blob: 7781bd2165f96f69a395f8ad16914912703dc6c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/cssom/css_math_value.h"
namespace blink {
// Represents the inverse of a CSSNumericValue.
// See CSSMathInvert.idl for more information about this class.
class CORE_EXPORT CSSMathInvert : public CSSMathValue {
// The constructor defined in the IDL.
static CSSMathInvert* Create(const CSSNumberish& arg) {
return Create(CSSNumericValue::FromNumberish(arg));
// Blink-internal constructor
static CSSMathInvert* Create(CSSNumericValue* value) {
return MakeGarbageCollected<CSSMathInvert>(
value, CSSNumericValueType::NegateExponents(value->Type()));
CSSMathInvert(CSSNumericValue* value, const CSSNumericValueType& type)
: CSSMathValue(type), value_(value) {}
CSSMathInvert(const CSSMathInvert&) = delete;
CSSMathInvert& operator=(const CSSMathInvert&) = delete;
String getOperator() const final { return "invert"; }
void value(CSSNumberish& value) { value.SetCSSNumericValue(value_); }
// Blink-internal methods
const CSSNumericValue& Value() const { return *value_; }
// From CSSStyleValue.
StyleValueType GetType() const final { return CSSStyleValue::kInvertType; }
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const override {
bool Equals(const CSSNumericValue& other) const final {
if (other.GetType() != kNegateType)
return false;
// We can safely cast here as we know 'other' has the same type as us.
const auto& other_invert = static_cast<const CSSMathInvert&>(other);
return value_->Equals(*other_invert.value_);
CSSMathExpressionNode* ToCalcExpressionNode() const final {
// TODO( Implement.
return nullptr;
// From CSSNumericValue
CSSNumericValue* Invert() final { return value_.Get(); }
base::Optional<CSSNumericSumValue> SumValue() const final;
void BuildCSSText(Nested, ParenLess, StringBuilder&) const final;
Member<CSSNumericValue> value_;
} // namespace blink