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Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Arm Limited and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
CC-BY-SA-4.0 AND Apache-Patent-License
See LICENSE file for details
.. |release| replace:: 01alpha
.. |date-of-issue| replace:: 02 July 2021
.. |copyright-date| replace:: 2020-2021
.. |footer| replace:: Copyright © |copyright-date|, Arm Limited and its
affiliates. All rights reserved.
.. _ACLE-morello:
.. _ACLE:
.. _CHERI:
Morello Supplement to the Arm C Language Extensions
.. class:: version
.. class:: issued
Date of Issue: |date-of-issue|
.. class:: logo
.. image:: Arm_logo_blue_RGB.svg
:scale: 30%
.. section-numbering::
.. raw:: pdf
PageBreak oneColumn
This document specifies the Arm C Language Extensions to enable C/C++
programmers to use the Morello architecture with minimal restrictions
on source code portability.
Predefined macros, built-in functions
Latest release and defects report
For the latest release of this document, see the `ACLE project on
GitHub <>`_.
Please report defects in this specification to the `issue tracker page
on GitHub <>`_.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of
this license, visit or
send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA
94042, USA.
Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
license (both the Public License and this Patent License), each
Licensor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive,
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section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell,
import, and otherwise transfer the Licensed Material, where such
license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such
Licensor that are necessarily infringed by their contribution(s) alone
or by combination of their contribution(s) with the Licensed Material
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in a lawsuit) alleging that the Licensed Material or a contribution
incorporated within the Licensed Material constitutes direct or
contributory patent infringement, then any licenses granted to You
under this license for that Licensed Material shall terminate as of
the date such litigation is filed.
About the license
As identified more fully in the License_ section, this project
is licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0 along with an additional patent
license. The language in the additional patent license is largely
identical to that in Apache-2.0 (specifically, Section 3 of Apache-2.0
as reflected at with two
First, several changes were made related to the defined terms so as to
reflect the fact that such defined terms need to align with the
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“Work” to “Licensed Material”).
Second, the defensive termination clause was changed such that the
scope of defensive termination applies to “any licenses granted to
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is intended to help maintain a healthy ecosystem by providing
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Contributions to this project are licensed under an inbound=outbound
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under the same terms as those in the LICENSE file.
Trademark notice
The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Arm
under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 4.0 International
license ("CC-BY-SA-4.0”), with an additional clause on patents.
The Arm trademarks featured here are registered trademarks or
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Copyright (c) |copyright-date|, Arm Limited and its affiliates. All rights
About This Document
Change Control
Current Status and Anticipated Changes
The following support level definitions are used by the ACLE specifications:
Arm considers this specification to have enough implementations, which have
received sufficient testing, to verify that it is correct. The details of these
criteria are dependent on the scale and complexity of the change over previous
versions: small, simple changes might only require one implementation, but more
complex changes require multiple independent implementations, which have been
rigorously tested for cross-compatibility. Arm anticipates that future changes
to this specification will be limited to typographical corrections,
clarifications and compatible extensions.
Arm considers this specification to be complete, but existing
implementations do not meet the requirements for confidence in its release
quality. Arm may need to make incompatible changes if issues emerge from its
The content of this specification is a draft, and Arm considers the
likelihood of future incompatible changes to be significant.
All content in this document is at the **Alpha** quality level.
Change History
.. table:: :align: left
| Issue | Date | Change |
| 00alpha | 30th September 2020 | Alpha release |
| |release| | |date-of-issue| | Open source release. NFCI. |
This document refers to, or is referred to by, the following documents.
.. class:: morello-table-references
.. table:: :align: left
| Ref | URL or other reference | Title |
| ACLE-morello_ | This document | Morello Supplement to the Arm C Language Extensions |
| ACLE_ | Document number: 101028 | Arm C Language Extensions |
| CHERI_ | UCAM-CL-TR-947, SSN 1476-2986 | CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide |
Terms & Abbreviations
The capability data type is an unforgeable token of authority which provides
a foundation for fine grained memory protection and strong compartmentalisation.
The permissions mask controls how the capability can be used - for example, by
authorizing the loading and storing of data and/or capabilities.
Deriving a capability
A capability value CV2 is said to be derived from a capability value CV1
when CV2 is a copy of CV1 with optionally removed permissions and/or
optionally narrowed bounds (base increased or limit reduced).
Sealing a capability
When a capability is sealed it cannot be modified or dereferenced,
but it can be used to implement opaque pointer types.
The Morello Supplement to the Arm C Language Extensions highlights the language
features added on top of the CHERI programming language to further exploit the
Morello architecture. We recommend reading the CHERI_ Pure-Capability
C/C++ Programming Guide as preliminary material.
Predefined macros
ACLE introduces several predefined macros that define how the C/C++
implementation uses the Morello architecture.
This macro indicates that the code is being compiled for the C64 ISA.
Capability Permissions
The following macros indicate capability permissions:
.. table:: :align: left
| **Name** | **Value** |
Those can be used to form a bitmask that is acceptable for ``cheri_perms_and()``
and ``cheri_perms_clear()``. The value of each macro corresponds to the permission
bit as it appears in the architecture documentation.
Deviation from CHERI
The macro ``__CHERI_CAP_PERMISSION_PERMIT_CCALL__`` is not available
on the Morello architecture.
Builtin functions
ACLE standardizes builtin functions to access the Morello architecture.
These are the following:
Check subset and conditionally unseal or return null
.. code:: c
void* __capability
__builtin_morello_subset_test_unseal_or_null(const void* __capability a,
const void* __capability b)
Assuming two valid capabilities ``a`` and ``b``, with the former being sealed
and the latter being unsealed, if ``a`` can be derived from ``b``, then it
unseals ``a`` and returns it, otherwise it returns a null capability.
Check subset and conditionally unseal
.. code:: c
void* __capability
__builtin_morello_chkssu(const void* __capability a,
const void* __capability b)
Assuming two valid capabilities ``a`` and ``b``, with the former being sealed
and the latter being unsealed, if ``a`` can be derived from ``b``, then it
unseals ``a`` and returns it, otherwise it just returns ``a``.
Convert pointer to capability offset (zeroing form)
.. code:: c
void* __capability
__builtin_morello_cvtz(const void* __capability a, size_t b)
If the specified offset ``b`` is zero, then it returns a null capability,
otherwise it sets the offset of capability ``a`` to ``b`` and returns ``a``.
If capability ``a`` is sealed then the returned capability is marked invalid.