blob: 6b4eb28dbf374d568547b380493ceeb70aa21a7e [file] [log] [blame]
;// Copyright (C) 2007-2008 ARM Limited
;// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;// You may obtain a copy of the License at
;// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;// limitations under the License.
; **********
; *
; * File Name: omxVCM4P2_PredictReconCoefIntra_s.s
; * OpenMAX DL: v1.0.2
; * Revision: 12290
; * Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2008
; *
; *
; *
; *
; * Description:
; * Contains module for DC/AC coefficient prediction
; *
; *
; * Function: omxVCM4P2_PredictReconCoefIntra
; *
; * Description:
; * Performs adaptive DC/AC coefficient prediction for an intra block. Prior
; * to the function call, prediction direction (predDir) should be selected
; * as specified in subclause of ISO/IEC 14496-2.
; *
; * Remarks:
; *
; * Parameters:
; * [in] pSrcDst pointer to the coefficient buffer which contains the
; * quantized coefficient residuals (PQF) of the current
; * block; must be aligned on a 4-byte boundary. The
; * output coefficients are saturated to the range
; * [-2048, 2047].
; * [in] pPredBufRow pointer to the coefficient row buffer; must be aligned
; * on a 4-byte boundary.
; * [in] pPredBufCol pointer to the coefficient column buffer; must be
; * aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
; * [in] curQP quantization parameter of the current block. curQP may
; * equal to predQP especially when the current block and
; * the predictor block are in the same macroblock.
; * [in] predQP quantization parameter of the predictor block
; * [in] predDir indicates the prediction direction which takes one
; * of the following values:
; * OMX_VIDEO_HORIZONTAL predict horizontally
; * OMX_VIDEO_VERTICAL predict vertically
; * [in] ACPredFlag a flag indicating if AC prediction should be
; * performed. It is equal to ac_pred_flag in the bit
; * stream syntax of MPEG-4
; * [in] videoComp video component type (luminance, chrominance or
; * alpha) of the current block
; * [out] pSrcDst pointer to the coefficient buffer which contains
; * the quantized coefficients (QF) of the current
; * block
; * [out] pPredBufRow pointer to the updated coefficient row buffer
; * [out] pPredBufCol pointer to the updated coefficient column buffer
; * Return Value:
; * OMX_Sts_NoErr - no error
; * OMX_Sts_BadArgErr - Bad arguments
; * - At least one of the pointers is NULL: pSrcDst, pPredBufRow, or pPredBufCol.
; * - At least one the following cases: curQP <= 0, predQP <= 0, curQP >31,
; * predQP > 31, preDir exceeds [1,2].
; * - At least one of the pointers pSrcDst, pPredBufRow, or pPredBufCol is not
; * 4-byte aligned.
; *
; *********
INCLUDE omxtypes_s.h
IMPORT armVCM4P2_Reciprocal_QP_S32
IMPORT armVCM4P2_Reciprocal_QP_S16
IF CortexA8
;// Input Arguments
pSrcDst RN 0
pPredBufRow RN 1
pPredBufCol RN 2
curQP RN 3
predQP RN 4
predDir RN 5
ACPredFlag RN 6
videoComp RN 7
;// Local Variables
shortVideoHeader RN 4
dcScaler RN 4
index RN 6
predCoeffTable RN 7
temp1 RN 6
temp2 RN 9
temp RN 14
Const RN 8
temppPredColBuf RN 8
tempPred RN 9
absCoeffDC RN 8
negdcScaler RN 10
Rem RN 11
temp3 RN 12
dcRowbufCoeff RN 10
dcColBuffCoeff RN 11
Return RN 0
;//NEON Registers
qPredRowBuf QN Q0.S16
dPredRowBuf0 DN D0.S16
