blob: c903903bdfc0fe784d94cfa779e0de7d5c6654ef [file] [log] [blame]
//! Parses ELF auxiliary vectors.
pub(crate) const AT_NULL: usize = 0;
/// Key to access the CPU Hardware capabilities bitfield.
pub(crate) const AT_HWCAP: usize = 16;
/// Key to access the CPU Hardware capabilities 2 bitfield.
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
pub(crate) const AT_HWCAP2: usize = 26;
/// Cache HWCAP bitfields of the ELF Auxiliary Vector.
/// If an entry cannot be read all the bits in the bitfield are set to zero.
/// This should be interpreted as all the features being disabled.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct AuxVec {
pub hwcap: usize,
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
pub hwcap2: usize,
/// ELF Auxiliary Vector
/// The auxiliary vector is a memory region in a running ELF program's stack
/// composed of (key: usize, value: usize) pairs.
/// The keys used in the aux vector are platform dependent. For Linux, they are
/// defined in [linux/auxvec.h][auxvec_h]. The hardware capabilities of a given
/// CPU can be queried with the `AT_HWCAP` and `AT_HWCAP2` keys.
/// There is no perfect way of reading the auxiliary vector.
/// - If the `std_detect_dlsym_getauxval` cargo feature is enabled, this will use
/// `getauxval` if its linked to the binary, and otherwise proceed to a fallback implementation.
/// When `std_detect_dlsym_getauxval` is disabled, this will assume that `getauxval` is
/// linked to the binary - if that is not the case the behavior is undefined.
/// - Otherwise, if the `std_detect_file_io` cargo feature is enabled, it will
/// try to read `/proc/self/auxv`.
/// - If that fails, this function returns an error.
/// Note that run-time feature detection is not invoked for features that can
/// be detected at compile-time. Also note that if this function returns an
/// error, cpuinfo still can (and will) be used to try to perform run-time
/// feature detecton on some platforms.
/// For more information about when `getauxval` is available check the great
/// [`auxv` crate documentation][auxv_docs].
/// [auxvec_h]:
/// [auxv_docs]:
pub(crate) fn auxv() -> Result<AuxVec, ()> {
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_dlsym_getauxval")]
// Try to call a dynamically-linked getauxval function.
if let Ok(hwcap) = getauxval(AT_HWCAP) {
// Targets with only AT_HWCAP:
target_arch = "riscv32",
target_arch = "riscv64",
target_arch = "mips",
target_arch = "mips64"
// Zero could indicate that no features were detected, but it's also used to
// indicate an error. In either case, try the fallback.
if hwcap != 0 {
return Ok(AuxVec { hwcap });
// Targets with AT_HWCAP and AT_HWCAP2:
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
if let Ok(hwcap2) = getauxval(AT_HWCAP2) {
// Zero could indicate that no features were detected, but it's also used to
// indicate an error. In particular, on many platforms AT_HWCAP2 will be
// legitimately zero, since it contains the most recent feature flags. Use the
// fallback only if no features were detected at all.
if hwcap != 0 || hwcap2 != 0 {
return Ok(AuxVec { hwcap, hwcap2 });
#[cfg(not(feature = "std_detect_dlsym_getauxval"))]
// Targets with only AT_HWCAP:
target_arch = "riscv32",
target_arch = "riscv64",
target_arch = "mips",
target_arch = "mips64"
let hwcap = unsafe { libc::getauxval(AT_HWCAP as libc::c_ulong) as usize };
// Zero could indicate that no features were detected, but it's also used to indicate
// an error. In either case, try the fallback.
if hwcap != 0 {
return Ok(AuxVec { hwcap });
// Targets with AT_HWCAP and AT_HWCAP2:
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
let hwcap = unsafe { libc::getauxval(AT_HWCAP as libc::c_ulong) as usize };
let hwcap2 = unsafe { libc::getauxval(AT_HWCAP2 as libc::c_ulong) as usize };
// Zero could indicate that no features were detected, but it's also used to indicate
// an error. In particular, on many platforms AT_HWCAP2 will be legitimately zero,
// since it contains the most recent feature flags. Use the fallback only if no
// features were detected at all.
if hwcap != 0 || hwcap2 != 0 {
return Ok(AuxVec { hwcap, hwcap2 });
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_file_io")]
// If calling getauxval fails, try to read the auxiliary vector from
// its file:
#[cfg(not(feature = "std_detect_file_io"))]
/// Tries to read the `key` from the auxiliary vector by calling the
/// dynamically-linked `getauxval` function. If the function is not linked,
/// this function return `Err`.
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_dlsym_getauxval")]
fn getauxval(key: usize) -> Result<usize, ()> {
use libc;
pub type F = unsafe extern "C" fn(usize) -> usize;
unsafe {
let ptr = libc::dlsym(libc::RTLD_DEFAULT, "getauxval\0".as_ptr() as *const _);
if ptr.is_null() {
return Err(());
let ffi_getauxval: F = core::mem::transmute(ptr);
/// Tries to read the auxiliary vector from the `file`. If this fails, this
/// function returns `Err`.
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_file_io")]
pub(super) fn auxv_from_file(file: &str) -> Result<AuxVec, ()> {
let file = super::read_file(file)?;
// See <>.
