blob: b4ac625061dfa524bbe7522985fae02032316365 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Exposes a number of modules with different kinds of strings.
//! Each module contains `&str` constants named `TINY`, `SMALL`, `MEDIUM`,
//! `LARGE`, and `HUGE`.
//! - The `TINY` string is generally around 8 bytes.
//! - The `SMALL` string is generally around 30-40 bytes.
//! - The `MEDIUM` string is generally around 600-700 bytes.
//! - The `LARGE` string is the `MEDIUM` string repeated 8x, and is around 5kb.
//! - The `HUGE` string is the `LARGE` string repeated 8x (or the `MEDIUM`
//! string repeated 64x), and is around 40kb.
//! Except for `mod emoji` (which is just a bunch of emoji), the strings were
//! pulled from (localizations of)
macro_rules! repeat8 {
($s:expr) => {
concat!($s, $s, $s, $s, $s, $s, $s, $s)
macro_rules! define_consts {
($s:literal) => {
pub const MEDIUM: &str = $s;
pub const LARGE: &str = repeat8!($s);
pub const HUGE: &str = repeat8!(repeat8!(repeat8!($s)));
pub mod en {
pub const TINY: &str = "Mary had";
pub const SMALL: &str = "Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb";
define_consts! {
"Rust is blazingly fast and memory-efficient: with no runtime or garbage
collector, it can power performance-critical services, run on embedded
devices, and easily integrate with other languages. Rusts rich type system
and ownership model guarantee memory-safety and thread-safety enabling you
to eliminate many classes of bugs at compile-time. Rust has great
documentation, a friendly compiler with useful error messages, and top-notch
tooling an integrated package manager and build tool, smart multi-editor
support with auto-completion and type inspections, an auto-formatter, and
pub mod zh {
pub const TINY: &str = "速度惊";
pub const SMALL: &str = "速度惊人且内存利用率极高";
define_consts! {
"Rust 速度惊人且内存利用率极高。由于\
还能轻松和其他语言集成。Rust 丰富的类型\
Rust 拥有出色的文档、友好的编译器和清晰\
的错误提示信息, 还集成了一流的工具——\
包管理器和构建工具, 智能地自动补全和类\
型检验的多编辑器支持, 以及自动格式化代\
pub mod ru {
pub const TINY: &str = "Сотни";
pub const SMALL: &str = "Сотни компаний по";
define_consts! {
"Сотни компаний по всему миру используют Rust в реальных\
проектах для быстрых кросс-платформенных решений с\
ограниченными ресурсами. Такие проекты, как Firefox,\
Dropbox и Cloudflare, используют Rust. Rust отлично\
подходит как для стартапов, так и для больших компаний,\
как для встраиваемых устройств, так и для масштабируемых\
web-сервисов. Мой самый большой комплимент Rust."
pub mod emoji {
pub const TINY: &str = "😀😃";
pub const SMALL: &str = "😀😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂🙂🙃😉😊😇🥰😍🤩😘";
define_consts! {