blob: 0159ebdcc0036e4f597ec786db9095d2a6d49b45 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/common_export.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace blink {
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kMemoryAblationFeature;
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT extern const char kMemoryAblationFeatureSizeParam[];
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT extern const char kMemoryAblationFeatureMinRAMParam[];
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT extern const char kMemoryAblationFeatureMaxRAMParam[];
/* When enabled, this experiment allocates a chunk of memory to study
* correlation between memory usage and performance metrics.
class BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT MemoryAblationExperiment {
// Starts the experiment if corresponding field trial is enabled
static void MaybeStart(scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
static void MaybeStartForRenderer(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
static void MaybeStartInternal(
const base::Feature& memory_ablation_feature,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
void Start(scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner, size_t size);
void AllocateMemory(size_t size);
void TouchMemory(size_t offset);
void ScheduleTouchMemory(size_t offset);
static MemoryAblationExperiment* GetInstance();
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
size_t memory_size_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> memory_;
} // namespace blink