the
* low 8 bits, and the 2nd byte in the
* high 8 bits. E.g., the right ALT key
* would appear as x'38e0'.
inputaction_key_up = 65, /* arg1: scancode (in same format as
* inputaction_keyDown)
inputaction_set_locking_key_state = 66,
/* arg1: scancode (in same format
* as inputaction_keyDown);
* MUST refer to one of the
* locking keys, like capslock,
* numlock, or scrolllock
* arg2: 1 iff locking key should be
* in the LOCKED position
* (e.g., light is ON)
inputaction_key_down_up = 67, /* arg1: scancode (in same format
* as inputaction_keyDown)
struct ultra_inputactivity {
u16 action;
u16 arg1;
u16 arg2;
u16 arg3;
} __packed;
struct ultra_inputreport {
u64 seq_no;
struct ultra_inputactivity activity;
} __packed;