blob: 5f46c76966ad8a7ce958b34ba2627828e68ca437 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Aarch64 run-time features.
features! {
@TARGET: aarch64;
@CFG: target_arch = "aarch64";
@MACRO_NAME: is_aarch64_feature_detected;
/// This macro tests, at runtime, whether an `aarch64` feature is enabled on aarch64 platforms.
/// Currently most features are only supported on linux-based platforms.
/// This macro takes one argument which is a string literal of the feature being tested for.
/// The feature names are mostly taken from their FEAT_* definitions in the [ARM Architecture
/// Reference Manual][docs].
/// ## Supported arguments
/// * `"asimd"` or "neon" - FEAT_AdvSIMD
/// * `"pmull"` - FEAT_PMULL
/// * `"fp"` - FEAT_FP
/// * `"fp16"` - FEAT_FP16
/// * `"sve"` - FEAT_SVE
/// * `"crc"` - FEAT_CRC
/// * `"lse"` - FEAT_LSE
/// * `"lse2"` - FEAT_LSE2
/// * `"rdm"` - FEAT_RDM
/// * `"rcpc"` - FEAT_LRCPC
/// * `"rcpc2"` - FEAT_LRCPC2
/// * `"dotprod"` - FEAT_DotProd
/// * `"tme"` - FEAT_TME
/// * `"fhm"` - FEAT_FHM
/// * `"dit"` - FEAT_DIT
/// * `"flagm"` - FEAT_FLAGM
/// * `"ssbs"` - FEAT_SSBS
/// * `"sb"` - FEAT_SB
/// * `"paca"` - FEAT_PAuth (address authentication)
/// * `"pacg"` - FEAT_Pauth (generic authentication)
/// * `"dpb"` - FEAT_DPB
/// * `"dpb2"` - FEAT_DPB2
/// * `"sve2"` - FEAT_SVE2
/// * `"sve2-aes"` - FEAT_SVE2_AES
/// * `"sve2-sm4"` - FEAT_SVE2_SM4
/// * `"sve2-sha3"` - FEAT_SVE2_SHA3
/// * `"sve2-bitperm"` - FEAT_SVE2_BitPerm
/// * `"frintts"` - FEAT_FRINTTS
/// * `"i8mm"` - FEAT_I8MM
/// * `"f32mm"` - FEAT_F32MM
/// * `"f64mm"` - FEAT_F64MM
/// * `"bf16"` - FEAT_BF16
/// * `"rand"` - FEAT_RNG
/// * `"bti"` - FEAT_BTI
/// * `"mte"` - FEAT_MTE
/// * `"jsconv"` - FEAT_JSCVT
/// * `"fcma"` - FEAT_FCMA
/// * `"aes"` - FEAT_AES
/// * `"sha2"` - FEAT_SHA1 & FEAT_SHA256
/// * `"sha3"` - FEAT_SHA512 & FEAT_SHA3
/// * `"sm4"` - FEAT_SM3 & FEAT_SM4
/// [docs]:
#[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")]
@BIND_FEATURE_NAME: "asimd"; "neon";
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] asimd: "neon";
/// FEAT_AdvSIMD (Advanced SIMD/NEON)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] pmull: "pmull";
/// FEAT_PMULL (Polynomial Multiply)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] fp: "fp";
implied by target_features: ["neon"];
/// FEAT_FP (Floating point support) - Implied by `neon` target_feature
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] fp16: "fp16";
/// FEAT_FP16 (Half-float support)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sve: "sve";
/// FEAT_SVE (Scalable Vector Extension)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] crc: "crc";
/// FEAT_CRC32 (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] lse: "lse";
/// FEAT_LSE (Large System Extension - atomics)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] lse2: "lse2";
/// FEAT_LSE2 (unaligned and register-pair atomics)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] rdm: "rdm";
/// FEAT_RDM (Rounding Doubling Multiply - ASIMDRDM)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] rcpc: "rcpc";
/// FEAT_LRCPC (Release consistent Processor consistent)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] rcpc2: "rcpc2";
/// FEAT_LRCPC2 (RCPC with immediate offsets)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] dotprod: "dotprod";
/// FEAT_DotProd (Vector Dot-Product - ASIMDDP)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] tme: "tme";
/// FEAT_TME (Transactional Memory Extensions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] fhm: "fhm";
/// FEAT_FHM (fp16 multiplication instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] dit: "dit";
/// FEAT_DIT (Data Independent Timing instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] flagm: "flagm";
/// FEAT_FLAGM (flag manipulation instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] ssbs: "ssbs";
/// FEAT_SSBS (speculative store bypass safe)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sb: "sb";
/// FEAT_SB (speculation barrier)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] paca: "paca";
/// FEAT_PAuth (address authentication)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] pacg: "pacg";
/// FEAT_PAuth (generic authentication)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] dpb: "dpb";
/// FEAT_DPB (aka dcpop - data cache clean to point of persistence)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] dpb2: "dpb2";
/// FEAT_DPB2 (aka dcpodp - data cache clean to point of deep persistence)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sve2: "sve2";
/// FEAT_SVE2 (Scalable Vector Extension 2)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sve2_aes: "sve2-aes";
/// FEAT_SVE_AES (SVE2 AES crypto)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sve2_sm4: "sve2-sm4";
/// FEAT_SVE_SM4 (SVE2 SM4 crypto)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sve2_sha3: "sve2-sha3";
/// FEAT_SVE_SHA3 (SVE2 SHA3 crypto)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sve2_bitperm: "sve2-bitperm";
/// FEAT_SVE_BitPerm (SVE2 bit permutation instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] frintts: "frintts";
/// FEAT_FRINTTS (float to integer rounding instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] i8mm: "i8mm";
/// FEAT_I8MM (integer matrix multiplication, plus ASIMD support)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] f32mm: "f32mm";
/// FEAT_F32MM (single-precision matrix multiplication)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] f64mm: "f64mm";
/// FEAT_F64MM (double-precision matrix multiplication)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] bf16: "bf16";
/// FEAT_BF16 (BFloat16 type, plus MM instructions, plus ASIMD support)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] rand: "rand";
/// FEAT_RNG (Random Number Generator)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] bti: "bti";
/// FEAT_BTI (Branch Target Identification)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] mte: "mte";
/// FEAT_MTE (Memory Tagging Extension)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] jsconv: "jsconv";
/// FEAT_JSCVT (JavaScript float conversion instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] fcma: "fcma";
/// FEAT_FCMA (float complex number operations)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] aes: "aes";
/// FEAT_AES (AES instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sha2: "sha2";
/// FEAT_SHA1 & FEAT_SHA256 (SHA1 & SHA2-256 instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sha3: "sha3";
/// FEAT_SHA512 & FEAT_SHA3 (SHA2-512 & SHA3 instructions)
@FEATURE: #[stable(feature = "simd_aarch64", since = "1.60.0")] sm4: "sm4";
/// FEAT_SM3 & FEAT_SM4 (SM3 & SM4 instructions)