blob: 73addd3a2c4f94b1e6cf6ec48f06780618dcf464 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) INRIA and Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. */
/* This file was generated by KreMLin <>
* then hand-edited to use MSVC intrinsics KreMLin invocation:
* C:\users\barrybo\mitls2c\kremlin\_build\src\Kremlin.native -minimal -fnouint128 C:/users/barrybo/mitls2c/FStar/ulib/FStar.UInt128.fst -tmpdir ../secure_api/out/runtime_switch/uint128 -skip-compilation -add-include "kremlib0.h" -drop FStar.Int.Cast.Full -bundle FStar.UInt128=FStar.*,Prims
* F* version: 15104ff8
* KreMLin version: 318b7fa8
#ifndef FSTAR_UINT128_MSVC
#define FSTAR_UINT128_MSVC
#include "kremlin/internal/types.h"
#include "FStar_UInt128.h"
#include "FStar_UInt_8_16_32_64.h"
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#error This file only works with the MSVC compiler
/* JP: need to rip out HAS_OPTIMIZED since the header guards in types.h are now
* done properly and only include this file when we know for sure we are on
* 64-bit MSVC. */
#if defined(_M_X64) && !defined(KRML_VERIFIED_UINT128)
// Define .low and .high in terms of the __m128i fields, to reduce
// the amount of churn in this file.
#include <intrin.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
#define low m128i_u64[0]
#define high m128i_u64[1]
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
load128_le(uint8_t *b)
return _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)b);
return (
(FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = load64_le(b), .high = load64_le(b + 8) });
inline static void
store128_le(uint8_t *b, FStar_UInt128_uint128 n)
store64_le(b, n.low);
store64_le(b + 8, n.high);
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
load128_be(uint8_t *b)
uint64_t l = load64_be(b + 8);
uint64_t h = load64_be(b);
return _mm_set_epi64x(h, l);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = l, .high = h });
inline static void
store128_be(uint8_t *b, uint128_t n)
store64_be(b, n.high);
store64_be(b + 8, n.low);
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_constant_time_carry(uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
return (a ^ (a ^ b | a - b ^ b)) >> (uint32_t)63U;
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_carry(uint64_t a, uint64_t b)
return FStar_UInt128_constant_time_carry(a, b);
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_add(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
uint64_t l, h;
unsigned char carry =
_addcarry_u64(0, a.low, b.low, &l); // low/CF = a.low+b.low+0
_addcarry_u64(carry, a.high, b.high, &h); // high = a.high+b.high+CF
return _mm_set_epi64x(h, l);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = a.low + b.low,
.high = a.high + b.high + FStar_UInt128_carry(a.low + b.low, b.low) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_add_underspec(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return FStar_UInt128_add(a, b);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = a.low + b.low,
.high = a.high + b.high + FStar_UInt128_carry(a.low + b.low, b.low) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_add_mod(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return FStar_UInt128_add(a, b);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = a.low + b.low,
.high = a.high + b.high + FStar_UInt128_carry(a.low + b.low, b.low) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_sub(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
uint64_t l, h;
unsigned char borrow = _subborrow_u64(0, a.low, b.low, &l);
_subborrow_u64(borrow, a.high, b.high, &h);
return _mm_set_epi64x(h, l);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = a.low - b.low,
.high = a.high - b.high - FStar_UInt128_carry(a.low, a.low - b.low) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_sub_underspec(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return FStar_UInt128_sub(a, b);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = a.low - b.low,
.high = a.high - b.high - FStar_UInt128_carry(a.low, a.low - b.low) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_sub_mod_impl(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = a.low - b.low,
.high = a.high - b.high - FStar_UInt128_carry(a.low, a.low - b.low) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_sub_mod(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return FStar_UInt128_sub(a, b);
return FStar_UInt128_sub_mod_impl(a, b);
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_logand(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return _mm_and_si128(a, b);
return (
(FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = a.low & b.low, .high = a.high & b.high });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_logxor(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return _mm_xor_si128(a, b);
return (
(FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = a.low ^ b.low, .high = a.high ^ b.high });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_logor(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return _mm_or_si128(a, b);
return (
(FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = a.low | b.low, .high = a.high | b.high });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_lognot(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a)
return _mm_andnot_si128(a, a);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = ~a.low, .high = ~a.high });
static const uint32_t FStar_UInt128_u32_64 = (uint32_t)64U;
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_add_u64_shift_left(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo, uint32_t s)
return (hi << s) + (lo >> FStar_UInt128_u32_64 - s);
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_add_u64_shift_left_respec(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo, uint32_t s)
return FStar_UInt128_add_u64_shift_left(hi, lo, s);
