blob: 7beed333d112e305095927f9ea4806deb25eed71 [file] [log] [blame]
**/ import { assert } from '../../common/framework/util/util.js';
import { clamp } from './math.js';
export function floatAsNormalizedInteger(float, bits, signed) {
if (signed) {
assert(float >= -1 && float <= 1);
const max = Math.pow(2, bits - 1) - 1;
return Math.round(float * max);
} else {
assert(float >= 0 && float <= 1);
const max = Math.pow(2, bits) - 1;
return Math.round(float * max);
export function normalizedIntegerAsFloat(integer, bits, signed) {
if (signed) {
const max = Math.pow(2, bits - 1) - 1;
assert(integer >= -max - 1 && integer <= max);
if (integer === -max - 1) {
integer = -max;
return integer / max;
} else {
const max = Math.pow(2, bits) - 1;
assert(integer >= 0 && integer <= max);
return integer / max;
// Does not handle clamping, underflow, overflow, denormalized numbers
export function float32ToFloatBits(n, signBits, exponentBits, mantissaBits, bias) {
assert(exponentBits <= 8);
assert(mantissaBits <= 23);
if (n === 0) {
return 0;
if (signBits === 0) {
assert(n >= 0);
const buf = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT));
buf.setFloat32(0, n, true);
const bits = buf.getUint32(0, true);
// bits (32): seeeeeeeefffffffffffffffffffffff
const mantissaBitsToDiscard = 23 - mantissaBits;
// 0 or 1
const sign = (bits >> 31) & signBits;
// >> to remove mantissa, & to remove sign, - 127 to remove bias.
const exp = ((bits >> 23) & 0xff) - 127;
// Convert to the new biased exponent.
const newBiasedExp = bias + exp;
assert(newBiasedExp >= 0 && newBiasedExp < 1 << exponentBits);
// Mask only the mantissa, and discard the lower bits.
const newMantissa = (bits & 0x7fffff) >> mantissaBitsToDiscard;
return (sign << (exponentBits + mantissaBits)) | (newBiasedExp << mantissaBits) | newMantissa;
// Three partial-precision floating-point numbers encoded into a single 32-bit value all
// sharing the same 5-bit exponent.
// There is no sign bit, and there is a shared 5-bit biased (15) exponent and a 9-bit
// mantissa for each channel. The mantissa does NOT have an implicit leading "1.",
// and instead has an implicit leading "0.".
export function packRGB9E5UFloat(r, g, b) {
for (const v of [r, g, b]) {
assert(v >= 0 && v < Math.pow(2, 16));
const buf = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT));
const extractMantissaAndExponent = n => {
const mantissaBits = 9;
buf.setFloat32(0, n, true);
const bits = buf.getUint32(0, true);
// >> to remove mantissa, & to remove sign
let biasedExponent = (bits >> 23) & 0xff;
const mantissaBitsToDiscard = 23 - mantissaBits;
let mantissa = (bits & 0x7fffff) >> mantissaBitsToDiscard;
// RGB9E5UFloat has an implicit leading 0. instead of a leading 1.,
// so we need to move the 1. into the mantissa and bump the exponent.
// For float32 encoding, the leading 1 is only present if the biased
// exponent is non-zero.
if (biasedExponent !== 0) {
mantissa = (mantissa >> 1) | 0b100000000;
biasedExponent += 1;
return { biasedExponent, mantissa };
const { biasedExponent: rExp, mantissa: rOrigMantissa } = extractMantissaAndExponent(r);
const { biasedExponent: gExp, mantissa: gOrigMantissa } = extractMantissaAndExponent(g);
const { biasedExponent: bExp, mantissa: bOrigMantissa } = extractMantissaAndExponent(b);
// Use the largest exponent, and shift the mantissa accordingly
const exp = Math.max(rExp, gExp, bExp);
const rMantissa = rOrigMantissa >> (exp - rExp);
const gMantissa = gOrigMantissa >> (exp - gExp);
const bMantissa = bOrigMantissa >> (exp - bExp);
const bias = 15;
const biasedExp = exp === 0 ? 0 : exp - 127 + bias;
assert(biasedExp >= 0 && biasedExp <= 31);
return rMantissa | (gMantissa << 9) | (bMantissa << 18) | (biasedExp << 27);
export function assertInIntegerRange(n, bits, signed) {
if (signed) {
const min = -Math.pow(2, bits - 1);
const max = Math.pow(2, bits - 1) - 1;
assert(n >= min && n <= max);
} else {
const max = Math.pow(2, bits) - 1;
assert(n >= 0 && n <= max);
export function gammaCompress(n) {
n = n <= 0.0031308 ? (323 * n) / 25 : (211 * Math.pow(n, 5 / 12) - 11) / 200;
return clamp(n, 0, 1);
export function gammaDecompress(n) {
n = n <= 0.04045 ? (n * 25) / 323 : Math.pow((200 * n + 11) / 211, 12 / 5);
return clamp(n, 0, 1);