blob: d7977b2f06f9c1c0f8e218986a8eb800065572f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* $Id: 468645 2006-10-28 06:57:24Z minchau $
package org.apache.xalan.transformer;
import java.text.CollationKey;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM;
import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMIterator;
import org.apache.xpath.XPathContext;
import org.apache.xpath.objects.XNodeSet;
import org.apache.xpath.objects.XObject;
* This class can sort vectors of DOM nodes according to a select pattern.
* @xsl.usage internal
public class NodeSorter
/** Current XPath context */
XPathContext m_execContext;
/** Vector of NodeSortKeys */
Vector m_keys; // vector of NodeSortKeys
// /**
// * TODO: Adjust this for locale.
// */
// NumberFormat m_formatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
* Construct a NodeSorter, passing in the XSL TransformerFactory
* so it can know how to get the node data according to
* the proper whitespace rules.
* @param p Xpath context to use
public NodeSorter(XPathContext p)
m_execContext = p;
* Given a vector of nodes, sort each node according to
* the criteria in the keys.
* @param v an vector of Nodes.
* @param keys a vector of NodeSortKeys.
* @param support XPath context to use
* @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
public void sort(DTMIterator v, Vector keys, XPathContext support)
throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
m_keys = keys;
// QuickSort2(v, 0, v.size() - 1 );
int n = v.getLength();
// %OPT% Change mergesort to just take a DTMIterator?
// We would also have to adapt DTMIterator to have the function
// of NodeCompareElem.
// Create a vector of node compare elements
// based on the input vector of nodes
Vector nodes = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
NodeCompareElem elem = new NodeCompareElem(v.item(i));
Vector scratchVector = new Vector();
mergesort(nodes, scratchVector, 0, n - 1, support);
// return sorted vector of nodes
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
v.setItem(((NodeCompareElem) nodes.elementAt(i)).m_node, i);
// old code...
//NodeVector scratchVector = new NodeVector(n);
//mergesort(v, scratchVector, 0, n - 1, support);
* Return the results of a compare of two nodes.
* TODO: Optimize compare -- cache the getStringExpr results, key by m_selectPat + hash of node.
* @param n1 First node to use in compare
* @param n2 Second node to use in compare
* @param kIndex Index of NodeSortKey to use for sort
* @param support XPath context to use
* @return The results of the compare of the two nodes.
* @throws TransformerException
int compare(
NodeCompareElem n1, NodeCompareElem n2, int kIndex, XPathContext support)
throws TransformerException
int result = 0;
NodeSortKey k = (NodeSortKey) m_keys.elementAt(kIndex);
if (k.m_treatAsNumbers)
double n1Num, n2Num;
if (kIndex == 0)
n1Num = ((Double) n1.m_key1Value).doubleValue();
n2Num = ((Double) n2.m_key1Value).doubleValue();
else if (kIndex == 1)
n1Num = ((Double) n1.m_key2Value).doubleValue();
n2Num = ((Double) n2.m_key2Value).doubleValue();
/* Leave this in case we decide to use an array later
if (kIndex < maxkey)
double n1Num = (double)n1.m_keyValue[kIndex];
double n2Num = (double)n2.m_keyValue[kIndex];
// Get values dynamically
XObject r1 = k.m_selectPat.execute(m_execContext, n1.m_node,
XObject r2 = k.m_selectPat.execute(m_execContext, n2.m_node,
n1Num = r1.num();
// Can't use NaN for compare. They are never equal. Use zero instead.
// That way we can keep elements in document order.
