blob: 73978efd0be3fd227809edb4bd81a6fa87152b83 [file] [log] [blame]
if (self.importScripts) {
var {BASE_ORIGIN, OTHER_ORIGIN} = get_fetch_test_options();
var URL = '';
test(function() {
var headers = new Headers;
headers.set('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0');
headers.set('Accept', 'text/html');
headers.set('X-Fetch-Test', 'request test field');
var request = new Request(URL, {method: 'GET', headers: headers});
assert_equals(request.url, URL, 'Request.url should match');
assert_equals(request.method, 'GET', 'Request.method should match');
assert_equals(request.referrer, 'about:client',
'Request.referrer should be about:client');
assert_equals(request.referrerPolicy, '',
'Request.referrerPolicy should be empty');
assert_true(request.headers instanceof Headers,
'Request.headers should be Headers');
// 'User-Agent' is a forbidden header.
assert_equals(size(request.headers), 2,
'Request.headers size should match');
// Note: detailed behavioral tests for Headers are in another test,
// http/tests/fetch/*/headers.html.
request.url = 'http://localhost/';
assert_equals(request.url, '',
'Request.url should be readonly');
// Unmatched lead surrogate.
request = new Request('http://localhost/\uD800');
'http://localhost/' + encodeURIComponent('\uFFFD'),
'Request.url should have unmatched surrogates replaced.');
request.method = 'POST';
assert_equals(request.method, 'GET', 'Request.method should be readonly');
}, 'Request basic test');
test(function() {
[new Request(URL),
new Request(URL, {method: undefined}),
new Request(URL, {mode: undefined}),
new Request(URL, {credentials: undefined})]
.forEach(function(request) {
assert_equals(request.url, URL,
'Request.url should match');
assert_equals(request.method, 'GET',
'Default Request.method should be GET');
assert_equals(request.mode, 'cors',
'Default Request.mode should be cors');
assert_equals(request.credentials, 'same-origin',
'Default Request.credentials should be same-origin');
}, "Request default value test");
test(function() {
// All below values are invalid and thus should throw
[{mode: null},
{mode: 'sameorigin'},
{mode: 'same origin'},
{mode: 'same-origin\0'},
{mode: ' same-origin'},
{mode: 'same--origin'},
{mode: 'SAME-ORIGIN'},
{mode: 'nocors'},
{mode: 'no cors'},
{mode: 'no-cors\0'},
{mode: ' no-cors'},
{mode: 'no--cors'},
{mode: 'NO-CORS'},
{mode: 'cors\0'},
{mode: ' cors'},
{mode: 'co rs'},
{mode: 'CORS'},
{mode: 'navigate\0'},
{mode: ' navigate'},
{mode: 'navi gate'},
{mode: 'NAVIGATE'},
{mode: '\0'.repeat(100000)},
{mode: 'x'.repeat(100000)},
{credentials: null},
{credentials: 'omit\0'},
{credentials: ' omit'},
{credentials: 'om it'},
{credentials: 'OMIT'},
{credentials: 'sameorigin'},
{credentials: 'same origin'},
{credentials: 'same-origin\0'},
{credentials: ' same-origin'},
{credentials: 'same--origin'},
{credentials: 'SAME-ORIGIN'},
{credentials: 'include\0'},
{credentials: ' include'},
{credentials: 'inc lude'},
{credentials: 'INCLUDE'},
{credentials: '\0'.repeat(100000)},
{credentials: 'x'.repeat(100000)},
{cache: null},
{cache: 'default\0'},
{cache: ' default'},
{cache: 'def ault'},
{cache: 'DEFAULT'},
{cache: 'nostore'},
{cache: 'no store'},
{cache: 'no-store\0'},
{cache: ' no-store'},
{cache: 'no--store'},
{cache: 'NO-STORE'},
{cache: 'reload\0'},
{cache: ' reload'},
{cache: 're load'},
{cache: 'RELOAD'},
{cache: 'nocache'},
{cache: 'no cache'},
{cache: 'no-cache\0'},
{cache: ' no-cache'},
{cache: 'no--cache'},
{cache: 'NO-CACHE'},
{cache: 'forcecache'},
{cache: 'force cache'},
{cache: 'force-cache\0'},
{cache: ' force-cache'},
{cache: 'force--cache'},
{cache: 'FORCE-CACHE'},
{cache: 'onlyifcached'},
{cache: 'only if cached'},
{cache: 'only-if-cached\0'},
{cache: ' only-if-cached'},
{cache: 'only-if--cached'},
{cache: 'only--if-cached'},
{cache: 'ONLY-IF-CACHED'},
{cache: '\0'.repeat(100000)},
{cache: 'x'.repeat(100000)},
{redirect: 'follow\0'},
{redirect: ' follow'},
{redirect: 'fol low'},
{redirect: 'FOLLOW'},
{redirect: 'error\0'},
{redirect: ' error'},
{redirect: 'er ror'},
{redirect: 'ERROR'},
{redirect: 'manual\0'},
{redirect: ' manual'},
{redirect: 'man ual'},
{redirect: 'MANUAL'},
