blob: 32bfc8a162ca5406f7a22bbb6fa299a00d64d9b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_promise.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/animation.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/element.h"
namespace blink {
class CORE_EXPORT CSSAnimation : public Animation {
int animation_index,
const String& animation_name);
bool IsCSSAnimation() const final { return true; }
void ClearOwningElement() final { owning_element_ = nullptr; }
Element* OwningElement() const override { return owning_element_; }
const String& animationName() const { return animation_name_; }
int AnimationIndex() const { return animation_index_; }
void SetAnimationIndex(wtf_size_t absolute_position) {
animation_index_ = absolute_position;
// Animation overrides.
// Various operations may affect the computed values of properties on
// elements. User agents may, as an optimization, defer recomputing these
// values until it becomes necessary; however, all operations included in the
// programming interfaces defined in the web-animations and css-animations
// specifications, must produce a result consistent with having fully
// processed any such pending changes to computed values. Notably, changes
// to animation-play-state and display:none must update the play state.
String playState() const override;
bool pending() const override;
// Explicit calls to the web-animation API that update the play state are
// conditionally sticky and override the animation-play-state style.
void pause(ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION) override;
void play(ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION) override;
void reverse(ExceptionState& = ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION) override;
void setTimeline(AnimationTimeline*) override;
void setStartTime(CSSNumberish, ExceptionState&) override;
// When set, subsequent changes to animation-play-state no longer affect the
// play state.
bool getIgnoreCSSPlayState() { return ignore_css_play_state_; }
void resetIgnoreCSSPlayState() { ignore_css_play_state_ = false; }
bool GetIgnoreCSSTimeline() const { return ignore_css_timeline_; }
void ResetIgnoreCSSTimeline() { ignore_css_timeline_ = false; }
void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) const override {
// Force pending animation properties to be applied, as these may alter the
// animation. This step is required before any web animation API calls that
// depends on computed values.
void FlushPendingUpdates() const override { FlushStyles(); }
AnimationEffect::EventDelegate* CreateEventDelegate(
Element* target,
const AnimationEffect::EventDelegate* old_event_delegate) override;
void FlushStyles() const;
class PlayStateTransitionScope {
explicit PlayStateTransitionScope(CSSAnimation& animation);
CSSAnimation& animation_;
bool was_paused_;
// animation_index_ represents the absolute position of an animation within
// the same owning element. This index helps resolve the animation ordering
// when comparing two animations with the same owning element.
int animation_index_;
AtomicString animation_name_;
// When set, the web-animation API is overruling the animation-play-state
// style.
bool ignore_css_play_state_;
// When set, changes to the 'animation-timeline' property will be ignored.
bool ignore_css_timeline_;
// The owning element of an animation refers to the element or pseudo-element
// whose animation-name property was applied that generated the animation
// The spec:
Member<Element> owning_element_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<CSSAnimation> {
static bool AllowFrom(const Animation& animation) {
return animation.IsCSSAnimation();
} // namespace blink