blob: d4a0cbc31efcba8026716e49587c9988a1aca7cc [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=/generic-sensor/resources/generic-sensor-helpers.js
'use strict';
sensor_test(async (t, sensorProvider) => {
const sensor = new AmbientLightSensor({
frequency: 10 // 10Hz is the maximum frequency allowed by the Blink
// implementation.
t.add_cleanup(() => {
const eventWatcher =
new EventWatcher(t, sensor, ['activate', 'reading', 'error']);
await eventWatcher.wait_for('activate');
sensor.hasReading, 'Sensor has no readings immediately after activation');
sensor.illuminance, null,
'Sensor must have no illuminance immediately after activation');
const mockSensor =
await sensorProvider.getCreatedSensor('AmbientLightSensor');
await mockSensor.setSensorReading([[24], [35], [49], [35], [24]]);
// This loop checks that illuminance rounding causes the following to happen:
// 1. The first ever reading goes from nothing to 24. A new "reading" event is
// emitted and the rounded illuminance value is 0.
// 2. Going from 24 to 35 is not significant enough. No "reading" event is
// emitted and the illuminance value remains the same.
// 3. Going from 24 to 49 is significant enough. A "reading" event is emitted
// and the rounded illuminance value is 50.
// 4. Going from 49 to 35 is not significant enough. No "reading" event is
// emitted and the illuminance value remains the same.
// 5. Going from 49 to 24 is significant enough. A "reading" event is emitted
// and the rounded illuminance value is 0.
// 6. We are back to the first raw reading value. We are at 24 and get 24, so
// nothing happens.
// 7. Go to step 3.
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await eventWatcher.wait_for('reading');
assert_equals(sensor.illuminance, 0, 'Rounded illuminance should be 0');
await eventWatcher.wait_for('reading');
assert_equals(sensor.illuminance, 50, 'Rounded illuminance should be 50');
}, 'Illuminance rounding');