{redirect: '\0'.repeat(100000)},
{redirect: 'x'.repeat(100000)}]
function(name) { return {mode: name}; }))
function(name) { return {credentials: name}; }))
function(name) { return {cache: name}; }))
function(name) { return {redirect: name}; }))
.forEach((init) => assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new Request(URL, init)),
'Invalid Request.{mode, credentials, cache, redirect} should throw a TypeError');
}, 'Request invalid value test');
test(function() {
var request = new Request(URL);
request.headers.append('X-Fetch-Foo', 'foo1');
request.headers.append('X-Fetch-Foo', 'foo2');
request.headers.append('X-Fetch-Bar', 'bar');
var request2 = new Request(request);
assert_equals(request2.url, URL, 'Request.url should match');
assert_equals(request2.method, 'GET', 'Request.method should match');
assert_equals(request2.mode, 'cors', 'Request.mode should match');
assert_equals(request2.credentials, 'same-origin',
'Request.credentials should match');
assert_equals(request2.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[0], 'foo1',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request2.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[1], 'foo2',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request2.headers.get('X-Fetch-Bar').split(', ')[0], 'bar',
'Request.headers should match');
var request3 = new Request(URL,
{headers: [['X-Fetch-Foo', 'foo1'],
['X-Fetch-Foo', 'foo2'],
['X-Fetch-Bar', 'bar']]});
assert_equals(request3.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[0], 'foo1',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request3.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[1], 'foo2',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request3.headers.get('X-Fetch-Bar').split(', ')[0], 'bar',
'Request.headers should match');
var request4 = new Request(URL,
{headers: {'X-Fetch-Foo': 'foo1',
'X-Fetch-Foo': 'foo2',
'X-Fetch-Bar': 'bar'}});
assert_equals(request4.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[0], 'foo2',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request4.headers.get('X-Fetch-Bar').split(', ')[0], 'bar',
'Request.headers should match');
var request5 = new Request(request, {headers: undefined});
assert_equals(request5.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[0], 'foo1',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request5.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[1], 'foo2',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request5.headers.get('X-Fetch-Bar').split(', ')[0], 'bar',
'Request.headers should match');
var request6 = new Request(request, {});
assert_equals(request6.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[0], 'foo1',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request6.headers.get('X-Fetch-Foo').split(', ')[1], 'foo2',
'Request.headers should match');
assert_equals(request6.headers.get('X-Fetch-Bar').split(', ')[0], 'bar',
'Request.headers should match');
() => { new Request(request, {headers: null}) },
'null cannot be converted to a HeaderInit');
}, 'Request header test');
test(function() {
var request1 = {};
var request2 = {};
var MODES = ['same-origin', 'no-cors', 'cors', undefined];
function isSimpleMethod(method) {
return ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', undefined].indexOf(method) != -1;
function effectiveMethod(method1, method2) {
return method2 ? method2 : (method1 ? method1 : 'GET');
function effectiveMode(mode1, mode2) {
return mode2 ? mode2 : (mode1 ? mode1 : 'cors');
METHODS.forEach(function(method1) {
MODES.forEach(function(mode1) {
var init1 = {};
if (method1 != undefined) { init1['method'] = method1; }
if (mode1 != undefined) { init1['mode'] = mode1; }
if (!isSimpleMethod(method1) && mode1 == 'no-cors') {
function() { request1 = new Request(URL, init1); },
'new no-cors Request with non simple method (' + method1 +
') should throw');
request1 = new Request(URL, init1);
assert_equals(request1.method, method1 ? method1 : 'GET',
'Request.method should match');
assert_equals(request1.mode, mode1 ? mode1 : 'cors',
'Request.mode should match');
request1 = new Request(request1);
