blob: 35bf67c178046d5057b40c60a239ae0f7cdb36f4 [file] [log] [blame]
;// Copyright (C) 2007-2008 ARM Limited
;// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;// You may obtain a copy of the License at
;// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;// limitations under the License.
;// File Name: armVCM4P10_Interpolate_Chroma_s.s
;// OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
;// Revision: 9641
;// Date: Thursday, February 7, 2008
INCLUDE omxtypes_s.h
;// input registers
pSrc RN 0
iSrcStep RN 1
pDst RN 2
iDstStep RN 3
iWidth RN 4
iHeight RN 5
dx RN 6
dy RN 7
;// local variable registers
temp RN 11
r0x20 RN 12
tmp0x20 RN 14
return RN 0
dxPlusdy RN 10
EightMinusdx RN 8
EightMinusdy RN 9
dxEightMinusdx RN 8
BACoeff RN 6
DCCoeff RN 7
iDstStepx2MinusWidth RN 8
iSrcStepx2MinusWidth RN 9
iSrcStep1 RN 10
pSrc1 RN 1
pSrc2 RN 8
pDst1 RN 8
pDst2 RN 12
pix00 RN 8
pix01 RN 9
pix10 RN 10
pix11 RN 11
Out0100 RN 8
Out1110 RN 10
x00 RN 8
x01 RN 10
x02 RN 12
x10 RN 9
x11 RN 11
x12 RN 14
x20 RN 10
x21 RN 12
x22 RN 14
x01x00 RN 8
x02x01 RN 10
x11x10 RN 9
x12x11 RN 11
x21x20 RN 10
x22x21 RN 12
OutRow00 RN 12
OutRow01 RN 14
OutRow10 RN 10
OutRow11 RN 12
OutRow0100 RN 12
OutRow1110 RN 12
;// armVCM4P10_Interpolate_Chroma_asm starts
;// Write function header
M_START armVCM4P10_Interpolate_Chroma, r11
;// Define stack arguments
M_ARG Width, 4
M_ARG Height, 4
M_ARG Dx, 4
M_ARG Dy, 4
;// Load argument from the stack
;// M_STALL ARM1136JS=4
M_LDR iWidth, Width
M_LDR iHeight, Height
M_LDR dx, Dx
M_LDR dy, Dy
;// EightMinusdx = 8 - dx
;// EightMinusdy = 8 - dy
;// ACoeff = EightMinusdx * EightMinusdy
;// BCoeff = dx * EightMinusdy
;// CCoeff = EightMinusdx * dy
;// DCoeff = dx * dy
ADD pSrc1, pSrc, iSrcStep
SUB temp, iWidth, #1
RSB EightMinusdx, dx, #8
RSB EightMinusdy, dy, #8
CMN dx,dy
ADD dxEightMinusdx, EightMinusdx, dx, LSL #16
ORR iWidth, iWidth, temp, LSL #16
;// Packed Coeffs.
MUL BACoeff, dxEightMinusdx, EightMinusdy
MUL DCCoeff, dxEightMinusdx, dy
;// Checking either of dx and dy being non-zero
;// Pixel layout:
;// x00 x01 x02
;// x10 x11 x12
;// x20 x21 x22
;// If fractionl mv is not (0, 0)
LDRB x00, [pSrc, #+0]
LDRB x10, [pSrc1, #+0]
LDRB x01, [pSrc, #+1]
LDRB x11, [pSrc1, #+1]
LDRB x02, [pSrc, #+2]!
LDRB x12, [pSrc1, #+2]!
ORR x01x00, x00, x01, LSL #16
;// M_STALL ARM1136JS=1
ORR x02x01, x01, x02, LSL #16
MOV r0x20, #32
ORR x11x10, x10, x11, LSL #16
ORR x12x11, x11, x12, LSL #16
SMLAD x01x00, x01x00, BACoeff, r0x20
SMLAD x02x01, x02x01, BACoeff, r0x20
;// iWidth packed with MSB (top 16 bits)
;// as inner loop counter value i.e
;// (iWidth -1) and LSB (lower 16 bits)
;// as original width
SUBS iWidth, iWidth, #1<<17
SMLAD OutRow00, x11x10, DCCoeff, x01x00
SMLAD OutRow01, x12x11, DCCoeff, x02x01
RSB pSrc2, pSrc, pSrc1, LSL #1
MOV OutRow00, OutRow00, LSR #6
MOV OutRow01, OutRow01, LSR #6
LDRB x20,[pSrc2, #-2]
ORR OutRow0100, OutRow00, OutRow01, LSL #8
STRH OutRow0100, [pDst], #2
LDRB x21,[pSrc2, #-1]
LDRB x22,[pSrc2, #+0]
ADD pDst1, pDst, iDstStep
;// M_STALL ARM1136JS=1
ORR x21x20, x20, x21, LSL #16
ORR x22x21, x21, x22, LSL #16
MOV tmp0x20, #32
;// Reusing the packed data x11x10 and x12x11
SMLAD x11x10, x11x10, BACoeff, tmp0x20
SMLAD x12x11, x12x11, BACoeff, tmp0x20
SMLAD OutRow10, x21x20, DCCoeff, x11x10
SMLAD OutRow11, x22x21, DCCoeff, x12x11
MOV OutRow10, OutRow10, LSR #6
MOV OutRow11, OutRow11, LSR #6
;// M_STALL ARM1136JS=1
ORR OutRow1110, OutRow10, OutRow11, LSL #8
STRH OutRow1110, [pDst1, #-2]
BGT InnerLoopMVIsNotZero
SUBS iHeight, iHeight, #2
ADD iWidth, iWidth, #1<<16
RSB iDstStepx2MinusWidth, iWidth, iDstStep, LSL #1
SUB iSrcStep1, pSrc1, pSrc
SUB temp, iWidth, #1
RSB iSrcStepx2MinusWidth, iWidth, iSrcStep1, LSL #1
ADD pDst, pDst, iDstStepx2MinusWidth
ADD pSrc1, pSrc1, iSrcStepx2MinusWidth
ADD pSrc, pSrc, iSrcStepx2MinusWidth
ORR iWidth, iWidth, temp, LSL #16
BGT OuterLoopMVIsNotZero
MOV return, #OMX_Sts_NoErr
;// If fractionl mv is (0, 0)
;// M_STALL ARM1136JS=4
LDRB pix00, [pSrc], #+1
LDRB pix01, [pSrc], #+1
LDRB pix10, [pSrc1], #+1
LDRB pix11, [pSrc1], #+1
ADD pDst2, pDst, iDstStep
SUBS iWidth, iWidth, #1<<17
ORR Out0100, pix00, pix01, LSL #8
ORR Out1110, pix10, pix11, LSL #8
STRH Out0100, [pDst], #2
STRH Out1110, [pDst2], #2
BGT InnerLoopMVIsZero
SUBS iHeight, iHeight, #2
ADD iWidth, iWidth, #1<<16
RSB iDstStepx2MinusWidth, iWidth, iDstStep, LSL #1
SUB iSrcStep1, pSrc1, pSrc
SUB temp, iWidth, #1
RSB iSrcStepx2MinusWidth, iWidth, iSrcStep1, LSL #1
ADD pDst, pDst, iDstStepx2MinusWidth
ADD pSrc1, pSrc1, iSrcStepx2MinusWidth
ADD pSrc, pSrc, iSrcStepx2MinusWidth
ORR iWidth, iWidth, temp, LSL #16
BGT OuterLoopMVIsZero
MOV return, #OMX_Sts_NoErr
;// armVCM4P10_Interpolate_Chroma_asm ends