dPredRowBuf1 DN D1.S16
qCoeffTab QN Q1.S32
qPredQP QN Q2.S16
dPredQP0 DN D4.S16
dPredQP1 DN D5.S16
qtemp1 QN Q3.S32
qtemp QN Q3.S16
dtemp0 DN D6.S16
dtemp1 DN D7.S16
dtemp2 DN D8.S16
dtemp3 DN D9.S16
dtemp4 DN D2.S16
dtemp5 DN D3.S16
dtemp6 DN D4.S16
dtemp7 DN D5.S16
qtempPred1 QN Q5.S32
qtempPred QN Q5.S16
dtempPred0 DN D10.S16
dtempPred1 DN D11.S16
M_START omxVCM4P2_PredictReconCoefIntra,r11,d11
;// Assigning pointers to Input arguments on Stack
M_ARG predQPonStack,4
M_ARG predDironStack,4
M_ARG ACPredFlagonStack,4
M_ARG videoComponStack,4
;// DC Prediction
M_LDR videoComp,videoComponStack ;// Load videoComp From Stack
M_LDR predDir,predDironStack ;// Load Prediction direction
;// DC Scaler calculation
LDR index, =armVCM4P2_DCScaler
ADD index,index,videoComp,LSL #5
LDRB dcScaler,[index,QP]
LDR predCoeffTable, =armVCM4P2_Reciprocal_QP_S16 ;// Loading the table with entries 32767/(1 to 63)
CMP predDir,#2 ;// Check if the Prediction direction is vertical
;// Caulucate tempPred
LDREQSH absCoeffDC,[pPredBufRow] ;// If vetical load the coeff from Row Prediction Buffer
LDRNESH absCoeffDC,[pPredBufCol] ;// If horizontal load the coeff from column Prediction Buffer
RSB negdcScaler,dcScaler,#0 ;// negdcScaler=-dcScaler
MOV temp1,absCoeffDC ;// Load the Prediction coeff to temp for comparision
CMP temp1,#0
RSBLT absCoeffDC,temp1,#0 ;// calculate absolute val of prediction coeff
ADD temp,dcScaler,dcScaler
LDRH temp,[predCoeffTable,temp] ;// Load value from coeff table for performing division using multiplication
SMULBB tempPred,temp,absCoeffDC ;// tempped=pPredBufRow(Col)[0]*32767/dcScaler
ADD temp3,dcScaler,#1
LSR tempPred,tempPred,#15 ;// tempped=pPredBufRow(Col)[0]/dcScaler
LSR temp3,temp3,#1 ;// temp3=round(dcScaler/2)
MLA Rem,negdcScaler,tempPred,absCoeffDC ;// Remainder Rem=abs(pPredBufRow(Col)[0])-tempPred*dcScaler
LDRH dcRowbufCoeff,[pPredBufCol]
CMP Rem,temp3 ;// compare Rem with (dcScaler/2)
ADDGE tempPred,#1 ;// tempPred=tempPred+1 if Rem>=(dcScaler/2)
CMP temp1,#0
RSBLT tempPred,tempPred,#0 ;// tempPred=-tempPred if
STRH dcRowbufCoeff,[pPredBufRow,#-16]
LDRH temp,[pSrcDst] ;// temp=pSrcDst[0]
ADD temp,temp,tempPred ;// temp=pSrcDst[0]+tempPred
SSAT16 temp,#12,temp ;// clip temp to [-2048,2047]
SMULBB dcColBuffCoeff,temp,dcScaler ;// temp1=clipped(pSrcDst[0])*dcScaler
M_LDR ACPredFlag,ACPredFlagonStack
STRH dcColBuffCoeff,[pPredBufCol]
;// AC Prediction
M_LDR predQP,predQPonStack
CMP ACPredFlag,#1 ;// Check if the AC prediction flag is set or not
BNE Exit ;// If not set Exit
CMP predDir,#2 ;// Check the Prediction direction
LDR predCoeffTable, =armVCM4P2_Reciprocal_QP_S32 ;// Loading the table with entries 0x1ffff/(1 to 63)
MOV Const,#4
MUL curQP,curQP,Const ;// curQP=4*curQP
VDUP dPredQP0,predQP
LDR temp2,[predCoeffTable,curQP] ;// temp=0x1ffff/curQP
VDUP qCoeffTab,temp2
BNE Horizontal ;// If the Prediction direction is horizontal branch to Horizontal
;// Vertical
;//Calculating tempPred
VLD1 {dPredRowBuf0,dPredRowBuf1},[pPredBufRow] ;// Loading pPredBufRow[i]:i=0 t0 7
VMULL qtemp1,dPredRowBuf0,dPredQP0 ;//qtemp1[i]=pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]: i=0 t0 3
VMUL qtempPred1,qtemp1,qCoeffTab ;//qtempPred1[i]=pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]*0x1ffff/curQP : i=0 t0 3
