blob: e0645a36bed958a4e94c1aafd46f432f673a8e62 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::types::{IntrinsicType, TypeKind};
use super::argument::ArgumentList;
/// An intrinsic
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct Intrinsic {
/// The function name of this intrinsic.
pub name: String,
/// Any arguments for this intrinsic.
pub arguments: ArgumentList,
/// The return type of this intrinsic.
pub results: IntrinsicType,
/// Whether this intrinsic is only available on A64.
pub a64_only: bool,
impl Intrinsic {
/// Generates a std::cout for the intrinsics results that will match the
/// rust debug output format for the return type. The generated line assumes
/// there is an int i in scope which is the current pass number.
pub fn print_result_c(&self, additional: &str) -> String {
let lanes = if self.results.num_vectors() > 1 {
.map(|vector| {
r#""{ty}(" << {lanes} << ")""#,
ty = self.results.c_single_vector_type(),
lanes = (0..self.results.num_lanes())
.map(move |idx| -> std::string::String {
"{cast}{lane_fn}(__return_value.val[{vector}], {lane})",
cast = self.results.c_promotion(),
lane_fn = self.results.get_lane_function(),
lane = idx,
vector = vector,
.join(r#" << ", " << "#)
.join(r#" << ", " << "#)
} else if self.results.num_lanes() > 1 {
.map(|idx| -> std::string::String {
"{cast}{lane_fn}(__return_value, {lane})",
cast = self.results.c_promotion(),
lane_fn = self.results.get_lane_function(),
lane = idx
.join(r#" << ", " << "#)
} else {
cast = match self.results.kind() {
TypeKind::Float if self.results.inner_size() == 32 => "float".to_string(),
TypeKind::Float if self.results.inner_size() == 64 => "double".to_string(),
TypeKind::Int => format!("int{}_t", self.results.inner_size()),
TypeKind::UInt => format!("uint{}_t", self.results.inner_size()),
TypeKind::Poly => format!("poly{}_t", self.results.inner_size()),
ty => todo!("print_result_c - Unknown type: {:#?}", ty),
promote = self.results.c_promotion(),
r#"std::cout << "Result {additional}-" << i+1 << ": {ty}" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(150) << {lanes} << "{close}" << std::endl;"#,
ty = if self.results.is_simd() {
format!("{}(", self.results.c_type())
} else {
close = if self.results.is_simd() { ")" } else { "" },
lanes = lanes,
additional = additional,
pub fn generate_loop_c(
additional: &str,
passes: u32,
p64_armv7_workaround: bool,
) -> String {
r#" {{
for (int i=0; i<{passes}; i++) {{
auto __return_value = {intrinsic_call}({args});
loaded_args = self.arguments.load_values_c(p64_armv7_workaround),
intrinsic_call =,
args = self.arguments.as_call_param_c(),
print_result = self.print_result_c(additional)
pub fn generate_loop_rust(&self, additional: &str, passes: u32) -> String {
let constraints = self.arguments.as_constraint_parameters_rust();
let constraints = if !constraints.is_empty() {
format!("::<{}>", constraints)
} else {
r#" {{
for i in 0..{passes} {{
unsafe {{
let __return_value = {intrinsic_call}{const}({args});
println!("Result {additional}-{{}}: {{:.150?}}", i+1, __return_value);
loaded_args = self.arguments.load_values_rust(),
intrinsic_call =,
const = constraints,
args = self.arguments.as_call_param_rust(),
additional = additional,