blob: 135f5fb18bc072c6a48474e90f23e7c615b342ce [file] [log] [blame]
**/ export const description = `
createTexture validation tests.
TODO: review existing tests and merge with this plan:
> All x= every texture format
> - {any dimension, mipLevelCount} = 0
> - x= every texture format
> - sampleCount = {0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 256} with format/dimension that supports multisample
> - x= every texture format
> - sampleCount = {1, 4}
> - with format that supports multisample, with all possible dimensions
> - with dimension that support multisample, with all possible formats
> - with format-dimension that support multisample, with {mipLevelCount, array layer count} = {1, 2}
> - 1d, {width, height, depth} > whatever the max is
> - height max is 1 (unless 1d-array is added)
> - depth max is 1
> - x= every texture format
> - 2d, {width, height, depth} > whatever the max is
> - depth (array layers) max differs from width/height
> - x= every texture format
> - 3d, {width, height, depth} > whatever the max is
> - x= every texture format
> - usage flags
> - {0, ... each single usage flag}
> - x= every texture format
> - every possible pair of usage flags
> - with one common texture format
> - any other conditions from the spec
> - ...?
TODO: move destroy tests out of this file
import { poptions } from '../../../common/framework/params_builder.js';
import { makeTestGroup } from '../../../common/framework/test_group.js';
import { kAllTextureFormats, kAllTextureFormatInfo } from '../../capability_info.js';
import { ValidationTest } from './validation_test.js';
class F extends ValidationTest {
getDescriptor(options = {}) {
const {
width = 32,
height = 32,
arrayLayerCount = 1,
mipLevelCount = 1,
sampleCount = 1,
format = 'rgba8unorm',
} = options;
return {
size: { width, height, depth: arrayLayerCount },
dimension: '2d',
usage: GPUTextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT | GPUTextureUsage.SAMPLED,
export const g = makeTestGroup(F);
// TODO: Consider making a list of "valid"+"invalid" texture descriptors in capability_info.
{ sampleCount: 0, _success: false }, // sampleCount of 0 is not allowed
{ sampleCount: 1, _success: true }, // sampleCount of 1 is allowed
{ sampleCount: 2, _success: false }, // sampleCount of 2 is not allowed
{ sampleCount: 3, _success: false }, // sampleCount of 3 is not allowed
{ sampleCount: 4, _success: true }, // sampleCount of 4 is allowed
{ sampleCount: 8, _success: false }, // sampleCount of 8 is not allowed
{ sampleCount: 16, _success: false }, // sampleCount of 16 is not allowed
{ sampleCount: 4, mipLevelCount: 2, _success: false }, // multisampled multi-level not allowed
{ sampleCount: 4, arrayLayerCount: 2, _success: false }, // multisampled multi-layer is not allowed
.fn(async t => {
const { sampleCount, mipLevelCount, arrayLayerCount, _success } = t.params;
const descriptor = t.getDescriptor({ sampleCount, mipLevelCount, arrayLayerCount });
t.expectValidationError(() => {
}, !_success);
{ width: 32, height: 32, mipLevelCount: 1, _success: true }, // mipLevelCount of 1 is allowed
{ width: 32, height: 32, mipLevelCount: 0, _success: false }, // mipLevelCount of 0 is not allowed
{ width: 32, height: 32, mipLevelCount: 6, _success: true }, // full mip chains are allowed (Mip level sizes: 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1)
{ width: 31, height: 32, mipLevelCount: 6, _success: true }, // full mip chains are allowed (Mip level sizes: 31x32, 15x16, 7x8, 3x4, 1x2, 1x1)
{ width: 32, height: 31, mipLevelCount: 6, _success: true }, // full mip chains are allowed (Mip level sizes: 32x31, 16x15, 8x7, 4x3, 2x1, 1x1)
{ width: 31, height: 32, mipLevelCount: 7, _success: false }, // too big mip chains on width are disallowed (Mip level sizes: 31x32, 15x16, 7x8, 3x4, 1x2, 1x1, ?x?)
{ width: 32, height: 31, mipLevelCount: 7, _success: false }, // too big mip chains on height are disallowed (Mip level sizes: 32x31, 16x15, 8x7, 4x3, 2x1, 1x1, ?x?)
{ width: 32, height: 32, mipLevelCount: 100, _success: false }, // undefined shift check if miplevel is bigger than the integer bit width
{ width: 32, height: 8, mipLevelCount: 6, _success: true }, // non square mip map halves the resolution until a 1x1 dimension. (Mip maps: 32 * 8, 16 * 4, 8 * 2, 4 * 1, 2 * 1, 1 * 1)
.fn(async t => {
const { width, height, mipLevelCount, _success } = t.params;
const descriptor = t.getDescriptor({ width, height, mipLevelCount });
t.expectValidationError(() => {
}, !_success);
g.test('it_is_valid_to_destroy_a_texture').fn(t => {
const descriptor = t.getDescriptor();
const texture = t.device.createTexture(descriptor);
g.test('it_is_valid_to_destroy_a_destroyed_texture').fn(t => {
const descriptor = t.getDescriptor();
const texture = t.device.createTexture(descriptor);
{ destroyBeforeEncode: false, destroyAfterEncode: false, _success: true },
{ destroyBeforeEncode: true, destroyAfterEncode: false, _success: false },
{ destroyBeforeEncode: false, destroyAfterEncode: true, _success: false },
.fn(async t => {
const { destroyBeforeEncode, destroyAfterEncode, _success } = t.params;
const descriptor = t.getDescriptor();
const texture = t.device.createTexture(descriptor);
const textureView = texture.createView();
if (destroyBeforeEncode) {
const commandEncoder = t.device.createCommandEncoder();
const renderPass = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({
colorAttachments: [
attachment: textureView,
loadValue: { r: 1.0, g: 0.0, b: 0.0, a: 1.0 },
const commandBuffer = commandEncoder.finish();
if (destroyAfterEncode) {
t.expectValidationError(() => {
}, !_success);
.params(poptions('format', kAllTextureFormats))
.fn(async t => {
const format = t.params.format;
const info = kAllTextureFormatInfo[format];
const descriptor = t.getDescriptor({ width: 1, height: 1, format });
t.expectValidationError(() => {
}, !info.renderable);
// TODO: Add tests for compressed texture formats