// The auxiliary vector contains at most 32 (key,value) fields: from
// `AT_EXECFN = 31` to `AT_NULL = 0`. That is, a buffer of
// 2*32 `usize` elements is enough to read the whole vector.
let mut buf = [0_usize; 64];
let len = core::mem::size_of_val(&buf).max(file.len());
unsafe {
core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(file.as_ptr(), buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, len);
/// Tries to interpret the `buffer` as an auxiliary vector. If that fails, this
/// function returns `Err`.
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_file_io")]
fn auxv_from_buf(buf: &[usize; 64]) -> Result<AuxVec, ()> {
// Targets with only AT_HWCAP:
target_arch = "riscv32",
target_arch = "riscv64",
target_arch = "mips",
target_arch = "mips64",
for el in buf.chunks(2) {
match el[0] {
AT_NULL => break,
AT_HWCAP => return Ok(AuxVec { hwcap: el[1] }),
_ => (),
// Targets with AT_HWCAP and AT_HWCAP2:
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
let mut hwcap = None;
// For some platforms, AT_HWCAP2 was added recently, so let it default to zero.
let mut hwcap2 = 0;
for el in buf.chunks(2) {
match el[0] {
AT_NULL => break,
AT_HWCAP => hwcap = Some(el[1]),
AT_HWCAP2 => hwcap2 = el[1],
_ => (),
if let Some(hwcap) = hwcap {
return Ok(AuxVec { hwcap, hwcap2 });
mod tests {
extern crate auxv as auxv_crate;
use super::*;
// Reads the Auxiliary Vector key from /proc/self/auxv
// using the auxv crate.
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_file_io")]
fn auxv_crate_getprocfs(key: usize) -> Option<usize> {
use self::auxv_crate::procfs::search_procfs_auxv;
use self::auxv_crate::AuxvType;
let k = key as AuxvType;
match search_procfs_auxv(&[k]) {
Ok(v) => Some(v[&k] as usize),
Err(_) => None,
// Reads the Auxiliary Vector key from getauxval()
// using the auxv crate.
#[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "mips", target_arch = "mips64")))]
fn auxv_crate_getauxval(key: usize) -> Option<usize> {
use self::auxv_crate::getauxval::Getauxval;
use self::auxv_crate::AuxvType;
let q = auxv_crate::getauxval::NativeGetauxval {};
match q.getauxval(key as AuxvType) {
Ok(v) => Some(v as usize),
Err(_) => None,
// FIXME: on mips/mips64 getauxval returns 0, and /proc/self/auxv
// does not always contain the AT_HWCAP key under qemu.
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
fn auxv_crate() {
let v = auxv();
if let Some(hwcap) = auxv_crate_getauxval(AT_HWCAP) {
let rt_hwcap = v.expect("failed to find hwcap key").hwcap;
assert_eq!(rt_hwcap, hwcap);
// Targets with AT_HWCAP and AT_HWCAP2:
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
if let Some(hwcap2) = auxv_crate_getauxval(AT_HWCAP2) {
let rt_hwcap2 = v.expect("failed to find hwcap2 key").hwcap2;
assert_eq!(rt_hwcap2, hwcap2);
fn auxv_dump() {
if let Ok(auxvec) = auxv() {
println!("{:?}", auxvec);
} else {
println!("both getauxval() and reading /proc/self/auxv failed!");
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_file_io")]
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] {
fn linux_rpi3() {
let file = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/detect/test_data/linux-rpi3.auxv");
println!("file: {}", file);
let v = auxv_from_file(file).unwrap();
assert_eq!(v.hwcap, 4174038);
assert_eq!(v.hwcap2, 16);
fn linux_macos_vb() {
let file = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/detect/test_data/macos-virtualbox-linux-x86-4850HQ.auxv");
println!("file: {}", file);
// The file contains HWCAP but not HWCAP2. In that case, we treat HWCAP2 as zero.
let v = auxv_from_file(file).unwrap();
assert_eq!(v.hwcap, 126614527);
assert_eq!(v.hwcap2, 0);
} else if #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")] {
fn linux_artificial_aarch64() {
let file = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/detect/test_data/linux-artificial-aarch64.auxv");
println!("file: {}", file);
let v = auxv_from_file(file).unwrap();
assert_eq!(v.hwcap, 0x0123456789abcdef);
assert_eq!(v.hwcap2, 0x02468ace13579bdf);
fn linux_no_hwcap2_aarch64() {
let file = concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/src/detect/test_data/linux-no-hwcap2-aarch64.auxv");
println!("file: {}", file);
let v = auxv_from_file(file).unwrap();
// An absent HWCAP2 is treated as zero, and does not prevent acceptance of HWCAP.
assert_ne!(v.hwcap, 0);
assert_eq!(v.hwcap2, 0);
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_file_io")]
fn auxv_dump_procfs() {
if let Ok(auxvec) = auxv_from_file("/proc/self/auxv") {
println!("{:?}", auxvec);
} else {
println!("reading /proc/self/auxv failed!");
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
#[cfg(feature = "std_detect_file_io")]
fn auxv_crate_procfs() {
let v = auxv();
if let Some(hwcap) = auxv_crate_getprocfs(AT_HWCAP) {
assert_eq!(v.unwrap().hwcap, hwcap);
// Targets with AT_HWCAP and AT_HWCAP2:
target_arch = "aarch64",
target_arch = "arm",
target_arch = "powerpc",
target_arch = "powerpc64"
if let Some(hwcap2) = auxv_crate_getprocfs(AT_HWCAP2) {
assert_eq!(v.unwrap().hwcap2, hwcap2);