blob: 830c60d329e4ec8b59ee98725641a7dde27d04fa [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::{fmt, io::ErrorKind};
use super::abi;
/// Wraps a μITRON error code.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ItronError {
er: abi::ER,
impl ItronError {
/// Construct `ItronError` from the specified error code. Returns `None` if the
/// error code does not represent a failure or warning.
pub fn new(er: abi::ER) -> Option<Self> {
if er < 0 { Some(Self { er }) } else { None }
/// Returns `Ok(er)` if `er` represents a success or `Err(_)` otherwise.
pub fn err_if_negative(er: abi::ER) -> Result<abi::ER, Self> {
if let Some(error) = Self::new(er) { Err(error) } else { Ok(er) }
/// Get the raw error code.
pub fn as_raw(&self) -> abi::ER {
impl fmt::Display for ItronError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// Allow the platforms to extend `error_name`
if let Some(name) = crate::sys::error::error_name( {
write!(f, "{} ({})", name,
} else {
write!(f, "{}",
/// Describe the specified μITRON error code. Returns `None` if it's an
/// undefined error code.
pub fn error_name(er: abi::ER) -> Option<&'static str> {
match er {
// Success
er if er >= 0 => None,
// μITRON 4.0
abi::E_SYS => Some("system error"),
abi::E_NOSPT => Some("unsupported function"),
abi::E_RSFN => Some("reserved function code"),
abi::E_RSATR => Some("reserved attribute"),
abi::E_PAR => Some("parameter error"),
abi::E_ID => Some("invalid ID number"),
abi::E_CTX => Some("context error"),
abi::E_MACV => Some("memory access violation"),
abi::E_OACV => Some("object access violation"),
abi::E_ILUSE => Some("illegal service call use"),
abi::E_NOMEM => Some("insufficient memory"),
abi::E_NOID => Some("no ID number available"),
abi::E_OBJ => Some("object state error"),
abi::E_NOEXS => Some("non-existent object"),
abi::E_QOVR => Some("queue overflow"),
abi::E_RLWAI => Some("forced release from waiting"),
abi::E_TMOUT => Some("polling failure or timeout"),
abi::E_DLT => Some("waiting object deleted"),
abi::E_CLS => Some("waiting object state changed"),
abi::E_WBLK => Some("non-blocking code accepted"),
abi::E_BOVR => Some("buffer overflow"),
// The TOPPERS third generation kernels
abi::E_NORES => Some("insufficient system resources"),
abi::E_RASTER => Some("termination request raised"),
abi::E_COMM => Some("communication failure"),
_ => None,
pub fn decode_error_kind(er: abi::ER) -> ErrorKind {
match er {
// Success
er if er >= 0 => ErrorKind::Uncategorized,
// μITRON 4.0
// abi::E_SYS
abi::E_NOSPT => ErrorKind::Unsupported, // Some("unsupported function"),
abi::E_RSFN => ErrorKind::InvalidInput, // Some("reserved function code"),
abi::E_RSATR => ErrorKind::InvalidInput, // Some("reserved attribute"),
abi::E_PAR => ErrorKind::InvalidInput, // Some("parameter error"),
abi::E_ID => ErrorKind::NotFound, // Some("invalid ID number"),
// abi::E_CTX
abi::E_MACV => ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, // Some("memory access violation"),
abi::E_OACV => ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, // Some("object access violation"),
// abi::E_ILUSE
abi::E_NOMEM => ErrorKind::OutOfMemory, // Some("insufficient memory"),
abi::E_NOID => ErrorKind::OutOfMemory, // Some("no ID number available"),
// abi::E_OBJ
abi::E_NOEXS => ErrorKind::NotFound, // Some("non-existent object"),
// abi::E_QOVR
abi::E_RLWAI => ErrorKind::Interrupted, // Some("forced release from waiting"),
abi::E_TMOUT => ErrorKind::TimedOut, // Some("polling failure or timeout"),
// abi::E_DLT
// abi::E_CLS
// abi::E_WBLK
// abi::E_BOVR
// The TOPPERS third generation kernels
abi::E_NORES => ErrorKind::OutOfMemory, // Some("insufficient system resources"),
// abi::E_RASTER
// abi::E_COMM
_ => ErrorKind::Uncategorized,
/// Similar to `ItronError::err_if_negative(er).expect()` except that, while
/// panicking, it prints the message to `panic_output` and aborts the program
/// instead. This ensures the error message is not obscured by double
/// panicking.
/// This is useful for diagnosing creation failures of synchronization
/// primitives that are used by `std`'s internal mechanisms. Such failures
/// are common when the system is mis-configured to provide a too-small pool for
/// kernel objects.
pub fn expect_success(er: abi::ER, msg: &&str) -> abi::ER {
match ItronError::err_if_negative(er) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(e) => fail(e, msg),
/// Similar to `ItronError::err_if_negative(er).expect()` but aborts instead.
/// Use this where panicking is not allowed or the effect of the failure
/// would be persistent.
pub fn expect_success_aborting(er: abi::ER, msg: &&str) -> abi::ER {
match ItronError::err_if_negative(er) {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(e) => fail_aborting(e, msg),
pub fn fail(e: impl fmt::Display, msg: &&str) -> ! {
if crate::thread::panicking() {
fail_aborting(e, msg)
} else {
panic!("{} failed: {}", *msg, e)
pub fn fail_aborting(e: impl fmt::Display, msg: &&str) -> ! {
rtabort!("{} failed: {}", *msg, e)