blob: efa6868473e49844bb8b4fabe299f840f5f19ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
use core::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use core::ptr::{self};
use super::{IntoIter, SpecExtend, SpecFromIterNested, Vec};
/// Specialization trait used for Vec::from_iter
/// ## The delegation graph:
/// ```text
/// +-------------+
/// |FromIterator |
/// +-+-----------+
/// |
/// v
/// +-+-------------------------------+ +---------------------+
/// |SpecFromIter +---->+SpecFromIterNested |
/// |where I: | | |where I: |
/// | Iterator (default)----------+ | | Iterator (default) |
/// | vec::IntoIter | | | TrustedLen |
/// | SourceIterMarker---fallback-+ | +---------------------+
/// +---------------------------------+
/// ```
pub(super) trait SpecFromIter<T, I> {
fn from_iter(iter: I) -> Self;
impl<T, I> SpecFromIter<T, I> for Vec<T>
I: Iterator<Item = T>,
default fn from_iter(iterator: I) -> Self {
impl<T> SpecFromIter<T, IntoIter<T>> for Vec<T> {
fn from_iter(iterator: IntoIter<T>) -> Self {
// A common case is passing a vector into a function which immediately
// re-collects into a vector. We can short circuit this if the IntoIter
// has not been advanced at all.
// When it has been advanced We can also reuse the memory and move the data to the front.
// But we only do so when the resulting Vec wouldn't have more unused capacity
// than creating it through the generic FromIterator implementation would. That limitation
// is not strictly necessary as Vec's allocation behavior is intentionally unspecified.
// But it is a conservative choice.
let has_advanced = iterator.buf.as_ptr() as *const _ != iterator.ptr;
if !has_advanced || iterator.len() >= iterator.cap / 2 {
unsafe {
let it = ManuallyDrop::new(iterator);
if has_advanced {
ptr::copy(it.ptr, it.buf.as_ptr(), it.len());
return Vec::from_raw_parts(it.buf.as_ptr(), it.len(), it.cap);
let mut vec = Vec::new();
// must delegate to spec_extend() since extend() itself delegates
// to spec_from for empty Vecs