VMULL qtemp1,dPredRowBuf1,dPredQP0 ;//qtemp1[i]=pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i] : i=4 t0 7
VRSHR qtempPred1,qtempPred1,#17 ;//qtempPred1[i]=round(pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]/curQP) : i=0 t0 3
VSHRN dPredQP1,qtempPred1,#0 ;// narrow qtempPred1[i] to 16 bits
VMUL qtempPred1,qtemp1,qCoeffTab ;//qtempPred1[i]=pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]*0x1ffff/curQP : i=4 t0 7
VRSHR qtempPred1,qtempPred1,#17 ;//qtempPred1[i]=round(pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]/curQP) : i=4 t0 7
VLD1 {dtemp0,dtemp1},[pSrcDst] ;//Loading pSrcDst[i] : i=0 to 7
VSHRN dtempPred1,qtempPred1,#0 ;// narrow qtempPred1[i] to 16 bits
VMOV dtempPred0,dPredQP1
;//updating source and row prediction buffer contents
VADD qtemp,qtemp,qtempPred ;//pSrcDst[i]=pSrcDst[i]+qtempPred[i]: i=0 to 7
VQSHL qtemp,qtemp,#4 ;//Clip to [-2048,2047]
LDRH dcRowbufCoeff,[pPredBufRow] ;//Loading Dc Value of Row Prediction buffer
VSHR qtemp,qtemp,#4
VST1 {dtemp0,dtemp1},[pSrcDst] ;//storing back the updated values
VST1 {dtemp0,dtemp1},[pPredBufRow] ;//storing back the updated row prediction values
STRH dcRowbufCoeff,[pPredBufRow] ;// storing the updated DC Row Prediction coeff
B Exit
;// Calculating Temppred
VLD1 {dPredRowBuf0,dPredRowBuf1},[pPredBufCol] ;// Loading pPredBufCol[i]:i=0 t0 7
VMULL qtemp1,dPredRowBuf0,dPredQP0 ;//qtemp1[i]=pPredBufCol[i]*dPredQP[i]: i=0 t0 3
VMUL qtempPred1,qtemp1,qCoeffTab ;//qtempPred1[i]=pPredBufCol[i]*dPredQP[i]*0x1ffff/curQP : i=0 t0 3
VMULL qtemp1,dPredRowBuf1,dPredQP0 ;//qtemp1[i]=pPredBufCol[i]*dPredQP[i] : i=4 t0 7
VRSHR qtempPred1,qtempPred1,#17 ;//qtempPred1[i]=round(pPredBufCol[i]*dPredQP[i]/curQP) : i=0 t0 3
VSHRN dPredQP1,qtempPred1,#0 ;// narrow qtempPred1[i] to 16 bits
VMUL qtempPred1,qtemp1,qCoeffTab ;//qtempPred1[i]=pPredBufCol[i]*dPredQP[i]*0x1ffff/curQP : i=4 t0 7
MOV temppPredColBuf,pPredBufCol
VRSHR qtempPred1,qtempPred1,#17 ;//qtempPred1[i]=round(pPredBufCol[i]*dPredQP[i]/curQP) : i=4 t0 7
VLD4 {dtemp0,dtemp1,dtemp2,dtemp3},[pSrcDst] ;// Loading coefficients Interleaving by 4
VSHRN dtempPred1,qtempPred1,#0 ;// narrow qtempPred1[i] to 16 bits
VMOV dtempPred0,dPredQP1
;// Updating source and column prediction buffer contents
ADD temp2,pSrcDst,#32
VLD4 {dtemp4,dtemp5,dtemp6,dtemp7},[temp2] ;// Loading next 16 coefficients Interleaving by 4
VUZP dtemp0,dtemp4 ;// Interleaving by 8
VADD dtemp0,dtemp0,dtempPred0 ;// Adding tempPred to coeffs
VQSHL dtemp0,dtemp0,#4 ;// Clip to [-2048,2047]
VSHR dtemp0,dtemp0,#4
VST1 {dtemp0},[pPredBufCol]! ;// Updating Pridiction column buffer
VZIP dtemp0,dtemp4 ;// deinterleaving
VST4 {dtemp0,dtemp1,dtemp2,dtemp3},[pSrcDst] ;// Updating source coeffs
VST4 {dtemp4,dtemp5,dtemp6,dtemp7},[temp2]!
MOV temp1,temp2
VLD4 {dtemp0,dtemp1,dtemp2,dtemp3},[temp2]! ;// Loading coefficients Interleaving by 4
VLD4 {dtemp4,dtemp5,dtemp6,dtemp7},[temp2]
VUZP dtemp0,dtemp4 ;// Interleaving by 8
VADD dtemp0,dtemp0,dtempPred1
VQSHL dtemp0,dtemp0,#4 ;// Clip to [-2048,2047]
VSHR dtemp0,dtemp0,#4
VST1 {dtemp0},[pPredBufCol]!
VZIP dtemp0,dtemp4
VST4 {dtemp0,dtemp1,dtemp2,dtemp3},[temp1]
STRH dcColBuffCoeff,[temppPredColBuf]
VST4 {dtemp4,dtemp5,dtemp6,dtemp7},[temp2]
STRH temp,[pSrcDst]
MOV Return,#OMX_Sts_NoErr