blob: 48568c170fc6195d924ac2b14be85dff00d3709d [file] [log] [blame]
// META: global=window,dedicatedworker
// META: script=/webcodecs/utils.js
// TODO(sandersd): Move metadata into a helper library.
// TODO(sandersd): Add H.264 decode test once there is an API to query for
// supported codecs.
const h264 = {
async buffer() { return (await fetch('h264.mp4')).arrayBuffer(); },
codec: "avc1.64000c",
description: {offset: 7229, size: 46},
frames: [{offset: 48, size: 4007},
{offset: 4055, size: 926},
{offset: 4981, size: 241},
{offset: 5222, size: 97},
{offset: 5319, size: 98},
{offset: 5417, size: 624},
{offset: 6041, size: 185},
{offset: 6226, size: 94},
{offset: 6320, size: 109},
{offset: 6429, size: 281}]
const vp9 = {
async buffer() { return (await fetch('vp9.mp4')).arrayBuffer(); },
// TODO(sandersd): Verify that the file is actually level 1.
codec: "vp09.00.10.08",
frames: [{offset: 44, size: 3315},
{offset: 3359, size: 203},
{offset: 3562, size: 245},
{offset: 3807, size: 172},
{offset: 3979, size: 312},
{offset: 4291, size: 170},
{offset: 4461, size: 195},
{offset: 4656, size: 181},
{offset: 4837, size: 356},
{offset: 5193, size: 159}]
const badCodecsList = [
'', // Empty codec
'bogus', // Non exsitent codec
'vorbis', // Audio codec
'vp9', // Ambiguous codec
'video/webm; codecs="vp9"' // Codec with mime type
const invalidConfigs = [
comment: 'Emtpy codec',
config: {codec: ''},
comment: 'Unrecognized codec',
config: {codec: 'bogus'},
comment: 'Audio codec',
config: {codec: 'vorbis'},
comment: 'Ambiguous codec',
config: {codec: 'vp9'},
comment: 'Codec with MIME type',
config: {codec: 'video/webm; codecs="vp8"'},
comment: 'Zero coded size',
config: {
codec: h264.codec,
codedWidth: 0,
codedHeight: 0,
comment: 'Out of bounds crop size caused by left/top offset',
config: {
codec: h264.codec,
codedWidth: 1920,
codedHeight: 1088,
cropLeft: 10,
cropTop: 10,
// When unspecified, these default to coded dimensions
// cropWidth: 1920,
// cropHeight: 1088
comment: 'Out of bounds crop size',
config: {
codec: h264.codec,
codedWidth: 1920,
codedHeight: 1088,
cropLeft: 10,
cropTop: 10,
cropWidth: 1920,
cropHeight: 1088,
comment: 'Way out of bounds crop size',
config: {
codec: h264.codec,
codedWidth: 1920,
codedHeight: 1088,
cropWidth: 4000,
cropHeight: 5000,
comment: 'Invalid display size',
config: {
codec: h264.codec,
displayWidth: 0,
displayHeight: 0,
] // invalidConfigs
function view(buffer, {offset, size}) {
return new Uint8Array(buffer, offset, size);
function getFakeChunk() {
return new EncodedVideoChunk({
invalidConfigs.forEach(entry => {
promise_test(t => {
return promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported(entry.config));
}, 'Test that VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported() rejects invalid config:' + entry.comment);
invalidConfigs.forEach(entry => {
async_test(t => {
let codec = new VideoDecoder(getDefaultCodecInit(t));
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { codec.configure(entry.config); });
}, 'Test that VideoDecoder.configure() rejects invalid config:' + entry.comment);
promise_test(t => {
return VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported({codec: vp9.codec});
}, 'Test VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported() with minimal valid config');
promise_test(t => {
// This config specifies a slight crop. H264 1080p content always crops
// because H264 coded dimensions are a multiple of 16 (e.g. 1088).
return VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported({
codec: h264.codec,
codedWidth: 1920,
codedHeight: 1088,
cropLeft: 0,
cropTop: 0,
cropWidth: 1920,
cropHeight: 1080,
displayWidth: 1920,
displayHeight: 1080
}, 'Test VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported() with valid expanded config');
promise_test(t => {
// Define a valid config that includes a hypothetical 'futureConfigFeature',
// which is not yet recognized by the User Agent.
const validConfig = {
codec: h264.codec,
codedWidth: 1920,
codedHeight: 1088,
cropLeft: 0,
cropTop: 0,
cropWidth: 1920,
cropHeight: 1080,
displayWidth: 1920,
displayHeight: 1080,
description: new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]),
futureConfigFeature: 'foo',
// The UA will evaluate validConfig as being "valid", ignoring the
// `futureConfigFeature` it doesn't recognize.
return VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported(validConfig).then((decoderSupport) => {
// VideoDecoderSupport must contain the following properites.
// VideoDecoderSupport.config must not contain unrecognized properties.