//n1Num = Double.isNaN(d) ? 0.0 : d;
n2Num = r2.num();
//n2Num = Double.isNaN(d) ? 0.0 : d;
if ((n1Num == n2Num) && ((kIndex + 1) < m_keys.size()))
result = compare(n1, n2, kIndex + 1, support);
double diff;
if (Double.isNaN(n1Num))
if (Double.isNaN(n2Num))
diff = 0.0;
diff = -1;
else if (Double.isNaN(n2Num))
diff = 1;
diff = n1Num - n2Num;
// process order parameter
result = (int) ((diff < 0.0)
? (k.m_descending ? 1 : -1)
: (diff > 0.0) ? (k.m_descending ? -1 : 1) : 0);
} // end treat as numbers
CollationKey n1String, n2String;
if (kIndex == 0)
n1String = (CollationKey) n1.m_key1Value;
n2String = (CollationKey) n2.m_key1Value;
else if (kIndex == 1)
n1String = (CollationKey) n1.m_key2Value;
n2String = (CollationKey) n2.m_key2Value;
/* Leave this in case we decide to use an array later
if (kIndex < maxkey)
String n1String = (String)n1.m_keyValue[kIndex];
String n2String = (String)n2.m_keyValue[kIndex];
// Get values dynamically
XObject r1 = k.m_selectPat.execute(m_execContext, n1.m_node,
XObject r2 = k.m_selectPat.execute(m_execContext, n2.m_node,
n1String = k.m_col.getCollationKey(r1.str());
n2String = k.m_col.getCollationKey(r2.str());
// Use collation keys for faster compare, but note that whitespaces
// etc... are treated differently from if we were comparing Strings.
result = n1String.compareTo(n2String);
//Process caseOrder parameter
if (k.m_caseOrderUpper)
String tempN1 = n1String.getSourceString().toLowerCase();
String tempN2 = n2String.getSourceString().toLowerCase();
if (tempN1.equals(tempN2))
//java defaults to upper case is greater.
result = result == 0 ? 0 : -result;
//Process order parameter
if (k.m_descending)
result = -result;
} //end else
if (0 == result)
if ((kIndex + 1) < m_keys.size())
result = compare(n1, n2, kIndex + 1, support);
if (0 == result)
// I shouldn't have to do this except that there seems to
// be a glitch in the mergesort
// if(r1.getType() == r1.CLASS_NODESET)
// {
DTM dtm = support.getDTM(n1.m_node); // %OPT%
result = dtm.isNodeAfter(n1.m_node, n2.m_node) ? -1 : 1;
// }
return result;
* This implements a standard Mergesort, as described in
* Robert Sedgewick's Algorithms book. This is a better
* sort for our purpose than the Quicksort because it
* maintains the original document order of the input if
* the order isn't changed by the sort.
* @param a First vector of nodes to compare
* @param b Second vector of nodes to compare
* @param l Left boundary of partition
* @param r Right boundary of partition
* @param support XPath context to use
* @throws TransformerException
void mergesort(Vector a, Vector b, int l, int r, XPathContext support)
throws TransformerException
if ((r - l) > 0)
int m = (r + l) / 2;
mergesort(a, b, l, m, support);
mergesort(a, b, m + 1, r, support);
int i, j, k;
for (i = m; i >= l; i--)
// b[i] = a[i];
// Use insert if we need to increment vector size.
if (i >= b.size())
b.insertElementAt(a.elementAt(i), i);
b.setElementAt(a.elementAt(i), i);
i = l;
for (j = (m + 1); j <= r; j++)
// b[r+m+1-j] = a[j];
if (r + m + 1 - j >= b.size())
b.insertElementAt(a.elementAt(j), r + m + 1 - j);
b.setElementAt(a.elementAt(j), r + m + 1 - j);
j = r;
int compVal;
for (k = l; k <= r; k++)
// if(b[i] < b[j])
if (i == j)
compVal = -1;
compVal = compare((NodeCompareElem) b.elementAt(i),
(NodeCompareElem) b.elementAt(j), 0, support);
if (compVal < 0)
// a[k]=b[i];
a.setElementAt(b.elementAt(i), k);
else if (compVal > 0)
// a[k]=b[j];
a.setElementAt(b.elementAt(j), k);
* This is a generic version of C.A.R Hoare's Quick Sort
* algorithm. This will handle arrays that are already
* sorted, and arrays with duplicate keys.<BR>
* If you think of a one dimensional array as going from
* the lowest index on the left to the highest index on the right
* then the parameters to this function are lowest index or
* left and highest index or right. The first time you call
* this function it will be with the parameters 0, a.length - 1.
