blob: e68c02d027d58b9d5b4da69c6cd3c46204dcd86a [file] [log] [blame]
//! ARM compiler specific intrinsics
//! # References
//! - [ARM Compiler v 6.10 - armclang Reference Guide][arm_comp_ref]
//! [arm_comp_ref]:
use stdarch_test::assert_instr;
/// Inserts a breakpoint instruction.
/// `VAL` is a compile-time constant integer in range `[0, 255]`.
/// The breakpoint instruction inserted is `BKPT` on A32/T32.
/// # Note
/// [ARM's documentation][arm_docs] defines that `__breakpoint` accepts the
/// following values for `VAL`:
/// - `0...65535` when compiling as A32,
/// - `0...255` when compiling as T32.
/// The current implementation only accepts values in range `[0, 255]`.
/// [arm_docs]:
#[cfg_attr(test, assert_instr(bkpt, VAL = 0))]
pub unsafe fn __breakpoint<const VAL: i32>() {
crate::arch::asm!("bkpt #{}", const VAL);