blob: 4ad02215034be3ddd3bb9d95396052d5edfbf9a2 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::simd::intrinsics;
use crate::simd::{LaneCount, Simd, SimdElement, SupportedLaneCount};
use core::ops::{Neg, Not}; // unary ops
macro_rules! neg {
($(impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<$scalar:ty, LANES>)*) => {
$(impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<$scalar, LANES>
$scalar: SimdElement,
LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,
type Output = Self;
#[must_use = "operator returns a new vector without mutating the input"]
fn neg(self) -> Self::Output {
// Safety: `self` is a signed vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_neg(self) }
neg! {
impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<f32, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<f64, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<i8, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<i16, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<i32, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<i64, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Neg for Simd<isize, LANES>
macro_rules! not {
($(impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<$scalar:ty, LANES>)*) => {
$(impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<$scalar, LANES>
$scalar: SimdElement,
LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,
type Output = Self;
#[must_use = "operator returns a new vector without mutating the input"]
fn not(self) -> Self::Output {
self ^ (Simd::splat(!(0 as $scalar)))
not! {
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<i8, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<i16, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<i32, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<i64, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<isize, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<u8, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<u16, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<u32, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<u64, LANES>
impl<const LANES: usize> Not for Simd<usize, LANES>