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_shift_left_small(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, uint32_t s)
if (s == (uint32_t)0U)
return a;
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = a.low << s,
.high = FStar_UInt128_add_u64_shift_left_respec(a.high, a.low, s) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_shift_left_large(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, uint32_t s)
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = (uint64_t)0U,
.high = a.low << s - FStar_UInt128_u32_64 });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_shift_left(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, uint32_t s)
if (s == 0) {
return a;
} else if (s < FStar_UInt128_u32_64) {
uint64_t l = a.low << s;
uint64_t h = __shiftleft128(a.low, a.high, (unsigned char)s);
return _mm_set_epi64x(h, l);
} else {
return _mm_set_epi64x(a.low << (s - FStar_UInt128_u32_64), 0);
if (s < FStar_UInt128_u32_64)
return FStar_UInt128_shift_left_small(a, s);
return FStar_UInt128_shift_left_large(a, s);
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_add_u64_shift_right(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo, uint32_t s)
return (lo >> s) + (hi << FStar_UInt128_u32_64 - s);
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_add_u64_shift_right_respec(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo, uint32_t s)
return FStar_UInt128_add_u64_shift_right(hi, lo, s);
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_shift_right_small(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, uint32_t s)
if (s == (uint32_t)0U)
return a;
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = FStar_UInt128_add_u64_shift_right_respec(a.high, a.low, s),
.high = a.high >> s });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_shift_right_large(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, uint32_t s)
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = a.high >> s - FStar_UInt128_u32_64,
.high = (uint64_t)0U });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_shift_right(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, uint32_t s)
if (s == 0) {
return a;
} else if (s < FStar_UInt128_u32_64) {
uint64_t l = __shiftright128(a.low, a.high, (unsigned char)s);
uint64_t h = a.high >> s;
return _mm_set_epi64x(h, l);
} else {
return _mm_set_epi64x(0, a.high >> (s - FStar_UInt128_u32_64));
if (s < FStar_UInt128_u32_64)
return FStar_UInt128_shift_right_small(a, s);
return FStar_UInt128_shift_right_large(a, s);
inline static bool
FStar_UInt128_eq(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return a.low == b.low && a.high == b.high;
inline static bool
FStar_UInt128_gt(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return a.high > b.high || a.high == b.high && a.low > b.low;
inline static bool
FStar_UInt128_lt(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return a.high < b.high || a.high == b.high && a.low < b.low;
inline static bool
FStar_UInt128_gte(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return a.high > b.high || a.high == b.high && a.low >= b.low;
inline static bool
FStar_UInt128_lte(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
return a.high < b.high || a.high == b.high && a.low <= b.low;
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_eq_mask(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
// PCMPW to produce 4 32-bit values, all either 0x0 or 0xffffffff
__m128i r32 = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(a, b);
// Shuffle 3,2,1,0 into 2,3,0,1 (swapping dwords inside each half)
__m128i s32 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(r32, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
// Bitwise and to compute (3&2),(2&3),(1&0),(0&1)
__m128i ret64 = _mm_and_si128(r32, s32);
// Swap the two 64-bit values to form s64
__m128i s64 =
_mm_shuffle_epi32(ret64, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)); // 3,2,1,0 -> 1,0,3,2
// And them together
return _mm_and_si128(ret64, s64);
return (
(FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(a.low, b.low) &
FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(a.high, b.high),
.high = FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(a.low, b.low) &
FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(a.high, b.high) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_gte_mask(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a, FStar_UInt128_uint128 b)
// ge - compare 3,2,1,0 for >= and generating 0 or 0xffffffff for each
// eq - compare 3,2,1,0 for == and generating 0 or 0xffffffff for each
// slot 0 = ge0 | (eq0 & ge1) | (eq0 & eq1 & ge2) | (eq0 & eq1 & eq2 & ge3)
// then splat slot 0 to 3,2,1,0
__m128i gt = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(a, b);
__m128i eq = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(a, b);
__m128i ge = _mm_or_si128(gt, eq);
__m128i ge0 = ge;
__m128i eq0 = eq;
__m128i ge1 = _mm_srli_si128(ge, 4); // shift ge from 3,2,1,0 to 0x0,3,2,1
__m128i t1 = _mm_and_si128(eq0, ge1);
__m128i ret = _mm_or_si128(ge, t1); // ge0 | (eq0 & ge1) is now in 0
__m128i eq1 = _mm_srli_si128(eq, 4); // shift eq from 3,2,1,0 to 0x0,3,2,1
__m128i ge2 =
_mm_srli_si128(ge1, 4); // shift original ge from 3,2,1,0 to 0x0,0x0,3,2
__m128i t2 =
_mm_and_si128(eq0, _mm_and_si128(eq1, ge2)); // t2 = (eq0 & eq1 & ge2)
ret = _mm_or_si128(ret, t2);
__m128i eq2 = _mm_srli_si128(eq1, 4); // shift eq from 3,2,1,0 to 0x0,00,00,3
__m128i ge3 =
_mm_srli_si128(ge2, 4); // shift original ge from 3,2,1,0 to 0x0,0x0,0x0,3
__m128i t3 = _mm_and_si128(
eq0, _mm_and_si128(
eq1, _mm_and_si128(eq2, ge3))); // t3 = (eq0 & eq1 & eq2 & ge3)
ret = _mm_or_si128(ret, t3);
return _mm_shuffle_epi32(
_MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0)); // the result is in 0. Shuffle into all dwords.
