blob: 15e611ec546f8c6df41c135fc96ee243daeef118 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- llvm/Debuginfod/HTTPServer.h - HTTP server library ------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file contains the declarations of the HTTPServer and HTTPServerRequest
/// classes, the HTTPResponse, and StreamingHTTPResponse structs, and the
/// streamFile function.
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
// forward declarations
namespace httplib {
class Request;
class Response;
class Server;
} // namespace httplib
namespace llvm {
struct HTTPResponse;
struct StreamingHTTPResponse;
class HTTPServer;
class HTTPServerRequest {
friend HTTPServer;
HTTPServerRequest(const httplib::Request &HTTPLibRequest,
httplib::Response &HTTPLibResponse);
httplib::Response &HTTPLibResponse;
std::string UrlPath;
/// The elements correspond to match groups in the url path matching regex.
SmallVector<std::string, 1> UrlPathMatches;
// TODO bring in HTTP headers
void setResponse(StreamingHTTPResponse Response);
void setResponse(HTTPResponse Response);
struct HTTPResponse {
unsigned Code;
const char *ContentType;
StringRef Body;
typedef std::function<void(HTTPServerRequest &)> HTTPRequestHandler;
/// An HTTPContentProvider is called by the HTTPServer to obtain chunks of the
/// streaming response body. The returned chunk should be located at Offset
/// bytes and have Length bytes.
typedef std::function<StringRef(size_t /*Offset*/, size_t /*Length*/)>
/// Wraps the content provider with HTTP Status code and headers.
struct StreamingHTTPResponse {
unsigned Code;
const char *ContentType;
size_t ContentLength;
HTTPContentProvider Provider;
/// Called after the response transfer is complete with the success value of
/// the transfer.
std::function<void(bool)> CompletionHandler = [](bool Success) {};
/// Sets the response to stream the file at FilePath, if available, and
/// otherwise an HTTP 404 error response.
bool streamFile(HTTPServerRequest &Request, StringRef FilePath);
/// An HTTP server which can listen on a single TCP/IP port for HTTP
/// requests and delgate them to the appropriate registered handler.
class HTTPServer {
std::unique_ptr<httplib::Server> Server;
unsigned Port = 0;
/// Returns true only if LLVM has been compiled with a working HTTPServer.
static bool isAvailable();
/// Registers a URL pattern routing rule. When the server is listening, each
/// request is dispatched to the first registered handler whose UrlPathPattern
/// matches the UrlPath.
Error get(StringRef UrlPathPattern, HTTPRequestHandler Handler);
/// Attempts to assign the requested port and interface, returning an Error
/// upon failure.
Error bind(unsigned Port, const char *HostInterface = "");
/// Attempts to assign any available port and interface, returning either the
/// port number or an Error upon failure.
Expected<unsigned> bind(const char *HostInterface = "");
/// Attempts to listen for requests on the bound port. Returns an Error if
/// called before binding a port.
Error listen();
/// If the server is listening, stop and unbind the socket.
void stop();
} // end namespace llvm