blob: dd23586e76a4be33cf06e3dc057e4c73d4965b2e [file] [log] [blame]
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use crate::values::value_for_array;
use crate::Language;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TypeKind {
impl FromStr for TypeKind {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"bfloat" => Ok(Self::BFloat),
"float" => Ok(Self::Float),
"int" => Ok(Self::Int),
"poly" => Ok(Self::Poly),
"uint" | "unsigned" => Ok(Self::UInt),
"void" => Ok(Self::Void),
_ => Err(format!("Impossible to parse argument kind {}", s)),
impl fmt::Display for TypeKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::BFloat => "bfloat",
Self::Float => "float",
Self::Int => "int",
Self::UInt => "uint",
Self::Poly => "poly",
Self::Void => "void",
impl TypeKind {
/// Gets the type part of a c typedef for a type that's in the form of {type}{size}_t.
pub fn c_prefix(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::Float => "float",
Self::Int => "int",
Self::UInt => "uint",
Self::Poly => "poly",
_ => unreachable!("Not used: {:#?}", self),
/// Gets the rust prefix for the type kind i.e. i, u, f.
pub fn rust_prefix(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::Float => "f",
Self::Int => "i",
Self::UInt => "u",
Self::Poly => "u",
_ => unreachable!("Unused type kind: {:#?}", self),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub enum IntrinsicType {
Ptr {
constant: bool,
child: Box<IntrinsicType>,
Type {
constant: bool,
kind: TypeKind,
/// The bit length of this type (e.g. 32 for u32).
bit_len: Option<u32>,
/// Length of the SIMD vector (i.e. 4 for uint32x4_t), A value of `None`
/// means this is not a simd type. A `None` can be assumed to be 1,
/// although in some places a distinction is needed between `u64` and
/// `uint64x1_t` this signals that.
simd_len: Option<u32>,
/// The number of rows for SIMD matrices (i.e. 2 for uint8x8x2_t).
/// A value of `None` represents a type that does not contain any
/// rows encoded in the type (e.g. uint8x8_t).
/// A value of `None` can be assumed to be 1 though.
vec_len: Option<u32>,
impl IntrinsicType {
/// Get the TypeKind for this type, recursing into pointers.
pub fn kind(&self) -> TypeKind {
match *self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { ref child, .. } => child.kind(),
IntrinsicType::Type { kind, .. } => kind,
/// Get the size of a single element inside this type, recursing into
/// pointers, i.e. a pointer to a u16 would be 16 rather than the size
/// of a pointer.
pub fn inner_size(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { ref child, .. } => child.inner_size(),
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bl), ..
} => bl,
_ => unreachable!(""),
pub fn num_lanes(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { ref child, .. } => child.num_lanes(),
IntrinsicType::Type {
simd_len: Some(sl), ..
} => sl,
_ => 1,
pub fn num_vectors(&self) -> u32 {
match *self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { ref child, .. } => child.num_vectors(),
IntrinsicType::Type {
vec_len: Some(vl), ..
} => vl,
_ => 1,
/// Determine if the type is a simd type, this will treat a type such as
/// `uint64x1` as simd.
pub fn is_simd(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { ref child, .. } => child.is_simd(),
IntrinsicType::Type {
simd_len: None,
vec_len: None,
} => false,
_ => true,
pub fn is_ptr(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { .. } => true,
IntrinsicType::Type { .. } => false,
pub fn c_scalar_type(&self) -> String {
prefix = self.kind().c_prefix(),
bits = self.inner_size()
pub fn rust_scalar_type(&self) -> String {
prefix = self.kind().rust_prefix(),
bits = self.inner_size()
/// Gets a string containing the typename for this type in C format.
pub fn c_type(&self) -> String {
match self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { child, .. } => child.c_type(),
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
simd_len: None,
vec_len: None,
} => format!(
if *constant { "const " } else { "" },
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
simd_len: Some(simd_len),
vec_len: None,
} => format!("{}{}x{}_t", kind.c_prefix(), bit_len, simd_len),
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
simd_len: Some(simd_len),
vec_len: Some(vec_len),
} => format!("{}{}x{}x{}_t", kind.c_prefix(), bit_len, simd_len, vec_len),
_ => todo!("{:#?}", self),
pub fn c_single_vector_type(&self) -> String {
match self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { child, .. } => child.c_single_vector_type(),
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
simd_len: Some(simd_len),
vec_len: Some(_),
} => format!("{}{}x{}_t", kind.c_prefix(), bit_len, simd_len),
_ => unreachable!("Shouldn't be called on this type"),
pub fn rust_type(&self) -> String {
match self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { child, .. } => child.c_type(),
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
simd_len: None,
vec_len: None,
} => format!("{}{}", kind.rust_prefix(), bit_len),
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
simd_len: Some(simd_len),
vec_len: None,
} => format!("{}{}x{}_t", kind.c_prefix(), bit_len, simd_len),
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
simd_len: Some(simd_len),
vec_len: Some(vec_len),
} => format!("{}{}x{}x{}_t", kind.c_prefix(), bit_len, simd_len, vec_len),
_ => todo!("{:#?}", self),
/// Gets a cast for this type if needs promotion.