assert_equals(request1.method, method1 ? method1 : 'GET',
'Request.method should match');
assert_equals(request1.mode, mode1 ? mode1 : 'cors',
'Request.mode should match');
METHODS.forEach(function(method2) {
MODES.forEach(function(mode2) {
// We need to construct a new request1 because as soon as it
// is used in a constructor it will be flagged as 'used',
// and we can no longer construct objects with it.
request1 = new Request(URL, init1);
var init2 = {};
if (method2 != undefined) { init2['method'] = method2; }
if (mode2 != undefined) { init2['mode'] = mode2; }
if (!isSimpleMethod(effectiveMethod(method1, method2)) &&
effectiveMode(mode1, mode2) == 'no-cors') {
function() { request2 = new Request(request1, init2); },
'new no-cors Request with non simple method should ' +
request2 = new Request(request1, init2);
method2 ? method2 : request1.method,
'Request.method should be overridden');
mode2 ? mode2 : request1.mode,
'Request.mode should be overridden');
}, 'Request method test');
test(function() {
var request1 = {};
var request2 = {};
var CREDENTIALS = ['omit', 'same-origin', 'include', undefined];
CREDENTIALS.forEach(function(credentials1) {
var init1 = {};
if (credentials1 != undefined) { init1['credentials'] = credentials1; }
request1 = new Request(URL, init1);
assert_equals(request1.credentials, credentials1 || 'same-origin',
'Request.credentials should match');
request1 = new Request(request1);
assert_equals(request1.credentials, credentials1 || 'same-origin',
'Request.credentials should match');
CREDENTIALS.forEach(function(credentials2) {
request1 = new Request(URL, init1);
var init2 = {};
if (credentials2 != undefined) {
init2['credentials'] = credentials2;
request2 = new Request(request1, init2);
credentials2 ? credentials2 : request1.credentials,
'Request.credentials should be overridden');
}, 'Request credentials test');
test(function() {
var request1 = {};
var request2 = {};
var REDIRECTS = ['follow', 'error', 'manual', undefined];
REDIRECTS.forEach(function(redirect1) {
var init1 = {};
if (redirect1 != undefined) { init1['redirect'] = redirect1; }
request1 = new Request(URL, init1);
assert_equals(request1.redirect, redirect1 || 'follow',
'Request.redirect should match');
request1 = new Request(request1);
assert_equals(request1.redirect, redirect1 || 'follow',
'Request.redirect should match');
REDIRECTS.forEach(function(redirect2) {
request1 = new Request(URL, init1);
var init2 = {};
if (redirect2 != undefined) {
init2['redirect'] = redirect2;
request2 = new Request(request1, init2);
redirect2 ? redirect2 : request1.redirect,
'Request.redirect should be overridden');
}, 'Request redirect test');
test(function() {
var request1 = {};
var request2 = {};
var init = {};
request1 = new Request(URL, init);
assert_equals(request1.integrity, '',
'Request.integrity should be empty on init');
init['integrity'] = 'sha256-deadbeef';
request1 = new Request(URL, init);
assert_equals(request1.integrity, 'sha256-deadbeef',
'Request.integrity match the integrity of init');
request2 = new Request(request1);
assert_equals(request2.integrity, 'sha256-deadbeef',
'Request.integrity should match');
}, 'Request integrity test');
test(function() {
['same-origin', 'cors', 'no-cors'].forEach(function(mode) {
FORBIDDEN_METHODS.forEach(function(method) {
function() {
var request = new Request(URL, {mode: mode, method: method});
'new Request with a forbidden method (' + method + ') should ' +
INVALID_METHOD_NAMES.forEach(function(name) {
function() {
var request = new Request(URL, {mode: mode, method: name});
'new Request with an invalid method (' + name + ') should throw');
}, 'Request method name throw test');
test(function() {
function() {
var request = new Request(URL, {mode: 'navigate'});
'new Request with a navigate mode should throw');
}, 'Request mode throw test');
test(function() {
var url = '';
function(method) {
assert_equals(new Request(url, {method: method.toUpperCase()}).method,
'method must match: ' + method);
assert_equals(new Request(url, {method: method}).method,
'method should be normalized to uppercase: ' + method);
function(method) {
