blob: 65a585e4cbbb2dd68aaaa467d300434d38a03e7d [file] [log] [blame]
self.addEventListener('fetch', evt => {
if (!evt.request.url.includes('simple.js') || evt.request.mode != 'no-cors')
evt.respondWith(async function() {
// Fetch the response from the network.
const net_response = await fetch(evt.request);
// Before returning the response store a clone in cache_storage
// and compute its padded usage.
const cache = await'padding');
// Make sure to use the URL and not the full request. The main window
// and service worker requests may have different headers which can
// throw off the size comparison.
await cache.put(evt.request.url, net_response.clone());
const usage = (await;
await cache.delete(evt.request.url);
// Send the padded usage value to the main window so that it can
// be compared.
const client = await clients.get(evt.clientId);
client.postMessage({ usage: usage });
// Finally return the original network response.
return net_response;