blob: d465dd42c2f5f28c357b7cb612037f18e8f40513 [file] [log] [blame]
QTI LED Controller Driver.
Required properties:
- compatible: "qti,ledc"
- reg: Base address for LED registers.
- reg-names: Register name for reference.
- qti,tcsr_ledc_values: The values with which the 12 LED Control registers needs to be initialized with.
- qti,ledc_blink_indices_cnt: No.of blink registers configured. Allowed value is 0 to 4.
- qti,ledc_blink_indices: Indices of LEDs which are configured as blink LEDs. No. of entries
should correspond to the value in qti,ledc_blink_indices_cnt.
Optional properties:
- qti,ledc_blink_idx_src_pair: List of LED index + blink source pairs.
qti: ledc@1937000 {
compatible = "qti,ledc";
reg = <0x1937000 0x20070>;
reg-names = "ledc_base_addr";
qti,tcsr_ledc_values = <0x320195 0xA418820 0x16A4A0E6 0x2307B9AC 0x16AD272 \
0xFFFFFFFF 0x0 0x0 0x7D006F 0x0 0x10482090 0x3FFFFE4>;
qti,ledc_blink_indices_cnt = <4>;
qti,ledc_blink_indices = <19 20 21 22>;
qti,ledc_blink_idx_src_pair = <3 20>, <4 21>, <5 22>;