* @param v a vector of integers
* @param lo0 left boundary of array partition
* @param hi0 right boundary of array partition
/* private void QuickSort2(Vector v, int lo0, int hi0, XPathContext support)
throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException,,,
int lo = lo0;
int hi = hi0;
if ( hi0 > lo0)
// Arbitrarily establishing partition element as the midpoint of
// the array.
Node midNode = (Node)v.elementAt( ( lo0 + hi0 ) / 2 );
// loop through the array until indices cross
while( lo <= hi )
// find the first element that is greater than or equal to
// the partition element starting from the left Index.
while( (lo < hi0) && (compare((Node)v.elementAt(lo), midNode, 0, support) < 0) )
} // end while
// find an element that is smaller than or equal to
// the partition element starting from the right Index.
while( (hi > lo0) && (compare((Node)v.elementAt(hi), midNode, 0, support) > 0) )
// if the indexes have not crossed, swap
if( lo <= hi )
swap(v, lo, hi);
// If the right index has not reached the left side of array
// must now sort the left partition.
if( lo0 < hi )
QuickSort2( v, lo0, hi, support );
// If the left index has not reached the right side of array
// must now sort the right partition.
if( lo < hi0 )
QuickSort2( v, lo, hi0, support );
} // end QuickSort2 */
// /**
// * Simple function to swap two elements in
// * a vector.
// *
// * @param v Vector of nodes to swap
// * @param i Index of first node to swap
// * @param i Index of second node to swap
// */
// private void swap(Vector v, int i, int j)
// {
// int node = (Node) v.elementAt(i);
// v.setElementAt(v.elementAt(j), i);
// v.setElementAt(node, j);
// }
* This class holds the value(s) from executing the given
* node against the sort key(s).
* @xsl.usage internal
class NodeCompareElem
/** Current node */
int m_node;
/** This maxkey value was chosen arbitrarily. We are assuming that the
// maxkey + 1 keys will only hit fairly rarely and therefore, we
// will get the node values for those keys dynamically.
int maxkey = 2;
// Keep this in case we decide to use an array. Right now
// using two variables is cheaper.
//Object[] m_KeyValue = new Object[2];
/** Value from first sort key */
Object m_key1Value;
/** Value from second sort key */
Object m_key2Value;
* Constructor NodeCompareElem
* @param node Current node
* @throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
NodeCompareElem(int node) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
m_node = node;
if (!m_keys.isEmpty())
NodeSortKey k1 = (NodeSortKey) m_keys.elementAt(0);
XObject r = k1.m_selectPat.execute(m_execContext, node,
double d;
if (k1.m_treatAsNumbers)
d = r.num();
// Can't use NaN for compare. They are never equal. Use zero instead.
m_key1Value = new Double(d);
m_key1Value = k1.m_col.getCollationKey(r.str());
if (r.getType() == XObject.CLASS_NODESET)
DTMIterator ni = ((XNodeSet)r).iterRaw();
int current = ni.getCurrentNode();
if(DTM.NULL == current)
current = ni.nextNode();
// if (ni instanceof ContextNodeList) // %REVIEW%
// tryNextKey = (DTM.NULL != current);
// else abdicate... should never happen, but... -sb
if (m_keys.size() > 1)
NodeSortKey k2 = (NodeSortKey) m_keys.elementAt(1);
XObject r2 = k2.m_selectPat.execute(m_execContext, node,
if (k2.m_treatAsNumbers) {
d = r2.num();
m_key2Value = new Double(d);
} else {
m_key2Value = k2.m_col.getCollationKey(r2.str());
/* Leave this in case we decide to use an array later
while (kIndex <= m_keys.size() && kIndex < maxkey)
NodeSortKey k = (NodeSortKey)m_keys.elementAt(kIndex);
XObject r = k.m_selectPat.execute(m_execContext, node, k.m_namespaceContext);
m_KeyValue[kIndex] = r.num();
m_KeyValue[kIndex] = r.str();
} */
} // end if not empty
} // end NodeCompareElem class