assert_equals(new Request(url, {method: method}).method, method,
'method should not be changed when normalized: ' +
method = method.toLowerCase();
assert_equals(new Request(url, {method: method}).method, method,
'method should not be changed when normalized: ' +
}, 'Request: valid method names and normalize test');
test(function() {
function() { new Request('http://user@localhost/'); },
'Request with a URL with username must throw.');
function() { new Request('http://user:pass@localhost/'); },
'Request with a URL with username and password must throw.');
}, 'Request construction with URLs with credentials.');
test(function() {
var req = new Request(URL);
'Request should not be flagged as used if it has not been ' +
var req2 = new Request(req);
'Request should not be flagged as used if it does not ' +
'have body.');
'Request should not be flagged as used if it has not been ' +
}, 'Request construction without body behavior regardning "bodyUsed"');
test(function() {
var req = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: 'hello'});
'Request should not be flagged as used if it has not been ' +
var req2 = new Request(req);
'Request should be flagged as used if it has been consumed.');
'Request should not be flagged as used if it has not been ' +
// See
function() { new Request(req); },
'Request construction should throw if used.');
}, 'POST Request construction without body behavior regardning "bodyUsed"');
test(function() {
var req = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: 'hello'});
'Request should not be flagged as used if it has not been ' +
function() { new Request(req, {method: 'GET'}); },
'A get request may not have body.');
assert_false(req.bodyUsed, 'After the GET case');
function() { new Request(req, {method: 'CONNECT'}); },
'Request() with a forbidden method must throw.');
assert_false(req.bodyUsed, 'After the forbidden method case');
var req2 = new Request(req);
'Request should be flagged as used if it has been consumed.');
}, 'Request construction failure should not set "bodyUsed"');
test(function() {
assert_equals(new Request(URL).referrer, 'about:client');
assert_equals(new Request(URL).referrerPolicy, '');
}, 'Request without RequestInit.');
test(function() {
assert_equals(new Request(URL, {referrer: undefined}).referrer,
assert_equals(new Request(URL).referrerPolicy, '');
}, 'Request with referrer equals to undefined.');
test(function() {
var expected = location.href.slice(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/')) +
assert_equals(new Request(URL, {referrer: null}).referrer, expected);
assert_equals(new Request(URL).referrerPolicy, '');
}, 'Request with referrer equals to null.');
test(function() {
var req = new Request(URL, {referrer: 'about:client'});
assert_equals(req.referrer, 'about:client',
'constructed with referrer=about:client');
assert_equals(new Request(req.clone()).referrer, 'about:client',
'cloned from a request with referrer=about:client');
assert_equals(new Request(req.clone(), {foo: null}).referrer,
'constructed from a request with referrer=about:client');
assert_equals(new Request(req.clone(), {method: 'GET'}).referrer,
'constructed with method from a request with ' +
}, 'Request with referrer=about:client.');
test(function() {
var req = new Request(URL, {referrer: ''});
assert_equals(req.referrer, '', 'constructed with no-referrer');
assert_equals(new Request(req.clone()).referrer, '',
'cloned from a request with no-referrer');
assert_equals(new Request(req.clone(), {foo: null}).referrer, '',
'constructed from a request with no-referrer');
assert_equals(new Request(req.clone(), {method: 'GET'}).referrer,
'constructed with method from a request with no-referrer');
}, 'Request with no-referrer.');
test(function() {
var referrer = BASE_ORIGIN + '/path?query';
var req = new Request(URL, {referrer: referrer});
assert_equals(req.referrer, referrer, 'constructed with a url referrer');
assert_equals(req.clone().referrer, referrer,
'cloned from a request with a url referrer');
assert_equals(new Request(req.clone(), {foo: null}).referrer, referrer,
'constructed from a request with a url referrer');
assert_equals(new Request(req.clone(), {method: 'GET'}).referrer,
