blob: fc91f858d17f920b69d4178da83520d565238d10 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 Nest Labs, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This document is the property of Nest. It is considered
# confidential and proprietary information.
# This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
# in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
# Nest.
# Description:
# This file is a make file header defining macros and targets
# for customizing ICU on a per-build basis.
ICUDataConfSTEMS := brkitr/brk \
brkitr/brs \
coll/col \
curr/res \
lang/res \
locales/res \
misc/misc \
rbnf/rbnf \
region/res \
sprep/sprep \
translit/trns \
mappings/ucm \
ICUDataConfFiles = $(addsuffix $(ICUDataConfSUFFIX),$(ICUDataConfSTEMS))
ICUDataConfSourceDir := ./configs
ICUDataConfSourcePaths = $(addprefix $(call Slashify,$(ICUDataConfSourceDir)),$(ICUDataConfFiles))
ICUDataConfBuildDir = $(BuildDirectory)/data
ICUDataConfBuildPaths = $(addprefix $(call Slashify,$(ICUDataConfBuildDir)),$(ICUDataConfFiles))
ICUDataConfMaybeSourcePaths = $(wildcard $(ICUDataConfSourcePaths))
ICUDataConfMaybeFiles = $(subst $(call Slashify,$(ICUDataConfSourceDir)),,$(ICUDataConfMaybeSourcePaths))
ICUDataConfMaybeBuildPaths = $(addprefix $(call Slashify,$(ICUDataConfBuildDir)),$(ICUDataConfMaybeFiles))
$(ICUDataConfMaybeBuildPaths): $(ICUDataConfBuildDir)/%: $(ICUDataConfSourceDir)/%
$(Echo) "Creating \"$(call GenerateBuildRootEllipsedPath,$(@D))\""
$(Verbose)$(MKDIR) $(MKDIRFLAGS) $(@D)
# Ensure that the static implicit pattern rule above doesn't become
# the default target goal. Instead, use the usual default, 'all'.