/// This is required for 8 bit types due to printing as the 8 bit types use
/// a char and when using that in `std::cout` it will print as a character,
/// which means value of 0 will be printed as a null byte.
/// This is also needed for polynomial types because we want them to be
/// printed as unsigned integers to match Rust's `Debug` impl.
pub fn c_promotion(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
} if bit_len == 8 => match kind {
TypeKind::Int => "(int)",
TypeKind::UInt => "(unsigned int)",
TypeKind::Poly => "(unsigned int)(uint8_t)",
_ => "",
IntrinsicType::Type {
kind: TypeKind::Poly,
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
} => match bit_len {
8 => unreachable!("handled above"),
16 => "(uint16_t)",
32 => "(uint32_t)",
64 => "(uint64_t)",
128 => "",
_ => panic!("invalid bit_len"),
_ => "",
/// Generates a comma list of values that can be used to initialize the array that
/// an argument for the intrinsic call is loaded from.
/// This is determistic based on the pass number.
/// * `loads`: The number of values that need to be loaded from the argument array
/// * e.g for argument type uint32x2, loads=2 results in a string representing 4 32-bit values
/// Returns a string such as
/// * `0x1, 0x7F, 0xFF` if `language` is `Language::C`
/// * `0x1 as _, 0x7F as _, 0xFF as _` if `language` is `Language::Rust`
pub fn populate_random(&self, loads: u32, language: &Language) -> String {
match self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { child, .. } => child.populate_random(loads, language),
IntrinsicType::Type {
bit_len: Some(bit_len),
} if kind == &TypeKind::Int || kind == &TypeKind::UInt || kind == &TypeKind::Poly => (0
..(simd_len.unwrap_or(1) * vec_len.unwrap_or(1) + loads - 1))
.map(|i| {
value_for_array(*bit_len, i),
match language {
&Language::Rust => format!(" as {ty} ", ty = self.rust_scalar_type()),
&Language::C => String::from(""),
IntrinsicType::Type {
kind: TypeKind::Float,
bit_len: Some(32),
} => (0..(simd_len.unwrap_or(1) * vec_len.unwrap_or(1) + loads - 1))
.map(|i| {
match language {
&Language::Rust => "std::mem::transmute",
&Language::C => "cast<float, uint32_t>",
value_for_array(32, i),
IntrinsicType::Type {
kind: TypeKind::Float,
bit_len: Some(64),
} => (0..(simd_len.unwrap_or(1) * vec_len.unwrap_or(1) + loads - 1))
.map(|i| {
match language {
&Language::Rust => "std::mem::transmute",
&Language::C => "cast<double, uint64_t>",
value_for_array(64, i),
match language {
&Language::Rust => " as u64",
&Language::C => "",
_ => unreachable!("populate random: {:#?}", self),
/// Determines the load function for this type.
pub fn get_load_function(&self, armv7_p64_workaround: bool) -> String {
match self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { child, .. } => child.get_load_function(armv7_p64_workaround),
IntrinsicType::Type {
kind: k,
bit_len: Some(bl),
} => {
let quad = if simd_len.unwrap_or(1) * bl > 64 {
} else {
type = match k {
TypeKind::UInt => "u",
TypeKind::Int => "s",
TypeKind::Float => "f",
// The ACLE doesn't support 64-bit polynomial loads on Armv7
TypeKind::Poly => if armv7_p64_workaround && *bl == 64 {"s"} else {"p"},
x => todo!("get_load_function TypeKind: {:#?}", x),
size = bl,
quad = quad,
len = vec_len.unwrap_or(1),
_ => todo!("get_load_function IntrinsicType: {:#?}", self),
/// Determines the get lane function for this type.
pub fn get_lane_function(&self) -> String {
match self {
IntrinsicType::Ptr { child, .. } => child.get_lane_function(),
IntrinsicType::Type {
kind: k,
bit_len: Some(bl),
} => {
let quad = if (simd_len.unwrap_or(1) * bl) > 64 {
} else {
type = match k {
TypeKind::UInt => "u",
TypeKind::Int => "s",
TypeKind::Float => "f",
TypeKind::Poly => "p",
x => todo!("get_load_function TypeKind: {:#?}", x),
size = bl,
quad = quad,
_ => todo!("get_lane_function IntrinsicType: {:#?}", self),