blob: 64bce0ff8c0483f805179f10d61e69f7b52feba2 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::super::navigate;
use super::*;
use crate::alloc::Global;
use crate::fmt::Debug;
use crate::string::String;
impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> NodeRef<marker::Immut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal> {
// Asserts that the back pointer in each reachable node points to its parent.
pub fn assert_back_pointers(self) {
if let ForceResult::Internal(node) = self.force() {
for idx in 0..=node.len() {
let edge = unsafe { Handle::new_edge(node, idx) };
let child = edge.descend();
assert!(child.ascend().ok() == Some(edge));
// Renders a multi-line display of the keys in order and in tree hierarchy,
// picturing the tree growing sideways from its root on the left to its
// leaves on the right.
pub fn dump_keys(self) -> String
K: Debug,
let mut result = String::new();
self.visit_nodes_in_order(|pos| match pos {
navigate::Position::Leaf(leaf) => {
let depth = self.height();
let indent = " ".repeat(depth);
result += &format!("\n{}{:?}", indent, leaf.keys());
navigate::Position::Internal(_) => {}
navigate::Position::InternalKV(kv) => {
let depth = self.height() - kv.into_node().height();
let indent = " ".repeat(depth);
result += &format!("\n{}{:?}", indent, kv.into_kv().0);
fn test_splitpoint() {
for idx in 0..=CAPACITY {
let (middle_kv_idx, insertion) = splitpoint(idx);
// Simulate performing the split:
let mut left_len = middle_kv_idx;
let mut right_len = CAPACITY - middle_kv_idx - 1;
match insertion {
LeftOrRight::Left(edge_idx) => {
assert!(edge_idx <= left_len);
left_len += 1;
LeftOrRight::Right(edge_idx) => {
assert!(edge_idx <= right_len);
right_len += 1;
assert!(left_len >= MIN_LEN_AFTER_SPLIT);
assert!(right_len >= MIN_LEN_AFTER_SPLIT);
assert!(left_len + right_len == CAPACITY);
fn test_partial_eq() {
let mut root1 = NodeRef::new_leaf(Global);
root1.borrow_mut().push(1, ());
let mut root1 = NodeRef::new_internal(root1.forget_type(), Global).forget_type();
let root2 = Root::new(Global);
let leaf_edge_1a = root1.reborrow().first_leaf_edge().forget_node_type();
let leaf_edge_1b = root1.reborrow().last_leaf_edge().forget_node_type();
let top_edge_1 = root1.reborrow().first_edge();
let top_edge_2 = root2.reborrow().first_edge();
assert!(leaf_edge_1a == leaf_edge_1a);
assert!(leaf_edge_1a != leaf_edge_1b);
assert!(leaf_edge_1a != top_edge_1);
assert!(leaf_edge_1a != top_edge_2);
assert!(top_edge_1 == top_edge_1);
assert!(top_edge_1 != top_edge_2);
unsafe { root1.into_dying().deallocate_and_ascend(Global) };
unsafe { root2.into_dying().deallocate_and_ascend(Global) };
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
#[cfg_attr(miri, ignore)] // We'd like to run Miri with layout randomization
fn test_sizes() {
assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of::<LeafNode<(), ()>>(), 16);
assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of::<LeafNode<i64, i64>>(), 16 + CAPACITY * 2 * 8);
assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of::<InternalNode<(), ()>>(), 16 + (CAPACITY + 1) * 8);
assert_eq!(core::mem::size_of::<InternalNode<i64, i64>>(), 16 + (CAPACITY * 3 + 1) * 8);