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = FStar_UInt64_gte_mask(a.high, b.high) &
~FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(a.high, b.high) |
FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(a.high, b.high) &
FStar_UInt64_gte_mask(a.low, b.low),
.high = FStar_UInt64_gte_mask(a.high, b.high) &
~FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(a.high, b.high) |
FStar_UInt64_eq_mask(a.high, b.high) &
FStar_UInt64_gte_mask(a.low, b.low) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_uint64_to_uint128(uint64_t a)
return _mm_set_epi64x(0, a);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){.low = a, .high = (uint64_t)0U });
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_uint128_to_uint64(FStar_UInt128_uint128 a)
return a.low;
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(uint64_t a)
return a & (uint64_t)0xffffffffU;
static uint32_t FStar_UInt128_u32_32 = (uint32_t)32U;
inline static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_u32_combine(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo)
return lo + (hi << FStar_UInt128_u32_32);
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_mul32(uint64_t x, uint32_t y)
uint64_t l, h;
l = _umul128(x, (uint64_t)y, &h);
return _mm_set_epi64x(h, l);
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = FStar_UInt128_u32_combine(
(x >> FStar_UInt128_u32_32) * (uint64_t)y +
(FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(x) * (uint64_t)y >>
FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(x) * (uint64_t)y)),
.high = (x >> FStar_UInt128_u32_32) * (uint64_t)y +
(FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(x) * (uint64_t)y >>
FStar_UInt128_u32_32) >>
FStar_UInt128_u32_32 });
/* Note: static headers bring scope collision issues when they define types!
* Because now client (kremlin-generated) code will include this header and
* there might be type collisions if the client code uses quadruples of uint64s.
* So, we cannot use the kremlin-generated name. */
typedef struct K_quad_s {
uint64_t fst;
uint64_t snd;
uint64_t thd;
uint64_t f3;
} K_quad;
inline static K_quad
FStar_UInt128_mul_wide_impl_t_(uint64_t x, uint64_t y)
return ((K_quad){
.fst = FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(x),
.snd = FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(
FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(x) * FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(y)),
.thd = x >> FStar_UInt128_u32_32,
.f3 = (x >> FStar_UInt128_u32_32) * FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(y) +
(FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(x) * FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(y) >>
FStar_UInt128_u32_32) });
static uint64_t
FStar_UInt128_u32_combine_(uint64_t hi, uint64_t lo)
return lo + (hi << FStar_UInt128_u32_32);
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_mul_wide_impl(uint64_t x, uint64_t y)
K_quad scrut =
FStar_UInt128_mul_wide_impl_t_(x, y);
uint64_t u1 = scrut.fst;
uint64_t w3 = scrut.snd;
uint64_t x_ =;
uint64_t t_ = scrut.f3;
return ((FStar_UInt128_uint128){
.low = FStar_UInt128_u32_combine_(
u1 * (y >> FStar_UInt128_u32_32) + FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(t_), w3),
.high =
x_ * (y >> FStar_UInt128_u32_32) + (t_ >> FStar_UInt128_u32_32) +
(u1 * (y >> FStar_UInt128_u32_32) + FStar_UInt128_u64_mod_32(t_) >>
FStar_UInt128_u32_32) });
inline static FStar_UInt128_uint128
FStar_UInt128_mul_wide(uint64_t x, uint64_t y)
uint64_t l, h;
l = _umul128(x, y, &h);
return _mm_set_epi64x(h, l);
return FStar_UInt128_mul_wide_impl(x, y);
#undef low
#undef high