// VideoDecoderSupport.config must contiain the recognized properties.
assert_equals(decoderSupport.config.codec, validConfig.codec);
assert_equals(decoderSupport.config.codedWidth, validConfig.codedWidth);
assert_equals(decoderSupport.config.codedHeight, validConfig.codedHeight);
assert_equals(decoderSupport.config.cropLeft, validConfig.cropLeft);
assert_equals(decoderSupport.config.cropTop, validConfig.cropTop);
assert_equals(decoderSupport.config.cropWidth, validConfig.cropWidth);
assert_equals(decoderSupport.config.displayWidth, validConfig.displayWidth);
assert_equals(decoderSupport.config.displayHeight, validConfig.displayHeight);
// The description BufferSource must copy the input config description.
assert_not_equals(decoderSupport.config.description, validConfig.description);
let parsedDescription = new Uint8Array(decoderSupport.config.description);
assert_equals(parsedDescription.length, validConfig.description.length);
for (let i = 0; i < parsedDescription.length; ++i) {
assert_equals(parsedDescription[i], validConfig.description[i]);
}, 'Test that VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported() returns a parsed configuration');
promise_test(t => {
// VideoDecoderInit lacks required fields.
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { new VideoDecoder({}); });
// VideoDecoderInit has required fields.
let decoder = new VideoDecoder(getDefaultCodecInit(t));
assert_equals(decoder.state, "unconfigured");
return endAfterEventLoopTurn();
}, 'Test VideoDecoder construction');
promise_test(t => {
let decoder = new VideoDecoder(getDefaultCodecInit(t));
// TODO(chcunningham): Remove badCodecsList testing. It's now covered more
// extensively by other tests.
testConfigurations(decoder, { codec: vp9.codec }, badCodecsList);
return endAfterEventLoopTurn();
}, 'Test VideoDecoder.configure() with various codec strings');
promise_test(async t => {
let buffer = await vp9.buffer();
let numOutputs = 0;
let decoder = new VideoDecoder({
output(frame) {
t.step(() => {
assert_equals(++numOutputs, 1, "outputs");
assert_equals(frame.cropWidth, 320, "cropWidth");
assert_equals(frame.cropHeight, 240, "cropHeight");
assert_equals(frame.timestamp, 0, "timestamp");
error(e) {
t.step(() => { throw e; });
decoder.configure({codec: vp9.codec});
decoder.decode(new EncodedVideoChunk({
data: view(buffer, vp9.frames[0])
await decoder.flush();
assert_equals(numOutputs, 1, "outputs");
}, 'Decode VP9');
promise_test(async t => {
let buffer = await vp9.buffer();
let outputs_before_reset = 0;
let outputs_after_reset = 0;
let decoder = new VideoDecoder({
// Pre-reset() chunks will all have timestamp=0, while post-reset() chunks
// will all have timestamp=1.
output(frame) {
t.step(() => {
if (frame.timestamp == 0)
error(e) {
t.step(() => { throw e; });
decoder.configure({codec: vp9.codec});
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
decoder.decode(new EncodedVideoChunk({
data: view(buffer, vp9.frames[0])
assert_greater_than(decoder.decodeQueueSize, 0);
// Wait for the first frame to be decoded.
await t.step_wait(() => outputs_before_reset > 0,
"Decoded outputs started coming", 10000, 1);
let saved_outputs_before_reset = outputs_before_reset;
assert_greater_than(saved_outputs_before_reset, 0);
assert_less_than(saved_outputs_before_reset, 100);
assert_equals(decoder.decodeQueueSize, 0);
decoder.configure({codec: vp9.codec});
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
decoder.decode(new EncodedVideoChunk({
data: view(buffer, vp9.frames[0])
await decoder.flush();
assert_equals(outputs_after_reset, 5);
assert_equals(saved_outputs_before_reset, outputs_before_reset);
assert_equals(decoder.decodeQueueSize, 0);
}, 'Verify reset() suppresses output and rejects flush');
promise_test(t => {
let decoder = new VideoDecoder(getDefaultCodecInit(t));
return testClosedCodec(t, decoder, { codec: vp9.codec }, getFakeChunk());
}, 'Verify closed VideoDecoder operations');
promise_test(t => {
let decoder = new VideoDecoder(getDefaultCodecInit(t));
return testUnconfiguredCodec(t, decoder, getFakeChunk());
}, 'Verify unconfigured VideoDecoder operations');
promise_test(t => {
let numErrors = 0;
let codecInit = getDefaultCodecInit(t);
codecInit.error = _ => numErrors++;
let decoder = new VideoDecoder(codecInit);
decoder.configure({codec: vp9.codec});
let fakeChunk = getFakeChunk();
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, undefined, decoder.flush()).then(
() => {
assert_equals(numErrors, 1, "errors");
assert_equals(decoder.state, "closed");
}, 'Decode corrupt VP9 frame');
promise_test(t => {
let numErrors = 0;
let codecInit = getDefaultCodecInit(t);
codecInit.error = _ => numErrors++;
let decoder = new VideoDecoder(codecInit);
decoder.configure({codec: vp9.codec});
let fakeChunk = getFakeChunk();
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, undefined, decoder.flush()).then(
() => {
assert_equals(numErrors, 1, "errors");
assert_equals(decoder.state, "closed");
}, 'Decode empty VP9 frame');
promise_test(t => {
let decoder = new VideoDecoder(getDefaultCodecInit(t));
decoder.configure({codec: vp9.codec});
let fakeChunk = getFakeChunk();
// Create the flush promise before closing, as it is invalid to do so later.
let flushPromise = decoder.flush();
// This should synchronously reject the flush() promise.
// TODO(sandersd): Wait for a bit in case there is a lingering output
// or error coming.
return promise_rejects_exactly(t, undefined, flushPromise);
}, 'Close while decoding corrupt VP9 frame');