'constructed with method from a request with a url referrer');
}, 'Request with a url referrer');
test(function() {
var referrer =
(BASE_ORIGIN + '/path/?query#hash').replace('//', '//user:pass@');
var req = new Request(URL, {referrer: referrer});
assert_equals(req.referrer, referrer, 'constructed with a url referrer');
}, 'Request with a url referrer containing user, pass, and so on');
test(function() {
var referrer = OTHER_ORIGIN + '/path?query';
assert_equals(new Request(URL, {referrer: referrer}).referrer, 'about:client',
'constructed with cross-origin referrer');
}, 'Request with a url with another origin');
test(function() {
var referrer = 'invali\0d';
() => new Request(URL, {referrer: referrer}));
}, 'Request with an invalid referrer');
test(function() {
var referrer = '/path?query';
var expected = BASE_ORIGIN + '/path?query';
assert_equals(new Request(URL, {referrer: referrer}).referrer, expected);
}, 'Request with a relative referrer');
test(() => {
assert_equals(new Request('/', {referrerPolicy: ''}).referrerPolicy, '');
assert_equals(new Request('/', {referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer'})
.referrerPolicy, 'no-referrer');
assert_equals(new Request('/',
{referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'}).referrerPolicy,
assert_equals(new Request('/', {referrerPolicy: 'origin'})
.referrerPolicy, 'origin');
assert_equals(new Request('/', {referrerPolicy: 'origin-when-cross-origin'})
.referrerPolicy, 'origin-when-cross-origin');
assert_equals(new Request('/', {referrerPolicy: 'unsafe-url'})
.referrerPolicy, 'unsafe-url');
() => new Request('/', {referrerPolicy: 'invalid'}),
'Setting invalid referrer policy should be thrown.');
}, 'Referrer policy settings');
test(() => {
// All referrer policies below are invalid and should throw
[{referrerPolicy: null},
{referrerPolicy: 'noreferrer'},
{referrerPolicy: 'no referrer'},
{referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer\0'},
{referrerPolicy: ' no-referrer'},
{referrerPolicy: 'no--referrer'},
{referrerPolicy: 'NO-REFERRER'},
{referrerPolicy: 'noreferrerwhendowngrade'},
{referrerPolicy: 'no referrer when downgrade'},
{referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer-when-downgrade\0'},
{referrerPolicy: ' no-referrer-when-downgrade'},
{referrerPolicy: 'no--referrer--when--downgrade'},
{referrerPolicy: 'sameorigin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'same origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'same-origin\0'},
{referrerPolicy: ' same-origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'same--origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'SAME-ORIGIN'},
{referrerPolicy: 'origin\0'},
{referrerPolicy: ' origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'ori gin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'ORIGIN'},
{referrerPolicy: 'strictorigin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'strict origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'strict-origin\0'},
{referrerPolicy: ' strict-origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'strict--origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'STRICT-ORIGIN'},
{referrerPolicy: 'originwhencrossorigin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'origin when cross origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'origin-when-cross-origin\0'},
{referrerPolicy: ' origin-when-cross-origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'origin--when--cross--origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'ORIGIN-WHEN-CROSS-ORIGIN'},
{referrerPolicy: 'strictoriginwhencrossorigin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'strict origin when cross origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin\0'},
{referrerPolicy: ' strict-origin-when-cross-origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'strict--origin--when--cross--origin'},
{referrerPolicy: 'unsafeurl'},
{referrerPolicy: 'unsafe url'},
{referrerPolicy: 'unsafe-url\0'},
{referrerPolicy: ' unsafe-url'},
{referrerPolicy: 'unsafe--url'},
{referrerPolicy: 'UNSAFE-URL'},
