blob: ba26b32b75a6a407c9a5fd3814365da51c3a21e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: global=window,worker,jsshell
// META: script=../resources/test-utils.js
'use strict';
const thrownError = new Error('bad things are happening!'); = 'error1';
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream({
transform() {
throw thrownError;
const reader = ts.readable.getReader();
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.write('a'),
'writable\'s write should reject with the thrown error'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError,,
'readable\'s read should reject with the thrown error'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, reader.closed,
'readable\'s closed should be rejected with the thrown error'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.closed,
'writable\'s closed should be rejected with the thrown error')
}, 'TransformStream errors thrown in transform put the writable and readable in an errored state');
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream({
transform() {
flush() {
throw thrownError;
const reader = ts.readable.getReader();
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.close(),
'writable\'s close should reject with the thrown error'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError,,
'readable\'s read should reject with the thrown error'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, reader.closed,
'readable\'s closed should be rejected with the thrown error'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.closed,
'writable\'s closed should be rejected with the thrown error')
}, 'TransformStream errors thrown in flush put the writable and readable in an errored state');
test(() => {
new TransformStream({
start(c) {
c.error(new Error('generic error'));
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => c.enqueue('b'), 'enqueue() should throw');
}, 'errored TransformStream should not enqueue new chunks');
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream({
start() {
return flushAsyncEvents().then(() => {
throw thrownError;
transform: t.unreached_func('transform should not be called'),
flush: t.unreached_func('flush should not be called')
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
const reader = ts.readable.getReader();
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.write('a'), 'writer should reject with thrownError'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.close(), 'close() should reject with thrownError'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError,, 'reader should reject with thrownError')
}, 'TransformStream transformer.start() rejected promise should error the stream');
promise_test(t => {
const controllerError = new Error('start failure'); = 'controllerError';
const ts = new TransformStream({
start(c) {
return flushAsyncEvents()
.then(() => {
throw new Error('ignored error');
transform: t.unreached_func('transform should never be called if start() fails'),
flush: t.unreached_func('flush should never be called if start() fails')
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
const reader = ts.readable.getReader();
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, controllerError, writer.write('a'), 'writer should reject with controllerError'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, controllerError, writer.close(), 'close should reject with same error'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, controllerError,, 'reader should reject with same error')
}, 'when controller.error is followed by a rejection, the error reason should come from controller.error');
test(() => {
assert_throws_js(URIError, () => new TransformStream({
start() { throw new URIError('start thrown error'); },
transform() {}
}), 'constructor should throw');
}, 'TransformStream constructor should throw when start does');
test(() => {
const strategy = {
size() { throw new URIError('size thrown error'); }
assert_throws_js(URIError, () => new TransformStream({
start(c) {
transform() {}
}, undefined, strategy), 'constructor should throw the same error strategy.size throws');
}, 'when strategy.size throws inside start(), the constructor should throw the same error');
test(() => {
const controllerError = new URIError('controller.error');
let controller;
const strategy = {
size() {
throw new Error('redundant error');
assert_throws_js(URIError, () => new TransformStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
transform() {}
}, undefined, strategy), 'the first error should be thrown');
}, 'when strategy.size calls controller.error() then throws, the constructor should throw the first error');
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream();
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
const closedPromise = writer.closed;
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, closedPromise, 'closed should throw a TypeError')
}, 'cancelling the readable side should error the writable');
promise_test(t => {
let controller;
const ts = new TransformStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
const reader = ts.readable.getReader();
const writePromise = writer.write('a');
const closePromise = writer.close();
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, reader.closed, 'reader.closed should reject'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writePromise, 'writePromise should reject'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, closePromise, 'closePromise should reject')]);
}, 'it should be possible to error the readable between close requested and complete');
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream({
transform(chunk, controller) {
throw thrownError;
}, undefined, { highWaterMark: 1 });
const writePromise = ts.writable.getWriter().write('a');
const closedPromise = ts.readable.getReader().closed;
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writePromise, 'write() should reject'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, closedPromise, 'reader.closed should reject')
}, 'an exception from transform() should error the stream if terminate has been requested but not completed');
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream();
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
// The microtask following transformer.start() hasn't completed yet, so the abort is queued and not notified to the
// TransformStream yet.
const abortPromise = writer.abort(thrownError);
const cancelPromise = ts.readable.cancel(new Error('cancel reason'));
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.closed, 'writer.closed should reject with thrownError')]);
}, 'abort should set the close reason for the writable when it happens before cancel during start, but cancel should ' +
'still succeed');
promise_test(t => {
let resolveTransform;
const transformPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
resolveTransform = resolve;
const ts = new TransformStream({
transform() {
return transformPromise;
}, undefined, { highWaterMark: 2 });
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
return delay(0).then(() => {
const writePromise = writer.write();
const abortPromise = writer.abort(thrownError);
const cancelPromise = ts.readable.cancel(new Error('cancel reason'));
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.closed, 'writer.closed should reject with thrownError')]);
}, 'abort should set the close reason for the writable when it happens before cancel during underlying sink write, ' +
'but cancel should still succeed');
const ignoredError = new Error('ignoredError'); = 'ignoredError';
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream({
start(controller) {
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, ts.writable.abort(), 'abort() should reject with thrownError');
}, 'controller.error() should do nothing the second time it is called');
promise_test(t => {
let controller;
const ts = new TransformStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
const cancelPromise = ts.readable.cancel(thrownError);
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, ts.writable.getWriter().closed, 'closed should reject with thrownError')
}, 'controller.error() should do nothing after readable.cancel()');
promise_test(t => {
let controller;
const ts = new TransformStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
return ts.writable.abort(thrownError).then(() => {
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, ts.writable.getWriter().closed, 'closed should reject with thrownError');
}, 'controller.error() should do nothing after writable.abort() has completed');
promise_test(t => {
let controller;
const ts = new TransformStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
transform() {
throw thrownError;
}, undefined, { highWaterMark: Infinity });
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.write(), 'write() should reject').then(() => {
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writer.closed, 'closed should reject with thrownError');
}, 'controller.error() should do nothing after a transformer method has thrown an exception');
promise_test(t => {
let controller;
let calls = 0;
const ts = new TransformStream({
start(c) {
controller = c;
transform() {
}, undefined, { highWaterMark: 1 });
return delay(0).then(() => {
// Create backpressure.
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
// transform() will not be called until backpressure is relieved.
const writePromise = writer.write('b');
assert_equals(calls, 0, 'transform() should not have been called');
// Now backpressure has been relieved and the write can proceed.
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writePromise, 'write() should reject').then(() => {
assert_equals(calls, 0, 'transform() should not be called');
}, 'erroring during write with backpressure should result in the write failing');
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream({}, undefined, { highWaterMark: 0 });
return delay(0).then(() => {
const writer = ts.writable.getWriter();
// write should start synchronously
const writePromise = writer.write(0);
// The underlying sink's abort() is not called until the write() completes.
const abortPromise = writer.abort(thrownError);
// Perform a read to relieve backpressure and permit the write() to complete.
const readPromise = ts.readable.getReader().read();
return Promise.all([
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, readPromise, 'read() should reject'),
promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError, writePromise, 'write() should reject'),
}, 'a write() that was waiting for backpressure should reject if the writable is aborted');
promise_test(t => {
const ts = new TransformStream();
const reader = ts.readable.getReader();
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, thrownError,, 'read() should reject with thrownError');
}, 'the readable should be errored with the reason passed to the writable abort() method');