blob: 6f6d190d51ab26c46d09cac2ba170e0718e3f735 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(async function() {
TestRunner.addResult(`Tests that a line-level CPU profile is shown in the text editor.\n`);
await TestRunner.loadModule('sources_test_runner');
await TestRunner.showPanel('timeline');
await TestRunner.showPanel('sources');
await TestRunner.addScriptTag('../resources/empty.js');
var cpuProfile = {
startTime: 10e6,
endTime: 20e6,
nodes: [
{id: 0, callFrame: {functionName: '(root)'}, hitCount: 0, children: [1, 2]}, {
id: 1,
callFrame: {functionName: 'foo1'},
hitCount: 100,
positionTicks: [{line: 1, ticks: 10}, {line: 2, ticks: 20}, {line: 3, ticks: 30}, {line: 4, ticks: 40}]
id: 2,
callFrame: {functionName: 'foo2'},
hitCount: 200,
positionTicks: [{line: 100, ticks: 1}, {line: 102, ticks: 190}],
children: [3]
{id: 3, callFrame: {functionName: 'null'}, hitCount: 0, positionTicks: [], children: [4, 5]},
{id: 4, callFrame: {functionName: 'bar'}, hitCount: 300, positionTicks: [{line: 55, ticks: 22}]}, {
id: 5,
callFrame: {functionName: 'baz'},
hitCount: 400,
// no positionTicks for the node.
children: []
TestRunner.addSniffer(SourceFrame.SourcesTextEditor.prototype, 'setGutterDecoration', decorationAdded, true);
SourcesTestRunner.showScriptSource('empty.js', frameRevealed);
function decorationAdded(line, type, element) {
TestRunner.addResult(`${line} ${type} ${element.textContent} ${}`);
function frameRevealed(frame) {
const url = frame.uiSourceCode().url();
cpuProfile.nodes.forEach(n => n.callFrame.url = url);
const lineProfile = self.runtime.sharedInstance(PerfUI.LineLevelProfile.Performance);
lineProfile.appendCPUProfile(new SDK.CPUProfileDataModel(cpuProfile));
setTimeout(() => TestRunner.completeTest(), 0);