blob: 26bcc87a4c3234c2de5699c5443d75b4419eab02 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=support-promises.js
promise_test(async testCase => {
const db = await createDatabase(testCase, db => {
const store = createBooksStore(testCase, db);
const txn = db.transaction(['books'], 'readwrite');
const objectStore = txn.objectStore('books');
const values = [
{isbn: 'one', title: 'title1'},
{isbn: 'two', title: 'title2'},
{isbn: 'three', title: 'title3'}
const putAllRequest = objectStore.putAllValues(values);
// TODO(nums): Check that correct keys are returned.
await promiseForRequest(testCase, putAllRequest);
await promiseForTransaction(testCase, txn);
const txn2 = db.transaction(['books'], 'readonly');
const objectStore2 = txn2.objectStore('books');
const getRequest1 = objectStore2.get('one');
const getRequest2 = objectStore2.get('two');
const getRequest3 = objectStore2.get('three');
await promiseForTransaction(testCase, txn2);
['title1', 'title2', 'title3'],
'All three retrieved titles should match those that were put.');
}, 'Data can be successfully inserted into an object store using putAll.');
promise_test(async testCase => {
const db = await createDatabase(testCase, db => {
const store = createBooksStore(testCase, db);
const txn = db.transaction(['books'], 'readwrite');
const objectStore = txn.objectStore('books');
const values = [
{isbn: ['one', 'two', 'three'], title: 'title1'},
{isbn: ['four', 'five', 'six'], title: 'title2'},
{isbn: ['seven', 'eight', 'nine'], title: 'title3'}
const putAllRequest = objectStore.putAllValues(values);
// TODO(nums): Check that correct keys are returned.
await promiseForRequest(testCase, putAllRequest);
await promiseForTransaction(testCase, txn);
const txn2 = db.transaction(['books'], 'readonly');
const objectStore2 = txn2.objectStore('books');
const getRequest1 = objectStore2.get(['one', 'two', 'three']);
const getRequest2 = objectStore2.get(['four', 'five', 'six']);
const getRequest3 = objectStore2.get(['seven', 'eight', 'nine']);
await promiseForTransaction(testCase, txn2);
['title1', 'title2', 'title3'],
'All three retrieved titles should match those that were put.');
}, 'Values with array keys can be successfully inserted into an object'
+ ' store using putAll.');
promise_test(async testCase => {
const db = await createDatabase(testCase, db => {
const store = createBooksStore(testCase, db);
const txn = db.transaction(['books'], 'readwrite');
const objectStore = txn.objectStore('books');
const putAllRequest = objectStore.putAllValues([]);
await promiseForRequest(testCase, putAllRequest);
await promiseForTransaction(testCase, txn);
// TODO(nums): Check that an empty key array is returned.
}, 'Inserting an empty list using putAll.');
promise_test(async testCase => {
const db = await createDatabase(testCase, db => {
const store = createBooksStore(testCase, db);
const txn = db.transaction(['books'], 'readwrite');
const objectStore = txn.objectStore('books');
const putAllRequest = objectStore.putAllValues([{}, {}, {}]);
// TODO(nums): Check that correct keys are returned.
await promiseForRequest(testCase, putAllRequest);
await promiseForTransaction(testCase, txn);
const txn2 = db.transaction(['books'], 'readonly');
const objectStore2 = txn2.objectStore('books');
const getRequest1 = objectStore2.get(1);
const getRequest2 = objectStore2.get(2);
const getRequest3 = objectStore2.get(3);
await Promise.all([
promiseForRequest(testCase, getRequest1),
promiseForRequest(testCase, getRequest2),
promiseForRequest(testCase, getRequest3),
}, 'Empty values can be inserted into an objectstore'
+ ' with a key generator using putAll.');
promise_test(async testCase => {
const db = await createDatabase(testCase, db => {
const store = createBooksStore(testCase, db);
const txn = db.transaction(['books'], 'readonly');
const objectStore = txn.objectStore('books');
() => { objectStore.putAllValues([{}]); },
'The transaction is readonly');
}, 'Attempting to insert with a read only transaction using putAll throws a '
+ 'ReadOnlyError.');
promise_test(async testCase => {
const db = await createDatabase(testCase, db => {
const store = createBooksStore(testCase, db);
const txn = db.transaction(['books'], 'readwrite');
const objectStore = txn.objectStore('books');
const putRequest = await objectStore.put({isbn: 1, title: "duplicate"});
await promiseForRequest(testCase, putRequest);
const putAllRequest = objectStore.putAllValues([
{isbn: 2, title: "duplicate"},
{isbn: 3, title: "duplicate"}
const errorEvent = await requestWatcher(testCase,
assert_equals(, "ConstraintError");
// The transaction still receives the error event even though it
// isn't aborted.
await transactionWatcher(testCase, txn).wait_for(['error', 'complete']);
const txn2 = db.transaction(['books'], 'readonly');
const objectStore2 = txn2.objectStore('books');
const getRequest1 = objectStore2.get(1);
const getRequest2 = objectStore2.get(2);
const getRequest3 = objectStore2.get(3);
await promiseForTransaction(testCase, txn2);
[getRequest1.result.title, getRequest2.result, getRequest3.result],
["duplicate", undefined, undefined],
'None of the values should have been inserted.');
}, 'Inserting duplicate unique keys into a store that already has the key'
+ 'using putAll throws a ConstraintError.');
promise_test(async testCase => {
const db = await createDatabase(testCase, db => {
const store = createBooksStoreWithoutAutoIncrement(testCase, db);
const txn = db.transaction(['books'], 'readwrite');
const objectStore = txn.objectStore('books');
const values = [
{title: "title1", isbn: 1},
{title: "title2"}
() => { const putAllRequest = objectStore.putAllValues(values); },
"Evaluating the object store's key path did not yield a value");
const txn2 = db.transaction(['books'], 'readonly');
const objectStore2 = txn2.objectStore('books');
const getRequest1 = objectStore2.get(1);
const getRequest2 = objectStore2.get(2);
await promiseForTransaction(testCase, txn2);
[getRequest1.result, getRequest2.result],
[undefined, undefined],
'No data should have been inserted');
}, 'Inserting values without the key into an object store that'
+ ' does not have generated keys throws an exception.');
// TODO(nums): Add test for insertion into multi entry indexes
// TODO(nums): Add test for inserting unique keys into a store
// that doesn't already have the key