blob: 032a365ce4fa92fc6d1bb6876dd7af7dfe5484ba [file] [log] [blame]
(async function(testRunner) {
// The number includes the frame, and the 6 JS files that it loads directly.
const numberOfURLs = 7;
var {page, session, dp} = await testRunner.startHTML(`
`, 'Tests render-blocking status of HTML based script in traces.');
var TracingHelper = await testRunner.loadScript('../resources/tracing-test.js');
var tracingHelper = new TracingHelper(testRunner, session);
await tracingHelper.startTracing();
(function performActions() {
const frame = document.createElement("iframe");
frame.src = "../resources/render-blocking-frame-script.html";
// Wait for traces to show up.
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfURLs; ++i) {
await dp.Network.onceRequestWillBeSent();
const events = await tracingHelper.stopTracing();
const requestEvents = events.filter(e => == "ResourceSendRequest");
const resources = new Map();
for (let e of requestEvents) {
const data = e['args']['data'];
const url_list = data['url'].split('/');
const url = url_list[url_list.length - 1];
if (url.includes("js")) {
resources.set(url, data['renderBlocking']);
for (const resource of Array.from(resources.keys()).sort())
testRunner.log(`${resource}: ${resources.get(resource)}`);