blob: 7363a71d83b34c71ffba5070ce121337bc6d8895 [file] [log] [blame]
**/ export const description = `
Examples of writing CTS tests with various features.
Start here when looking for examples of basic framework usage.
import { params, pbool, poptions } from '../common/framework/params_builder.js';
import { makeTestGroup } from '../common/framework/test_group.js';
import { GPUTest } from './gpu_test.js';
// To run these tests in the standalone runner, run `grunt build` or `grunt pre` then open:
// - http://localhost:8080/?runnow=1&q=webgpu:examples:
// To run in WPT, copy/symlink the out-wpt/ directory as the webgpu/ directory in WPT, then open:
// - (wpt server url)/webgpu/cts.html?q=webgpu:examples:
// Tests here can be run individually or in groups:
// - ?q=webgpu:examples:basic/async=
// - ?q=webgpu:examples:basic/
// - ?q=webgpu:examples:
export const g = makeTestGroup(GPUTest);
// Note: spaces in test names are replaced with underscores: webgpu:examples:test_name=
g.test('test_name').fn(t => {});
Plan for this test. What it tests. Summary of how it tests that functionality.
- Description of cases, by describing parameters {a, b, c}
- x= more parameters {x, y, z}
g.test('basic').fn(t => {
t.expect(true, 'true should be true');
// The expected '.name' of the thrown error.
// This function is run inline inside shouldThrow, and is expected to throw.
() => {
throw new TypeError();
// Log message.
'function should throw Error'
g.test('basic,async').fn(async t => {
// shouldReject must be awaited to ensure it can wait for the promise before the test ends.
// The expected '.name' of the thrown error.
// Promise expected to reject.
Promise.reject(new TypeError()),
// Log message.
'Promise.reject should reject'
// Promise can also be an IIFE.
(async () => {
throw new TypeError();
'Promise.reject should reject'
// A test can be parameterized with a simple array of objects.
// Parameters can be public (x, y) which means they're part of the case name.
// They can also be private by starting with an underscore (_result), which passes
// them into the test but does not make them part of the case name:
// - webgpu:examples:basic/params={"x":2,"y":4} runs with t.params = {x: 2, y: 5, _result: 6}.
// - webgpu:examples:basic/params={"x":-10,"y":18} runs with t.params = {x: -10, y: 18, _result: 8}.
{ x: 2, y: 4, _result: 6 }, //
{ x: -10, y: 18, _result: 8 },
.fn(t => {
t.expect(t.params.x + t.params.y === t.params._result);
// (note the blank comment above to enforce newlines on autoformat)
// Runs the following cases:
// { x: 2, y: 2 }
// { x: 2, z: 3 }
// { x: 3, y: 2 }
// { x: 3, z: 3 }
.combine(poptions('x', [2, 3]))
.combine([{ y: 2 }, { z: 3 }])
.fn(() => {});
g.test('gpu,async').fn(async t => {
const fence = t.queue.createFence();
t.queue.signal(fence, 2);
await fence.onCompletion(1);
t.expect(fence.getCompletedValue() === 2);
g.test('gpu,buffers').fn(async t => {
const data = new Uint32Array([0, 1234, 0]);
const src = t.device.createBuffer({
mappedAtCreation: true,
size: 12,
usage: GPUBufferUsage.COPY_SRC | GPUBufferUsage.COPY_DST,
new Uint32Array(src.getMappedRange()).set(data);
// Use the expectContents helper to check the actual contents of a GPUBuffer.
// Like shouldReject, it must be awaited.
t.expectContents(src, data);
// One of the following two tests should be skipped on most platforms.
`Example of a test using a device descriptor.
Tests that a BC format passes validation iff the feature is enabled.`
.fn(async t => {
const { textureCompressionBC } = t.params;
if (textureCompressionBC) {
await t.selectDeviceOrSkipTestCase({ extensions: ['texture-compression-bc'] });
const shouldError = !textureCompressionBC;
() => {
format: 'bc1-rgba-unorm',
size: [4, 4, 1],
usage: GPUTextureUsage.SAMPLED,
`Example of a test using a device descriptor.
TODO: Test that an ETC format passes validation iff the feature is enabled.`
.fn(async t => {
const { textureCompressionETC } = t.params;
if (textureCompressionETC) {
await t.selectDeviceOrSkipTestCase({
extensions: ['texture-compression-etc'],
// TODO: Should actually test createTexture with an ETC format here.