blob: e53cadb1c16d2af733c235b41d4251cdd87070b2 [file] [log] [blame]
* QPIC LCD node
Required properties:
- compatible: "qti,mdss_qpic"
- reg: QPIC LCD register address range
- clocks: must contain core clock and always on clock
- clock-names: must contain "core" for the core clock and "aon" for the
always on clock
- dmas: DMA specifier, consisting of a phandle BAM DMA
controller node and the channel number to
be used for LCD. Refer to dma.txt and
qcom_bam_dma.txt for more details
Optional properties:
- qti,bam_timeout: Timeout in ms for QPIC BAM transfer. Default timeout
i.e. 400 ms will be used if this parameter is not
qti_mdss_qpic@7980000 {
compatible = "qti,mdss_qpic";
reg = <0x7980000 0x24000>;
interrupts = <0 106 0>;
clocks = <&gcc GCC_QPIC_CLK>, <&gcc GCC_QPIC_AHB_CLK>;
clock-names = "core", "aon";
dmas = <&qpic_bam 6>;
qti,bam_timeout = <1000>;
* QPIC LCD Display Panel
Required properties:
- compatible: "qti,mdss-qpic-panel"
- label: QPIC LCD Panel Name
- qti,mdss-pan-res: QPIC LCD Display Panel resolution in x,y
- qti,mdss-pan-bpp: QPIC LCD Display Panel bits per pixel
- qti,refresh_rate: QPIC LCD Display Panel refresh rate
qti_mdss_qpic_panel {
compatible = "qti,mdss-qpic-panel";
label = "qpic lcd panel";
qti,mdss-pan-res = <800 480>;
qti,mdss-pan-bpp = <18>;
qti,refresh_rate = <60>;
status = "disabled";