blob: 9c030f41a00d6422846b49dbb0fd61fc3040d6a0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Run-time feature detection for MIPS on Linux.
use super::auxvec;
use crate::detect::{bit, cache, Feature};
/// Try to read the features from the auxiliary vector, and if that fails, try
/// to read them from `/proc/cpuinfo`.
pub(crate) fn detect_features() -> cache::Initializer {
let mut value = cache::Initializer::default();
let enable_feature = |value: &mut cache::Initializer, f, enable| {
if enable {
value.set(f as u32);
// The values are part of the platform-specific [asm/hwcap.h][hwcap]
// [hwcap]:
if let Ok(auxv) = auxvec::auxv() {
enable_feature(&mut value, Feature::msa, bit::test(auxv.hwcap, 1));
return value;
// TODO: fall back via `cpuinfo`.