blob: d371ae3cea0981a01f38cb261fc39e203b495130 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Closure type (equivalent to `&mut dyn FnMut(A) -> R`) that's `repr(C)`.
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub struct Closure<'a, A, R> {
call: unsafe extern "C" fn(*mut Env, A) -> R,
env: *mut Env,
// Prevent Send and Sync impls. `!Send`/`!Sync` is the usual way of doing
// this, but that requires unstable features. rust-analyzer uses this code
// and avoids unstable features.
// The `'a` lifetime parameter represents the lifetime of `Env`.
_marker: PhantomData<*mut &'a mut ()>,
struct Env;
impl<'a, A, R, F: FnMut(A) -> R> From<&'a mut F> for Closure<'a, A, R> {
fn from(f: &'a mut F) -> Self {
unsafe extern "C" fn call<A, R, F: FnMut(A) -> R>(env: *mut Env, arg: A) -> R {
(*(env as *mut _ as *mut F))(arg)
Closure { call: call::<A, R, F>, env: f as *mut _ as *mut Env, _marker: PhantomData }
impl<'a, A, R> Closure<'a, A, R> {
pub fn call(&mut self, arg: A) -> R {
unsafe { (, arg) }