blob: d62b8e47886b8388188cd60c535f3cdaea8914cd [file] [log] [blame]
(class CSSHelper{
constructor(testRunner, dp) {
this._testRunner = testRunner;
this._dp = dp;
_trimErrorMessage(error) {
return error.replace(/at position \d+/, "<somewhere>");
async _logMessage(message, expectError, styleSheetId) {
if (message.error && expectError) {
this._testRunner.log('Expected protocol error: ' + message.error.message +
( ? ' (' + this._trimErrorMessage( + ')' : ''));
} else if (message.error && !expectError) {
this._testRunner.log('ERROR: ' + message.error.message);
} else if (!message.error && expectError) {
'ERROR: protocol method call did not return expected error. Instead, the following message was received: ' +
} else if (!message.error && !expectError) {
var {result} =
await this._dp.CSS.getStyleSheetText({styleSheetId: styleSheetId});
this._testRunner.log('==== Style sheet text ====');
async setPropertyText(styleSheetId, expectError, options) {
options.styleSheetId = styleSheetId;
var message = await this._dp.CSS.setPropertyText(options);
await this._logMessage(message, expectError, styleSheetId);
async setRuleSelector(styleSheetId, expectError, options) {
options.styleSheetId = styleSheetId;
var message = await this._dp.CSS.setRuleSelector(options);
await this._logMessage(message, expectError, styleSheetId);
async setMediaText(styleSheetId, expectError, options) {
options.styleSheetId = styleSheetId;
var message = await this._dp.CSS.setMediaText(options);
await this._logMessage(message, expectError, styleSheetId);
async addRule(styleSheetId, expectError, options) {
options.styleSheetId = styleSheetId;
var message = await this._dp.CSS.addRule(options);
await this._logMessage(message, expectError, styleSheetId);
async setStyleTexts(styleSheetId, expectError, edits) {
var message = await this._dp.CSS.setStyleTexts({edits: edits});
await this._logMessage(message, expectError, styleSheetId);
_indentLog(indent, string) {
var indentString = Array(indent + 1).join(' ');
this._testRunner.log(indentString + string);
dumpRuleMatch(ruleMatch) {
var rule = ruleMatch.rule;
var matchingSelectors = ruleMatch.matchingSelectors;
var media = || [];
var mediaLine = '';
for (var i = 0; i < media.length; ++i)
mediaLine += (i > 0 ? ' ' : '') + media[i].text;
var baseIndent = 0;
if (mediaLine.length) {
this._indentLog(baseIndent, '@media ' + mediaLine);
baseIndent += 4;
var selectorLine = '';
var selectors = rule.selectorList.selectors;
for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0)
selectorLine += ', ';
var matching = matchingSelectors.indexOf(i) !== -1;
if (matching)
selectorLine += '*';
selectorLine += selectors[i].text;
if (matching)
selectorLine += '*';
selectorLine += ' {';
selectorLine += ' ' + rule.origin;
if (!
selectorLine += ' readonly';
this._indentLog(baseIndent, selectorLine);
this.dumpStyle(, baseIndent);
this._indentLog(baseIndent, '}');
dumpStyle(style, baseIndent) {
if (!style)
var cssProperties = style.cssProperties;
for (var i = 0; i < cssProperties.length; ++i) {
var cssProperty = cssProperties[i];
var propertyLine = + ': ' + cssProperty.value + ';';
this._indentLog(baseIndent + 4, propertyLine);
displayName(url) {
return url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
async loadAndDumpMatchingRulesForNode(nodeId, omitLog) {
var {result} = await this._dp.CSS.getMatchedStylesForNode({'nodeId': nodeId});
if (!omitLog)
this._testRunner.log('Dumping matched rules: ');, result.matchedCSSRules);
if (!omitLog)
this._testRunner.log('Dumping inherited rules: ');
for (var inheritedEntry of result.inherited) {
this.dumpStyle(inheritedEntry.inlineStyle, /*indent=*/0);, inheritedEntry.matchedCSSRules);
function dumpRuleMatches(ruleMatches) {
for (var ruleMatch of ruleMatches) {
var origin = ruleMatch.rule.origin;
if (origin !== 'inspector' && origin !== 'regular')
async loadAndDumpCSSAnimationsForNode(nodeId) {
var {result} =
await this._dp.CSS.getMatchedStylesForNode({'nodeId': nodeId});
this._testRunner.log('Dumping CSS keyframed animations: ');
for (var keyframesRule of result.cssKeyframesRules) {
'@keyframes ' + keyframesRule.animationName.text + ' {');
for (var keyframe of keyframesRule.keyframes) {
this._indentLog(4, keyframe.keyText.text + ' {');
this.dumpStyle(, 4);
this._indentLog(4, '}');
async loadAndDumpMatchingRules(documentNodeId, selector, omitLog) {
var nodeId = await this.requestNodeId(documentNodeId, selector);
await this.loadAndDumpMatchingRulesForNode(nodeId, omitLog);
async loadAndDumpInlineAndMatchingRules(documentNodeId, selector, omitLog) {
var nodeId = await this.requestNodeId(documentNodeId, selector);
var {result} =
await this._dp.CSS.getInlineStylesForNode({'nodeId': nodeId});
if (!omitLog)
this._testRunner.log('Dumping inline style: ');
this.dumpStyle(result.inlineStyle, 0);
await this.loadAndDumpMatchingRulesForNode(nodeId, omitLog)
async requestDocumentNodeId() {
var {result} = await this._dp.DOM.getDocument({});
return result.root.nodeId;
async requestNodeId(nodeId, selector) {
var response = await this._dp.DOM.querySelector({nodeId, selector});
return response.result.nodeId;
async requestAllNodeIds(nodeId, selector) {
var response = await this._dp.DOM.querySelectorAll({nodeId, selector});
return response.result.nodeIds;