blob: c736cab576e4dd53b30f0f32901db78e9ed1c599 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A doubly-linked list where callers are in charge of memory allocation
//! of the nodes in the list.
mod tests;
use crate::mem;
use crate::ptr::NonNull;
pub struct UnsafeListEntry<T> {
next: NonNull<UnsafeListEntry<T>>,
prev: NonNull<UnsafeListEntry<T>>,
value: Option<T>,
impl<T> UnsafeListEntry<T> {
fn dummy() -> Self {
UnsafeListEntry { next: NonNull::dangling(), prev: NonNull::dangling(), value: None }
pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
UnsafeListEntry { value: Some(value), ..Self::dummy() }
// WARNING: self-referential struct!
pub struct UnsafeList<T> {
head_tail: NonNull<UnsafeListEntry<T>>,
head_tail_entry: Option<UnsafeListEntry<T>>,
impl<T> UnsafeList<T> {
pub const fn new() -> Self {
unsafe { UnsafeList { head_tail: NonNull::new_unchecked(1 as _), head_tail_entry: None } }
/// # Safety
unsafe fn init(&mut self) {
if self.head_tail_entry.is_none() {
self.head_tail_entry = Some(UnsafeListEntry::dummy());
// SAFETY: `head_tail_entry` must be non-null, which it is because we assign it above.
self.head_tail =
unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(self.head_tail_entry.as_mut().unwrap()) };
// SAFETY: `self.head_tail` must meet all requirements for a mutable reference.
unsafe { self.head_tail.as_mut() }.next = self.head_tail;
unsafe { self.head_tail.as_mut() }.prev = self.head_tail;
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
if self.head_tail_entry.is_some() {
let first = unsafe { self.head_tail.as_ref() }.next;
if first == self.head_tail {
// ,-------> /---------\ next ---,
// | |head_tail| |
// `--- prev \---------/ <-------`
// SAFETY: `self.head_tail` must meet all requirements for a reference.
unsafe { rtassert!(self.head_tail.as_ref().prev == first) };
} else {
} else {
/// Pushes an entry onto the back of the list.
/// # Safety
/// The entry must remain allocated until the entry is removed from the
/// list AND the caller who popped is done using the entry. Special
/// care must be taken in the caller of `push` to ensure unwinding does
/// not destroy the stack frame containing the entry.
pub unsafe fn push<'a>(&mut self, entry: &'a mut UnsafeListEntry<T>) -> &'a T {
unsafe { self.init() };
// /---------\ next ---> /---------\
// ... |prev_tail| |head_tail| ...
// \---------/ <--- prev \---------/
// /---------\ next ---> /-----\ next ---> /---------\
// ... |prev_tail| |entry| |head_tail| ...
// \---------/ <--- prev \-----/ <--- prev \---------/
let mut entry = unsafe { NonNull::new_unchecked(entry) };
let mut prev_tail = mem::replace(&mut unsafe { self.head_tail.as_mut() }.prev, entry);
// SAFETY: `entry` must meet all requirements for a mutable reference.
unsafe { entry.as_mut() }.prev = prev_tail;
unsafe { entry.as_mut() }.next = self.head_tail;
// SAFETY: `prev_tail` must meet all requirements for a mutable reference.
unsafe { prev_tail.as_mut() }.next = entry;
// unwrap ok: always `Some` on non-dummy entries
unsafe { (*entry.as_ptr()).value.as_ref() }.unwrap()
/// Pops an entry from the front of the list.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must make sure to synchronize ending the borrow of the
/// return value and deallocation of the containing entry.
pub unsafe fn pop<'a>(&mut self) -> Option<&'a T> {
unsafe { self.init() };
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
// /---------\ next ---> /-----\ next ---> /------\
// ... |head_tail| |first| |second| ...
// \---------/ <--- prev \-----/ <--- prev \------/
// /---------\ next ---> /------\
// ... |head_tail| |second| ...
// \---------/ <--- prev \------/
let mut first = unsafe { self.head_tail.as_mut() }.next;
let mut second = unsafe { first.as_mut() }.next;
unsafe { self.head_tail.as_mut() }.next = second;
unsafe { second.as_mut() }.prev = self.head_tail;
unsafe { first.as_mut() }.next = NonNull::dangling();
unsafe { first.as_mut() }.prev = NonNull::dangling();
// unwrap ok: always `Some` on non-dummy entries
Some(unsafe { (*first.as_ptr()).value.as_ref() }.unwrap())
/// Removes an entry from the list.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that `entry` has been pushed onto `self`
/// prior to this call and has not moved since then.
pub unsafe fn remove(&mut self, entry: &mut UnsafeListEntry<T>) {
// /----\ next ---> /-----\ next ---> /----\
// ... |prev| |entry| |next| ...
// \----/ <--- prev \-----/ <--- prev \----/
// /----\ next ---> /----\
// ... |prev| |next| ...
// \----/ <--- prev \----/
let mut prev = entry.prev;
let mut next =;
// SAFETY: `prev` and `next` must meet all requirements for a mutable reference.entry
unsafe { prev.as_mut() }.next = next;
unsafe { next.as_mut() }.prev = prev; = NonNull::dangling();
entry.prev = NonNull::dangling();