blob: 8358cb9e81b6513c8ee6edf9c791a17d7112b9c4 [file] [log] [blame]
//! SGX-specific access to architectural features.
//! The functionality in this module is further documented in the Intel
//! Software Developer's Manual, Volume 3, Chapter 40.
#![unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
use crate::mem::MaybeUninit;
use core::arch::asm;
/// Wrapper struct to force 16-byte alignment.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub struct Align16<T>(pub T);
/// Wrapper struct to force 128-byte alignment.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub struct Align128<T>(pub T);
/// Wrapper struct to force 512-byte alignment.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub struct Align512<T>(pub T);
const ENCLU_EREPORT: u32 = 0;
const ENCLU_EGETKEY: u32 = 1;
/// Call the `EGETKEY` instruction to obtain a 128-bit secret key.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn egetkey(request: &Align512<[u8; 512]>) -> Result<Align16<[u8; 16]>, u32> {
unsafe {
let mut out = MaybeUninit::uninit();
let error;
// rbx is reserved by LLVM
"xchg %rbx, {0}",
"mov {0}, %rbx",
inout(reg) request => _,
inlateout("eax") ENCLU_EGETKEY => error,
in("rcx") out.as_mut_ptr(),
options(att_syntax, nostack),
match error {
0 => Ok(out.assume_init()),
err => Err(err),
/// Call the `EREPORT` instruction.
/// This creates a cryptographic report describing the contents of the current
/// enclave. The report may be verified by the enclave described in
/// `targetinfo`.
#[unstable(feature = "sgx_platform", issue = "56975")]
pub fn ereport(
targetinfo: &Align512<[u8; 512]>,
reportdata: &Align128<[u8; 64]>,
) -> Align512<[u8; 432]> {
unsafe {
let mut report = MaybeUninit::uninit();
// rbx is reserved by LLVM
"xchg %rbx, {0}",
"mov {0}, %rbx",
inout(reg) targetinfo => _,
in("eax") ENCLU_EREPORT,
in("rcx") reportdata,
in("rdx") report.as_mut_ptr(),
options(att_syntax, preserves_flags, nostack),