blob: 3ee29cc25fb8d0cef33105e7be9ddad907cfd8e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(async function() {
TestRunner.addResult(`Tests V8 code cache for javascript resources\n`);
await TestRunner.loadModule('performance_test_runner');
await TestRunner.showPanel('timeline');
// Clear browser cache to avoid any existing entries for the fetched
// scripts in the cache.
// There are two scripts:
// [A]
// [B] http://localhost:8000/devtools/resources/v8-cache-script.cgi
// An iframe that loads [A].
// The script is executed as a parser-inserted script,
// to keep the ScriptResource on the MemoryCache.
// ScriptResources for dynamically-inserted <script>s can be
// garbage-collected and thus removed from MemoryCache after its execution.
const scope = 'resources/same-origin-module-script.html';
// An iframe that loads [B].
const scopeCrossOrigin = 'resources/cross-origin-module-script.html';
TestRunner.addResult('--- Trace events related to code caches ------');
await PerformanceTestRunner.startTimeline();
// Load [A] thrice. With the current V8 heuristics (defined
// in third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/ we produce
// cache on second fetch and consume it in the third fetch. This tests these
// heuristics.
// Note that addIframe() waits for iframe's load event, which waits for the
// <script> loading.
await TestRunner.addIframe(scope);
await TestRunner.addIframe(scope);
await TestRunner.addIframe(scope);
// Load [B]. Should not use the cached code.
await TestRunner.addIframe(scopeCrossOrigin);
// Load [A] again from MemoryCache. Should use cached code.
await TestRunner.addIframe(scope);
// Clear [A] from MemoryCache. Blink evicts previous Resource when a
// new request to the same URL but with different resource type is started.
// We fetch() to the URL of [A], and thus evicts the previous ScriptResource
// of [A].
await TestRunner.evaluateInPageAsync(
// Load [A] from Disk Cache. As we cleared [A] from MemoryCache, this
// doesn't hit MemoryCache, but still hits Disk Cache.
await TestRunner.addIframe(scope);
await PerformanceTestRunner.stopTimeline();
await PerformanceTestRunner.printTimelineRecordsWithDetails(