blob: e686e65b30389a57cb4a6e3ada97557fa038fd32 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Utility macros.
// Helper struct used to trigger const eval errors when the const generic immediate value `imm` is
// not a round number.
pub(crate) struct ValidateConstRound<const IMM: i32>;
impl<const IMM: i32> ValidateConstRound<IMM> {
pub(crate) const VALID: () = {
IMM == 4 || IMM == 8 || IMM == 9 || IMM == 10 || IMM == 11,
"Invalid IMM value"
macro_rules! static_assert_rounding {
($imm:ident) => {
let _ = $crate::core_arch::x86::macros::ValidateConstRound::<$imm>::VALID;
// Helper struct used to trigger const eval errors when the const generic immediate value `imm` is
// not a sae number.
pub(crate) struct ValidateConstSae<const IMM: i32>;
impl<const IMM: i32> ValidateConstSae<IMM> {
pub(crate) const VALID: () = {
assert!(IMM == 4 || IMM == 8, "Invalid IMM value");
macro_rules! static_assert_sae {
($imm:ident) => {
let _ = $crate::core_arch::x86::macros::ValidateConstSae::<$imm>::VALID;
// Helper struct used to trigger const eval errors when the const generic immediate value `imm` is
// not a mantissas sae number.
pub(crate) struct ValidateConstMantissasSae<const IMM: i32>;
impl<const IMM: i32> ValidateConstMantissasSae<IMM> {
pub(crate) const VALID: () = {
assert!(IMM == 4 || IMM == 8 || IMM == 12, "Invalid IMM value");
macro_rules! static_assert_mantissas_sae {
($imm:ident) => {
let _ = $crate::core_arch::x86::macros::ValidateConstMantissasSae::<$imm>::VALID;
// Helper struct used to trigger const eval errors when the unsigned const generic immediate value
// `IMM` is out of `[MIN-MAX]` range.
pub(crate) struct ValidateConstImmU32<const IMM: u32, const MIN: u32, const MAX: u32>;
impl<const IMM: u32, const MIN: u32, const MAX: u32> ValidateConstImmU32<IMM, MIN, MAX> {
pub(crate) const VALID: () = {
assert!(IMM >= MIN && IMM <= MAX, "IMM value not in expected range");
macro_rules! static_assert_imm_u8 {
($imm:ident) => {
let _ =
$crate::core_arch::x86::macros::ValidateConstImmU32::<$imm, 0, { (1 << 8) - 1 }>::VALID;
// Helper struct used to trigger const eval errors when the const generic immediate value `SCALE` is
// not valid for gather instructions: the only valid scale values are 1, 2, 4 and 8.
pub(crate) struct ValidateConstGatherScale<const SCALE: i32>;
impl<const SCALE: i32> ValidateConstGatherScale<SCALE> {
pub(crate) const VALID: () = {
SCALE == 1 || SCALE == 2 || SCALE == 4 || SCALE == 8,
"Invalid SCALE value"
macro_rules! static_assert_imm8_scale {
($imm:ident) => {
let _ = $crate::core_arch::x86::macros::ValidateConstGatherScale::<$imm>::VALID;
macro_rules! assert_approx_eq {
($a:expr, $b:expr, $eps:expr) => {{
let (a, b) = (&$a, &$b);
(*a - *b).abs() < $eps,
"assertion failed: `(left !== right)` \
(left: `{:?}`, right: `{:?}`, expect diff: `{:?}`, real diff: `{:?}`)",
(*a - *b).abs()