{referrerPolicy: '\0'.repeat(100000)},
{referrerPolicy: 'x'.repeat(100000)}]
.forEach((init) => assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => new Request(URL, init)),
'Invalid Request.referrerPolicy should throw a TypeError');
}, 'Request invalid referrer policy test');
test(() => {
let r = new Request('/', {referrerPolicy: 'origin'});
assert_equals(r.referrerPolicy, 'origin', 'original policy');
assert_equals(new Request(r, {foo: 32}).referrerPolicy,
'origin', 'kept original policy');
assert_equals(new Request(r, {mode: 'cors'}).referrerPolicy,
'', 'cleared policy');
assert_equals(new Request(r, {referrerPolicy: 'unsafe-url'}).referrerPolicy,
'unsafe-url', 'overriden policy');
}, 'Referrer policy should be cleared when any members are set');
// Spec:
// Step 21:
// If request's method is `GET` or `HEAD`, throw a TypeError.
test(function() {
var headers = new Headers;
headers.set('Content-Language', 'ja');
['GET', 'HEAD'].forEach(function(method) {
function() {
new Request(URL,
{method: method,
body: new Blob(['Test Blob'], {type: 'test/type'})
'Request of GET/HEAD method cannot have RequestInit body.');
}, 'Request of GET/HEAD method cannot have RequestInit body.');
test(() => {
var req = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: 'hello'});
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { req.clone(); });
}, 'Used => clone');
test(() => {
// We used to implement RequestInit manually so we needed to test this
// functionality here. We now generate RequestInit with the IDL compiler,
// but it's still good to keep these around.
function undefined_notpresent(property_name) {
assert_not_equals(property_name, 'referrer', 'property_name');
const request = new Request('/', {referrer: '/'});
let init = {};
init[property_name] = undefined;
assert_equals((new Request(request, init)).referrer, request.url,
// |undefined_notpresent| uses referrer for testing, so we need to test
// the property manually.
const request = new Request('/', {referrerPolicy: 'same-origin'});
assert_equals(new Request(request, {referrer: undefined}).referrerPolicy,
'same-origin', 'referrer');
}, 'An undefined member should be treated as not-present');
test(() => {
// We used to implement RequestInit manually so we needed to test this
// functionality here. We now generate RequestInit with the IDL compiler,
// but it's still good to keep these around.
const e = Error();
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get method() { throw e; }})}, 'method');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get headers() { throw e; }})}, 'headers');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get body() { throw e; }})}, 'body');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get referrer() { throw e; }})}, 'referrer');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get referrerPolicy() { throw e; }})}, 'referrerPolicy');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get mode() { throw e; }})}, 'mode');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get credentials() { throw e; }})}, 'credentials');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get cache() { throw e; }})}, 'cache');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get redirect() { throw e; }})}, 'redirect');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get integrity() { throw e; }})}, 'integrity');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get keepalive() { throw e; }})}, 'keepalive');
assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
new Request('/', {get signal() { throw e; }})}, 'signal');
// Not implemented
// assert_throws_exactly(e, () => {
// new Request('/', {get window() { throw e; }})}, 'window');
}, 'Getter exceptions should not be silently ignored');
test(() => {
// This is to test that a TypeError is thrown when RequestInit's signal
// member does not implement the AbortSignal interface. We test this because
// we used to use an `any` IDL type to represent RequestInit's signal member
// instead of `AbortSignal` due to a bug in the IDL compiler, and performed
// conversions manually. This test ensures that conversion were carried out
// properly.
