blob: eac4862f8490f2bff91ef59ebf0af692757bb3b6 [file] [log] [blame]
**/ export const description = `
Validation tests for render pass resolve.
import { makeTestGroup } from '../../../../common/framework/test_group.js';
import { GPUConst } from '../../../constants.js';
import { ValidationTest } from '../validation_test.js';
const kNumColorAttachments = 4;
export const g = makeTestGroup(ValidationTest);
Test various validation behaviors when a resolveTarget is provided.
- base case (valid).
- resolve source is not multisampled.
- resolve target is not single sampled.
- resolve target missing OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT usage.
- resolve target must have exactly one subresource:
- base mip level {0, >0}, mip level count {1, >1}.
- base array layer {0, >0}, array layer count {1, >1}.
- TODO: test zero subresources
- resolve source and target have different formats.
- rgba8unorm -> {bgra8unorm, rgba8unorm-srgb}
- {bgra8unorm, rgba8unorm-srgb} -> rgba8unorm
- test with other color attachments having a different format
- resolve source and target have different sizes.
// control case should be valid
{ _valid: true },
// a single sampled resolve source should cause a validation error.
{ colorAttachmentSamples: 1, _valid: false },
// a multisampled resolve target should cause a validation error.
{ resolveTargetSamples: 4, _valid: false },
// resolveTargetUsage without OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT usage should cause a validation error.
{ resolveTargetUsage: GPUConst.TextureUsage.COPY_SRC, _valid: false },
// non-zero resolve target base mip level should be valid.
resolveTargetViewBaseMipLevel: 1,
resolveTargetHeight: 4,
resolveTargetWidth: 4,
_valid: true,
// a validation error should be created when mip count > 1
{ resolveTargetViewMipCount: 2, _valid: false },
resolveTargetViewBaseMipLevel: 1,
resolveTargetViewMipCount: 2,
resolveTargetHeight: 4,
resolveTargetWidth: 4,
_valid: false,
// non-zero resolve target base array layer should be valid.
{ resolveTargetViewBaseArrayLayer: 1, _valid: true },
// a validation error should be created when array layer count > 1
{ resolveTargetViewArrayLayerCount: 2, _valid: false },
{ resolveTargetViewBaseArrayLayer: 1, resolveTargetViewArrayLayerCount: 2, _valid: false },
// other color attachments resolving with a different format should be valid.
{ otherAttachmentFormat: 'bgra8unorm', _valid: true },
// mismatched colorAttachment and resolveTarget formats should cause a validation error.
{ colorAttachmentFormat: 'bgra8unorm', _valid: false },
{ colorAttachmentFormat: 'rgba8unorm-srgb', _valid: false },
{ resolveTargetFormat: 'bgra8unorm', _valid: false },
{ resolveTargetFormat: 'rgba8unorm-srgb', _valid: false },
// mismatched colorAttachment and resolveTarget sizes should cause a validation error.
{ colorAttachmentHeight: 4, _valid: false },
{ colorAttachmentWidth: 4, _valid: false },
{ resolveTargetHeight: 4, _valid: false },
{ resolveTargetWidth: 4, _valid: false },
.fn(async t => {
const {
colorAttachmentFormat = 'rgba8unorm',
resolveTargetFormat = 'rgba8unorm',
otherAttachmentFormat = 'rgba8unorm',
colorAttachmentSamples = 4,
resolveTargetSamples = 1,
resolveTargetUsage = GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT,
resolveTargetViewMipCount = 1,
resolveTargetViewBaseMipLevel = 0,
resolveTargetViewArrayLayerCount = 1,
resolveTargetViewBaseArrayLayer = 0,
colorAttachmentHeight = 2,
colorAttachmentWidth = 2,
resolveTargetHeight = 2,
resolveTargetWidth = 2,
} = t.params;
// Run the test in a nested loop such that the configured color attachment with resolve target
// is tested while occupying each individual colorAttachment slot.
for (let resolveSlot = 0; resolveSlot < kNumColorAttachments; resolveSlot++) {
const renderPassColorAttachmentDescriptors = [];
for (
let colorAttachmentSlot = 0;
colorAttachmentSlot < kNumColorAttachments;
) {
// resolveSlot === colorAttachmentSlot denotes the color attachment slot that contains the color attachment with resolve
// target.
if (resolveSlot === colorAttachmentSlot) {
// Create the color attachment with resolve target with the configurable parameters.
const resolveSourceColorAttachment = t.device.createTexture({
format: colorAttachmentFormat,
size: { width: colorAttachmentWidth, height: colorAttachmentHeight, depth: 1 },
sampleCount: colorAttachmentSamples,
usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT,
const resolveTarget = t.device.createTexture({
format: resolveTargetFormat,
size: {
width: resolveTargetWidth,
height: resolveTargetHeight,
depth: resolveTargetViewBaseArrayLayer + resolveTargetViewArrayLayerCount,
sampleCount: resolveTargetSamples,
mipLevelCount: resolveTargetViewBaseMipLevel + resolveTargetViewMipCount,
usage: resolveTargetUsage,
attachment: resolveSourceColorAttachment.createView(),
loadValue: 'load',
resolveTarget: resolveTarget.createView({
dimension: resolveTargetViewArrayLayerCount === 1 ? '2d' : '2d-array',
mipLevelCount: resolveTargetViewMipCount,
arrayLayerCount: resolveTargetViewArrayLayerCount,
baseMipLevel: resolveTargetViewBaseMipLevel,
baseArrayLayer: resolveTargetViewBaseArrayLayer,
} else {
// Create a basic texture to fill other color attachment slots. This texture's dimensions
// and sample count must match the resolve source color attachment to be valid.
const colorAttachment = t.device.createTexture({
format: otherAttachmentFormat,
size: { width: colorAttachmentWidth, height: colorAttachmentHeight, depth: 1 },
sampleCount: colorAttachmentSamples,
usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT,
const resolveTarget = t.device.createTexture({
format: otherAttachmentFormat,
size: {
width: colorAttachmentWidth,
height: colorAttachmentHeight,
depth: 1,
sampleCount: 1,
usage: GPUTextureUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUTextureUsage.OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT,
attachment: colorAttachment.createView(),
loadValue: 'load',
resolveTarget: resolveTarget.createView(),
const encoder = t.device.createCommandEncoder();
const pass = encoder.beginRenderPass({
colorAttachments: renderPassColorAttachmentDescriptors,
t.expectValidationError(() => {
}, !_valid);