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
new Request('/', {signal: {}})},
'An empty object as RequestInit\'s signal member should fail type conversion');
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
new Request('/', {signal: new Request('/')})},
'A Request object as RequestInit\'s signal member should fail type conversion');
assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => {
new Request('/', {signal: new Response('/')})},
'A Response object as RequestInit\'s signal member should fail type conversion');
}, 'TypeError should be thrown when RequestInit\'s signal member does not implement the AbortSignal interface');
promise_test(function() {
var headers = new Headers;
headers.set('Content-Language', 'ja');
var req = new Request(URL, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: new Blob(['Test Blob'], {type: 'test/type'})
var req2 = req.clone();
// Change headers and of original request.
req.headers.set('Content-Language', 'en');
assert_equals(req2.headers.get('Content-Language'), 'ja',
'Headers of cloned request should not change when ' +
'original request headers are changed.');
return req.text().then(function(text) {
assert_equals(text, 'Test Blob', 'Body of request should match.');
return req2.text();
}).then(function(text) {
assert_equals(text, 'Test Blob', 'Cloned request body should match.');
}, 'Test clone behavior with loading content from Request.');
async_test(function(t) {
var request =
new Request(URL,
method: 'POST',
body: new Blob(['Test Blob'], {type: 'test/type'})
getContentType(request.headers), 'test/type',
'ContentType header of Request created with Blob body must be set.');
'bodyUsed must be true before calling text()');
.then(function(result) {
assert_equals(result, 'Test Blob',
'Creating a Request with Blob body should success.');
request = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: 'Test String'});
getContentType(request.headers), 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8',
'ContentType header of Request created with string must be set.');
return request.text();
.then(function(result) {
assert_equals(result, 'Test String',
'Creating a Request with string body should success.');
var text = 'Test ArrayBuffer';
var array = new Uint8Array(text.length);
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; ++i)
array[i] = text.charCodeAt(i);
request = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: array.buffer});
return request.text();
.then(function(result) {
result, 'Test ArrayBuffer',
'Creating a Request with ArrayBuffer body should success.');
var text = 'Test ArrayBufferView';
var array = new Uint8Array(text.length);
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; ++i)
array[i] = text.charCodeAt(i);
request = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: array});
return request.text();
.then(function(result) {
result, 'Test ArrayBufferView',
'Creating a Request with ArrayBuffer body should success.');
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('sample string', '1234567890');
formData.append('sample blob', new Blob(['blob content']));
formData.append('sample file',
new File(['file content'], 'file.dat'));
request = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: formData});
return request.text();
.then(function(result) {
var reg = new RegExp('multipart\/form-data; boundary=(.*)');
var regResult = reg.exec(getContentType(request.headers));
var boundary = regResult[1];
var expected_body =
'--' + boundary + '\r\n' +
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sample string"\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'1234567890\r\n' +
'--' + boundary + '\r\n' +
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sample blob"; ' +
'filename="blob"\r\n' +
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'blob content\r\n' +
'--' + boundary + '\r\n' +
'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sample file"; ' +
'filename="file.dat"\r\n' +
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n' +
'\r\n' +
'file content\r\n' +
'--' + boundary + '--\r\n';
result, expected_body,
'Creating a Request with FormData body should success.');
.then(function() {
var params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append('sample string', '1234567890');
request = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: params});
return request.text();
.then(function(result) {
assert_equals(result, "sample+string=1234567890");
.then(function() {
// Alphanumeric characters and *-._ shouldn't be percent-encoded.
// The others must.
var params = new URLSearchParams();
request = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: params});
return request.text();
.then(function(result) {
"%00%1F%21%29*%2B%2C-.%2F%3A%3F%5B%5E_%7B%7E%7F%C2%80=" +
.then(function() {
// CR and LF shouldn't be normalized into CRLF.
var params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append('\r \n \r\n', '\r \n \r\n');
request = new Request(URL, {method: 'POST', body: params});
return request.text();
.then(function(result) {
assert_equals(result, "%0D+%0A+%0D%0A=%0D+%0A+%0D%0A");
.then(function() {
'bodyUsed must be true after calling text()');
}, 'Request body test');
test(function() {
// Step 32:
// Fill r's Headers object with headers. Rethrow any exceptions.
INVALID_HEADER_NAMES.forEach(function(name) {
function() {
var obj = {};
obj[name] = 'a';
new Request('http://localhost/', {headers: obj});
'new Request with headers with an invalid name (' + name +
') should throw');
function() {
new Request('http://localhost/', {headers: [[name, 'a']]});
'new Request with headers with an invalid name (' + name +
') should throw');
INVALID_HEADER_VALUES.forEach(function(value) {
function() {
new Request('http://localhost/',
{headers: {'X-Fetch-Test': value}});
'new Request with headers with an invalid value should throw');
function() {
new Request('http://localhost/',
{headers: [['X-Fetch-Test', value]]});
'new Request with headers with an invalid value should throw');
}, 'Request throw error test');
// Tests for MIME types.
promise_test(function(t) {
var req = new Request('http://localhost/',
{method: 'POST', body: new Blob([''])});
return req.blob()
.then(function(blob) {
assert_equals(blob.type, '');
assert_equals(req.headers.get('Content-Type'), null);
}, 'MIME type for Blob');
promise_test(function(t) {
var req = new Request('http://localhost/',
{method: 'POST',
body: new Blob([''], {type: 'Text/Plain'})});
return req.blob()
.then(function(blob) {
assert_equals(blob.type, 'text/plain');
assert_equals(req.headers.get('Content-Type'), 'text/plain');
}, 'MIME type for Blob with non-empty type');
promise_test(function(t) {
var req = new Request('http://localhost/',
{method: 'POST', body: new FormData()});
return req.blob()
.then(function(blob) {
assert_equals(blob.type.indexOf('multipart/form-data; boundary='),
.indexOf('multipart/form-data; boundary='),
}, 'MIME type for FormData');
promise_test(function(t) {
var req = new Request('http://localhost/',
{method: 'POST', body: ''});
return req.blob()
.then(function(blob) {
assert_equals(blob.type, 'text/plain;charset=utf-8');
}, 'MIME type for USVString');
promise_test(function(t) {
var req = new Request('http://localhost/',
{method: 'POST',
body: new Blob([''], {type: 'Text/Plain'}),
headers: [['Content-Type', 'Text/Html']]});
var clone = req.clone();
return Promise.all([req.blob(), clone.blob()])
.then(function(blobs) {
assert_equals(blobs[0].type, 'text/html');
assert_equals(blobs[1].type, 'text/html');
assert_equals(req.headers.get('Content-Type'), 'Text/Html');
assert_equals(clone.headers.get('Content-Type'), 'Text/Html');
}, 'Extract a MIME type with clone');
promise_test(function(t) {
var req = new Request('http://localhost/',
{method: 'POST',
body: new Blob([''], {type: 'Text/Plain'})});
req.headers.set('Content-Type', 'Text/Html');
return req.blob()
.then(function(blob) {
assert_equals(blob.type, 'text/plain');
assert_equals(req.headers.get('Content-Type'), 'Text/Html');
'MIME type unchanged if headers are modified after Request() constructor');
promise_test(function(t) {
var req = new Request('http://localhost/',
{method: 'POST',
body: new Blob([''], {type: 'Text/Plain'}),
headers: [['Content-Type', 'Text/Html']]});
return req.blob()
.then(function(blob) {
assert_equals(blob.type, 'text/html');
assert_equals(req.headers.get('Content-Type'), 'Text/Html');
}, 'Extract a MIME type (1)');
promise_test(function(t) {
var req = new Request('http://localhost/',
{method: 'POST',
credentials: 'include',
body: 'this is a body'});
return req.text()
.then(t => {
assert_equals(t, 'this is a body');
}, 'Credentials and body can both be set.');